I am writing this about 90 minutes before President Trump speaks today, 16 Apr 20. As President Trump rolls out a path to open our economy there will be death. This is sad but true regardless of who makes the call. It could be a governor of a state or any previous or future president. Death from the virus will increase when we reopen the economy.
Veterans know this truth all too well. We all knew the risks when we signed on the dotted line. The difference this time is it is our civilian population that must deal with this dark truth. Our healthcare workers & those still working have been dealing with this risk for weeks.
We are faced with a clear decision. It is death by disease or death by distress.
Sadly, there will be those who will make political hay out of this tragedy. Do not be disappointed when you see it happen. You have been notified in advance. If you are politically astute you already knew.
To those who will soon criticize the president speak now or forever hold your peace. If you have a better solution say it now, not in hindsight. I will not listen after the fact.
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The President needs to leave the decision to reopen with the States. President Trump refused to implement a nationwide shut down, he left it to the states. Now he has no authority to order the States to reopen. The President does not have total power, or anything close.
I have a feeling he is just trying to tweak the melons of the left. Another friend suggested he is playing 3D chess while others are playing checkers. Think about it.
The United States has a federalist system: a central government that has certain powers, with the state as the basic unit of political power. The allocation of power between the state and the federal government has been a point of contention from the Articles of Confederation to the present day. Also, how does the National Emergencies Act come into play?
So, other than letting governors have a say what do you suggest? Of course, he and Pence are listening to them every day. Even they admit that. Remember, no complaining after the fact!
I am in the highest risk group, 75 with two underlying disease. However, I need to be responsible for myself. I do not want trying to keep me safe to cause long term damage to our culture, our freedom, and our economy. I am concerned that this fear of virus will cause generational damage to our society.
During the Revolutionary war our forefathers faced smallpox, typhus, dysentery, malaria and a host of other maladies. They did not quit. We are becoming a country of wimps.
Roland McLean
Well spoken MSgt Kelly. With your comment, a line has been drawn in the sand and I don’t think anyone will be able to ‘toe it’. He’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. He’s smart enough to know the numbers of Americans that will succumb to the slow death of a decaying economy. If you find yourself a recipient of this stimulus miracle, then I suggest you NOT use it on anything but American made products/produce/services. I will be receiving the boon from my President and I won’t spend a red cent of it to purchase Chinese anything.
Hi Roland. While I’m only 62 I’m right there with you in underlying conditions. I figure I can stay home and let others go about their business. That’s on me and I’m OK with it. Chem warfare training wasn’t that hard to learn. Gear up (mask and gloves only during Gulf War I) and avoid potential contamination when taking it off. It’s just that simple.
Well said, Michael. Hope we learn to bring our manufacturing home after this!! Then we won’t have to worry about what we buy.
So, I guess you now have zero complaints. That’s exactly what he did. Just like he had the power to make GM and others produce ventilators, he opted not to.
I would have close to zero complaints if our numbers were similar to Taiwan’s or S Korea’s.
Jon, there are a couple of problems I have with that statement. First and foremost is the comparison. I do not have time to go into all the reasons for the differences. Even websites like Healthline.com do not come close to covering them all. There are many reasons for this difference. If you have ever been there (and I have) one practice I noticed long ago was the wearing of face covers. I noticed that on my first visit in the 1980’s. Those who thought they were coming down with something and those who had health issues wore them in public all the time. Many also wore white cotton gloves. There are likely tons of other good reasons their overall numbers are lower. They do not have friendly relations with China and travel back and forth does not even compare with that of the United States. We should be more like Taiwan in that respect.
Next, consider countries more like the United States. You know the numbers in Europe so why not compare us to them? Countries with higher death rates than America include Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and even little Luxembourg. If you want to look at tests per million most of those countries have had more tests per million people with worse death outcomes.
If you want to verify my statements you can look at this website and sort countries by the various columns.