Over the years there are many things I wish Trump did not say. There are many other things he could have said differently. I’m not sure if he is simply that unfiltered or if he does things on purpose to drive the media and others crazy. The saying “all publicity is good publicity” means that it’s better to have attention focused on a name than to be unnoticed. It’s usually said in response to someone getting media attention they don’t want.
Recently Trump outlined the death and destruction looters bring to our cities and what is happening to law enforcement. So, the latest complaint is that Trump said “If you rob a store you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store.” during a speech. Of course, the crowd loudly applauded.
Any reasonable person knows this isn’t going to happen. It is not the way we deal with looters unless they are brandishing weapons and threatening the lives of others. However, it is interesting as a point of discussion.
Firstly, the resounding applause suggests that a significant number of respectable Americans desire to witness looters being stopped at all costs. It is clear that a considerable portion of the population has become fatigued with the Democratic Party’s position on maintaining law and order. This sentiment arises from several factors, one of which is the Democrats’ emphasis on social justice at the expense of upholding lawful conduct within society.
Next, my thoughts turn to an email I received from Robert, an E-2 who claims to have served for two years, as stated in his form submission. He expresses his belief that President Trump’s remarks about shooting looters resemble something one would hear from a person in a seedy bar. I must admit, it does have a certain humorous aspect to it. However, what Robert fails to grasp is that a significant portion of the American population desires an end to this chaos. If it means resorting to force and a few individuals getting injured, then so be it. Of course, it is highly unlikely that such extreme measures will ever be taken, but I understand the underlying sentiment.
I am curious about Robert’s perspective on the unfortunate incident involving the murder of Ashley Babbit. It is disconcerting to note that Lt. Michael Byrd faced no legal consequences or reprimand for this tragic event. In fact, he was even promoted to the rank of Captain. It raises concerns about the potential for impunity in certain circumstances.
Although I would prefer if Trump expressed his thoughts in a more refined manner, the essence of my argument remains: Democrats are responsible for the current predicament. In simpler terms, they have fostered an atmosphere that has led countless upstanding Americans to align with Trump’s sentiments.
If you read this Robert feel free to reply.
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Trump has said worse. He is right on this one. Saying that its something that “would be said in a seedy bar” is a low IQ response and shows the decline of our military since I got out. Lots of things are said in seedy bars that are not wrong or even cruel to say, One is just as likely to hear opposite political views in a “seedy bar.”
I don’t go to seedy bars, but I would absolutely stand by the statement that self-defense includes the right not to be robbed. We have the right to life, liberty AND PROPERTY. The idea that one cannot use fatal self-defense unless one’s life is threatened is one, erroneous political point of view. Self-defense is a duty when property rights are violated as well.
Here is a link to part of the video where Trump talks about this. He frames it in the context of using Federal Law Enforcement at around 20 seconds in. He then points out that some of these looters are hurting and even killing people. I cannot find how many people have been killed during these looting sprees. We know many have died during the past few years from the “summer of love” riots. An exact number is hard to find but it is significant.
When it comes to using any law enforcement to shoot people as they are leaving a store after looting, that isn’t going to happen. However, they should be met with strong non-lethal force and made to pay for a very long time.
Laws vary from state to state on owners of businesses and residences standing their ground. In most states, if you are in fear of your life you have the right to use lethal force. Years ago I had an intruder in my house when I arrived home. I did not have a weapon on me at the time. If I had I can assure you the intruder would not have made it out alive. He escaped through the back door. Lucky for him. When the State Police showed up they assured me and my neighbors they had the right to shoot anyone intruding into their home.
I think the problem for Robert is he thought Trump was saying he would have Federal Law Enforcement shoot people as they ran from a store after looting. While I would not have a moral problem with that there are legal constraints.
Gen. John Kelly, former President Donald Trump’s chief of staff, confirmed to CNN on today the details of a bombshell September 2020 story about the then-president referring to Americans who were wounded or gave their lives in the service of the country as “suckers” and “losers.”
How can a supporter of Veterans just shrug this off and support Trump who claimed bone spurs for a draft deferment. Or just shrug off his 91 felony charges as if they are all some conspiracy. Or watch him on TV or read his social media posts and not understand that he is not a normal person with normal values. You have to be intentionally blind not to realize how unfit this cowardly man is to lead.
“Vets for Trump is about policy, not personality.” So what is Vets for Trump’s policy about individuals who dodged the draft during the Vietnam war? Individuals who have called American soldiers killed in battle suckers and losers? Is Vets for Trump’s policy that an individual who has done those things is qualified to be commander in chief of the armed forces?
Bone spurs asked and answered many times https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-tried-to-show-biographer-bone-spurs-that-helped-him-avoid-draft-2018-12
Your second point has also been asked and answered before. It is worse than hearsay. Let’s put them all under oath if you’d like. Just like 51 Intel folks suggesting the Hunter Biden laptop had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. Just like Russian collusion hoax. Just like the call with Zalinski. Just like the fine people hoax. If you want to believe the lies feel free. I wouldn’t say you are a loser or sucker but you are one sided for sure. It is completely out of character for Trump so I’ll go with him and all the others who were actually there that say it isn’t true. Please, feel free to vote for Biden who killed veterans, kills Americans with his open borders and embarrases us daily on the world stage with my blessing. It is a free country. I’m guessing you have no children or grandchildren to think about. At the end of my life that is all I care about.
President Trump has pushed back hard against the reports, calling them “fake news”.
“To think that I would make statements negative to our military and our fallen heroes when nobody’s done what I’ve done with the budgets, with the military budgets, with getting pay raises for our military,” he said. “It is a disgraceful situation by a magazine that’s a terrible magazine.”
Speaking to reporters on Friday, he suggested the source of the story was his former White House chief of staff, John Kelly. Mr Trump said the former US Marine general “was unable to handle the pressure of this job”.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Fox News on Friday morning he was with the president for a good part of the trip to France and never heard him use the words described in the article.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper was quoted by Politico as saying Mr Trump had “the highest respect and admiration for our nation’s military members, veterans and families”, though the Pentagon chief did not explicitly deny the story.
Another former White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, and former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders were among those in Mr Trump’s orbit who rejected the story as false.
Ashley Babbit was part of a mob armed with plastic lockties and more hollering hang Mike Pence and where’s Nancy, clearly intending to do harm to congress members, the officer who shot her was doing his job protecting congress from a threatening violent mob.
So you agree with Trump. It is OK to shoot unarmed people who are part of a threatening violent mob. Understood and thanks for your input. I guess Trump might be justified in his statement after all.
Just an additional note: Even John Bolton who hates Trump denies Trump ever said what you quote.
John Bolton says claims that Trump called US war dead ‘losers’ are ‘false’ as ambassador to France insists President canceled 2018 visit to military cemetery because of bad weather – not ‘because he feared getting hair wet’