The Democrats are more concerned about the 2020 Presidential election and are ignoring the important issues facing the American people. The majority of Congress appears to be focused on this pending impeachment sham. These partisans are using Hollywood style/ coordinated liberal media techniques to deliver a one-sided argument. Why is the Burisma/ Hunter connection completely ignored?
I would think the impeachment probe would include and question why then-Vice President Bidens son (Hunter), received a $50,000 a month high official job with a post former Soviet executive connected company called Burisma. Is this not compromising the United States’ 2016 President’s Executive Branch? Where is the integrity, Honor, and fairness in that?
Yet Adam Schiff’s precedence appears to be, to only call opinionated, Trump-Hating policy, bureaucracy swamp members. My opinion is that the real collusion is the Democrats/leftist media who are trying to hide the Obama /Bidens Russian connection.
In conclusion, one must remember that the Obama administration provided the legitimate Ukrainian government only humanitarian aid-and some intelligence information. Trump administration gave them what they wanted ammunition, weapons, missiles and training. All this is being used to fight off the Russian insurgents in Eastern Ukraine. What policy helped the Russians more?
LTC Michael “Goose” Bogmenko RET. USAR. P.S. Ukrainian American Citizen
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Why is the President asking another country to investigate an American Citizen?
How can the phone call be about Coruption when he NEVER mentioned corruption?
Is the Ukraine the ONLY country that has a corruption problem?
Is Biden the only person to commit corruption in the Ukraine?
Why has the President NOT insisted that those countries investigate the corruption in those countries?
The Ukraine did not need military aid until Russia invaded. Then the GOP Controlled Congress did not approve aid until Trump was in office.
Why is the Impeachment a sham?
Hasn’t EVERY SINGLE WITNESS confirmed that Trump did expect quid pro quo?
How is the President using Congressionally approved aid for personal extortion proper?
What witness could possibly justify the President using the office for personal gain?
Is that what you all sacrificed so much for?
Jon, again there is a lot to unpack in your comments. I will go line by line.
Burisma is tied to the Bidens. Trump did not make that happen. We can’t help that Biden is an American citizen. Is he above the law?
Corruption is a well-known fact in Ukraine. So much so that the current President of Ukraine ran on an anti-corruption platform.
No, Ukraine is not the only country that is corrupt and it came out that Trump has held up aid to many corrupt countries.
No Biden is not the only person guilty of corruption in Ukraine. Were you unaware that the DNC worked with Ukraine to try and undermine Trump? See this Politico article from January 2017.
How do you know he has not?
Here is an article from 2014 on aid to Ukraine under Obama. Headline is: Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko secured $53 million in assistance from the United States yesterday (18 September) but President Barack Obama for now turned down his appeals for weapons to fight Russian-backed separatists. Poroshenko said to Obama: “Please understand me correctly. Blankets, night-vision goggles are also important. But one cannot win the war with blankets.” He added: “Even more, we cannot keep the peace with a blanket.”
Impeachment is a sham because… See answer to the next question that includes the one on quid pro quo.
So far as I know quid pro quo was about a White House visit. When you go to the store and buy something it is quid pro quo. Please see real news. Why is it that all the witnesses, when asked if they had evidence of a crime said, no?
I’m guessing you never watch real news. Let me make this easy. So far nobody has testified that they have evidence President Trump committed a crime. None, zero, nada, zilch.
Your next question has already been debunked. See today’s news. Again, real news, not partisan news.
Next question, answer the same as the last.
Who is you all? Do you mean veterans? I thought you were a veteran too. Yes, that is what we sacrifice for, truth, justice and the American way as Superman used to say.
What is the difference between Biden’s son and any if the Trump children? They are just as or more guilty of corruption than Biden’s son.
How many times has either Biden been convicted of corruption?
How many times have the Trumps been convicted of corruption?