Who Will Destroy America First, that is the question. For a long time we have seen foreign adversaries as the number 1 threat to our way of life. Maybe it is already too late. The left cannot get past their hatred of Trump’s personality. Thankfully many on the left are starting to see the light. Personality doesn’t matter as much as policy.
When making decisions, the focus should primarily be on policy rather than personality. While personality traits may influence how policies are implemented, evaluated, and communicated, it is ultimately the effectiveness of the policies themselves that have a lasting impact. Veterans understand this better than most. You may not have liked the personality of your military leaders but they were usually focused on mission first.
Policies are created based on research, analysis, and data-driven decision-making to address specific issues or achieve certain goals. Personality may come into play in negotiating or persuading others to support certain policies, but the substance of the policies themselves should be the determining factor in decision-making processes. By prioritizing policy over personality, organizations can ensure that decisions are made based on logic, evidence, and objectives rather than personal biases or relationships.
Granted, Trump has a tough New York City street smart personality. However, we had 2 years to evaluate his policies before the China Flu changed everything. What he accomplished in those 2 years was amazing considering the lies that were told about him. It wasn’t the normal type of lies told about many people in politics. It raised itself to the level of unwarranted legal action that continues to this day.
As I said, it may already be too late to undo the damage of the Democrats. That remains to be seen. They have gone much further than the old Jimmy Carter administration which led to 12 years of Republican Presidencies. We will need to repeat that plus have control of both the House and the Senate to start setting the ship aright.
In maritime terminology, “setting the ship aright” refers to the process of correcting the course or position of a vessel that may have veered off track or encountered obstacles such as rough seas or strong winds. This task requires a strategic and calculated approach, involving precise navigation skills, effective communication among crew members, and decisive decision-making by the captain. Trump is the only captain that can achieve this.
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What is happening is predicted in the Bible.
I live as though God will not bring it to a close for several years, but expect it to be soon.
Make sure you are ready to go meet God.
Imagine a President Trump Who Owes Saudi Arabia $540 Million
I think the number is 140 million but yes. Biden’s brother was hired to broker secret $140M Saudi deal when Joe was veep, docs reveal
LOL! You know the $540 million refers to the amount the state of New York just saddled him with. Jared Kushner has got hundreds of millions invested in his business by the Saudis in payment for the favors he did them as a Trump adviser. Jim Biden is a private businessman with no role in the government and, so far, the only witness the house GOP has come up with accusing Joe Biden of ill gotten gains is in jail, arrested by the FBI for lying, and recent ties to Russian intelligence.
Yes, I know. Just making the point that the pot is calling the kettle black. Here is an article that puts the Hunter vs Jared thing in perspective if you care to consider both sides (which is rare these days). However, you will find that there is rarely an accusation or news story where I do not analyze from both sides.
In order to be in my position you must understand both sides of any issue. That is not the case with 99.9% of people who leave comments here. I may present my side but it is not without understanding the other side. Most of this political stuff is laughable to me as I am so familiar with Psy Ops. In a way I’m happy Joe Biden is President. I believe it was needed to show Americans why they should refuse to follow the policies of the left. My only fear is it has done so much damage it will be difficult to reverse. Policy outcomes should be the focus, not these petty jabs and lawfare. I’m hoping to find people who agree but I think most people like the petty things because it takes too much effort to solve real problems.
When it comes to Alexander Smirnov you will not find a single post on this website about him. I know what the Dems hope to achieve by twisting this into a reason to stop the investigation into Joe Biden but it will not stand muster. If you care to know more read here. There is an outstanding veteran who is the Democrats chief problem, Tony Bobulinski. You may want to listen to him. This video is from 3 years ago.