I’ve been spending a lot of time talking to both veterans and non-veterans, moderates, and conservatives. I think the most profound yet simplistic thing I’ve heard anyone say so far is: Deep in your heart, you know Trump is the right choice. This was someone on the right talking to a moderate 2nd Amendment supporting Democrat. Maybe I should end there because that is all that really needs to be said. But, you know me, I’m not hard pressed for words. Time is my biggest problem. I sure do wish more of you would use our Guest Post feature.
I was also talking to two different moderate Dems that were not aware that Trump extended the unemployment by executive order. Yes, it is ending because of Nancy Pelosi but they didn’t even know he did it back in August. I sent them the link to FOX Business. We can only suppose others tried to shroud or downplay that in the news because both those Dems are fairly knowledgeable about what is going on. Luckily, neither one of those guys lost their jobs.
Maybe the unemployment thing stood out to me because my daughter has a couple of friends that decided to stay on unemployment. They were still making more than if they went back to work. It is so bad I’ve seen McDonald’s offering up to $200 sign-on bonuses in my area. That might end when our state stops making those extra payments in December. There really ought to be a way to direct money to places that don’t have tons of job openings. However, that would be the job of the state since they pay unemployment.
The job market is a double-edged sword. Speaking from the point of view as a business owner and a former employee. I am now mostly retired so I can tell you the absolute truth. It is hard as hell to find a good employee in any economy. When unemployment was at 3.5% (before China Flu) wages were rising fast and you could not fill certain positions. If you want a good worker you are going to have to pay more when the job market is tight. When unemployment is high people looking for work are not happy either. One way or another either a business owner or employee is not going to be happy. If you want to know why some big businesses don’t support Trump look no further than that. They want unemployment to be high so they can pay lower wages. That’s what a Biden/Harris win will get them.
There is a lot of crap I’ve not covered in the past couple of weeks. Again, it is a matter of not having time. Besides few are really going to be persuaded by now unless something HUGE happens that the liberal media will pay attention to. They ignore the lies and misleading statements by Biden and Harris while hammering Trump for the slightest thing. They ignore all the declassified documents that prove that even Obama knew about the Hillary Russian Collusion hoax that was hatched against Trump. They ignore the fact that Biden has been wrong about every foreign policy position according to his own people. They ignore that Biden used influence to make his son and brother rich. They ignore that Biden was in charge of Swine Flu and his own guy Ron Klain said they did everything wrong. They let Biden get away with lies about Climate Change (whatever that means today) as the reason for California Wildfires.
As you can tell the list goes on and on. The mainstream media is not honest. Only those who really pay attention understand the simple truth. Deep in your heart, you know Trump is the right choice.
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Well said, Sgt Mike.
I was lying in bed this morning early listening to the rain. I was on the fringes of waking up, neither in deep sleep nor fully awake. Somewhere during that time, a thought came to me straight out of the blue and that though was this: even if it was true that the reason Biden withheld that billion dollar aid package to Ukraine was because of a corrupt prosecutor, that’s STILL a quid pro quo. Of course we all know that’s NOT true and Biden/Obama did that simply to protect Hunter (and in effect THEMSELVES) from being prosecuted but even if things were as they say they were, wouldn’t that still qualify as a quid pro quo? What business do we have as a nation to tell another nation how to run their legal proceedings? We’ve got ‘Creepy Joe’ ON TAPE cavalierly admitting to committing an illegal act and not only is he running for the highest and most powerful office in the land (and quite possibly the world), he’s also not gonna see a single day in prison. I have minimal (if any) confidence in our system of ‘justice’ and am at the point where I can’t mention the words ‘justice system’ or ‘Department of Justice’ without complete and total disdain. Such a sad time in which we live as so many seem to have have sold their souls.
I agree Michael. I have first hand knowledge of how the corrupt legal system operates. Getting people to plead guilty to things they are not guilty of is an acceptable practice in America. I’m sure innocent people plead guilty all the time simply because they cannot take the chance of a harsher penalty. This is why I strongly sympathized with General Flynn. People should understand the enormous resources the government has to bankrupt you, threaten your family and basically terrorize you. They did all this to General Flynn.
There are so many real criminals on the Democrat team and Trump hating deep state. I do not fear we are becoming a corrupt nation but that we already are. It started to become apparent to me with Bill Clinton and has gotten worse ever since. It is no surprise Hillary was behind the whole Russian Collusion plan to take out Trump and that Obama was well aware of it all. I am not surprised it was Biden who came up with the method. I am surprised President Trump has survived this long. If Biden wins and Republicans ever win the House back they should start Impeachment hearings on Biden immediately.