This past week or so I received a bit more hate email than usual. I’m supposing it is because of Veterans Day and all the hubbub about where President Trump was and wasn’t.
Let me answer a common objection about where President Trump was on Veterans Day weekend while in France or missing Arlington.
First, neither President Bush or Obama went to Europe for Armistice Day in their combined 16 years. Click here for Bush’s overseas trip schedule and click here for Obama.
Next, there is a Meme going around that Trump was the first President in 56 years to not attend Arlington’s wreath-laying ceremony. That is not true either. Click here for the facts. Nor did President Obama visit Arlington in the rain this year!
President Trump does wish he had a “do-over” for this because he did not think it would make such a splash. I can see why he would have thought that considering the real record of previous Presidents.
Last but not least, I know it is traditional to go to cemeteries on Veterans Day. However, the fact is that is what Memorial Day is all about. Veterans Day is about the living, not the dead. Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia and a link to the entire article:
Veterans Day is distinct from Memorial Day, a U.S. public holiday in May. Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, while Memorial Day honors those who died while in military service.
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Yes, Trump is in the wrong for not attending the 100 Anniversary of the Armistice Signing. French, German and Canadian leaders managed to attend, despite the rain grounding helicopters. He was the ONLY Western Leader that was too…. Something…. To attend. His reason, he did not want to disturb Paris traffic with his motorcade, might ring a little better if the other leaders’ motorcades did not tie up traffic too bad.
Yes Neither Obama nor Bush jr. visited Armistice Ceremonies. However, there was no International Ceremony there during their years in office. The 100th Anniversary should have been attended. Trump’s absence show a deep disrespect to the Armed Forces who paid the ultimate sacrifice.
You made another point of the criticism of Trump’s failure to visit the Arlington National Cemetery.. Your link shows that the ONLY Presidents who did not make the Veteran’s Day Pilgrimage, and were not out of town, was Trump and Bush. Trump spent 2018 at the WH and Bush jr. spent 1990 at Camp David. (From your link to Snopes) Seems that those disrespectful Democrats managed to make the trip when they were in DC.
Yes Memorial Day is for remembering the Dead and Veteran’s Day is for the living. It was to the living that Trump showed his disrespect with his lack of visits, no visits to the troops either. Obama managed to visit with only three months in office, Bush jr. at 9 months. How many months has it been for Trump?
These visits. Or lack, is not the reason I say Trump does not respect the military or servicemen. How many times has he criticize the Joint Chiefs? How many times has he said that he knows more about military command than the brass, that they are running the war wrong? How much respect has he shown Gold Star families. Those are probably the most obscene actions that he has done.
Not only does he show his scorn for the Uniform Troops, but what about his comments on our Intelligence Agencies? He takes PUTIN’S word over the intelligence agencies? He takes the word of the Saudi Prince over the intelligence agencies? His statements in Helsinki were walked back, but how about the dozens of other times he has made comments like those about the intelligence agencies? His latest, telling the world that our intelligence agencies do not know what they are doing!!! He takes the Saudi’s word over the intelligence agencies expertise?
I love this “Hater’s Corner”. God knows you have to keep all other view points isolated so they won’t contaminate your views. I must be old, I remember when people sought out those with different viewpoints to talk with. We always felt that people who refuse to listen to others, who only want to hear their viewpoints, would have been better off talking to an echo chamber.
I am not a “Hater”. I really wanted and still want Trump to be everything he says he is. He is OUR President, anyone who wants him to fail must want to country to fail. But that does not mean turning a blind eye to his actions.
His constant attack on the media and law enforcement need to stop! He is our Chief Law Enforcement Officer!!! Saying that someone who is cooperating with Federal Prosecutors a “Rat” shows that he really is put of his depth.
Vets attacked Obama when he showed disrespect, we did to all Presidents. Why is Trump suppose to be above this?
Haters Corner was put there for those using the Contact Form. Each post has a Comments section. People can post whatever they like in either place. However, sending me, one person, hate email doesn’t get their point the exposure they are looking for. Again, I put up Haters Corners for those folks. As you and others can see, there is the ability to post comments on every post. Hope that helps explain the reason.
“His constant attack on the media and law enforcement need to stop!” No, it does not. (my opinion). President Trump supports Law Enforcement and honest Media. There is a lot to unpack here and I should right another post or two on this subject. I’ll put it on my list of things to do. Wish I was rich and could do nothing but write all day!