When you look at the images and video of Gaza remember it was Hamas, not Israel that did this. You cannot lift an anvil over your head held by a rope, cut that rope, and blame someone else. It is just that simple. Cause and effect is the nature of reality. You cannot hide behind women and children and complain about collateral damage when you caused the death of the innocents.
War is the normal state of human civilization. Peace is the rare exception. It is easy to think that peace is the normal state of mankind. Examined on a global level peace is the rare exception. It is often said that nothing matters until it becomes personal. That is what just happened in Israel. How would you deal with a situation if it were your loved ones who were tortured, murdered, and taken captive?
I know many of you want us to keep videos short. That is not the nature of the beast, at least for my buddy Mac. He and I are different creatures. I write a lot and speak little. He speaks a lot and writes little. We both have much to say but present it in two different ways. Therefore, only watch as much of the video as you want. You are not compelled to watch any or all of it. Thanks for understanding as I plan to post more of our videos from MacAndMike.com here in the future.
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terrorism is terrorism. Hamas is isis as is terrorism.
With our open southern border, I wouldn’t be surprised if terrorists have been coming here in droves. When they decide to attack and drag people out of their homes, as happened in Israel, those who kept their “assault” weapons will be glad they did.
Trump praises Hezbollah: Mort Klein, the president of the Zionist Organization of America, which has previously honored Trump, said the former president’s comments were “reckless and irresponsible,” adding: “I’m so ashamed of what he said. How does he expect support from people who care about Israel after making statements like this?”
‘He’s a Fool!’ Chris Christie Rips Trump For Praising Hezbollah, He Can’t Get ‘Near the Presidency’ Again
OK, we got it, you support Chris Christie for President. Thanks for your input.
Washington Post fake news: “Biden rises to the occasion on Israel and Hamas. Trump sinks to a new low.”
Yes, timing is everything. It is too soon for the truth. Remember I wrote an article titled I Wish He Had Not Said That back on 1 Oct 23. I guess I should add, I wish he had not said that at this time.
Now for my view of it.
1. I think the timing is what many call “too soon”. Trump was being honest at the wrong time. One of the things many of us like or love about Trump is he says what he is thinking. I suppose I identify with this a bit. When I would get my annual APR in the military my strongest and weakest point were the same thing for many years. I said what I thought to be true regardless of consequences. While I could really piss people off I was given points for credibility. A friend used to say, “Mike, in whom there is no guile.” based on John 1:47 about Nathanael.
2. Of course his opponents are going to pounce. His opponents are not biased at all, are they?
3. What Trump said is not false. Smart does not equal good or praise. If you say “I hope the enemy doesn’t hit me at my weak spot” and then you tell them where your weak spot is, is the enemy “smart” to listen to you? You are “not smart” to point it out even if the enemy may have already thought of it. Would you be that stupid?
4. Did Netanyahu let us down when it came to killing Iranian Gen. Soleimani? It looks like that may also be the case, but it will be disputed in coming days I am sure. I still like Netanyahu. Someone can let you down and you can still work with them and even like them. Then again, I am the forgiving sort.
So, I agree it is bad timing for sure but nothing Trump said is as outrageous as political rivals & the left make it out to be. Do you understand how politics works? It was a small part of a long speech and that part was more a criticism of the Biden administration in context. I do hope you are just as outraged at Biden. Who supported Israel more, Trump or Biden? History matters. Also remember Trump’s daughter and son-in-law are Jewish! Oh, and don’t forget about the Obama / Netanyahu relationship.
I agree that Trump can be insensitive but then again I do not get offended easily. I identify as a man. (LOL just had to throw that in there.)
Of course, WAPO, and other main stream media will blow things out of proportion. I was 18 in 1976. I recall the Jimmy Carter ordeal as I was just going to college and starting in the workforce. We all suffered with inflation, gas prices and hostages. It is all looking like the same thing to me. The economy continued to grow after the 1980-82 recession as we recovered from the Democrat Jimmy Carter years. Inflation slowed, and unemployment and interest rates declined.
Americans simply need to re-learn history or if younger learn it through experience. We will hopefully be looking at 12 years of America First Presidents. Things have got to change or our country, as we knew it, is gone.
You are listening to propaganda when you say Trump is impressed by the ruthlessness of Hamas. Do your homework or at least read the comment thread here that corrects the propaganda. I encourage you to view the actual full video instead of reading what somebody says he said. The first thing they taught me in counter interrogation training was how easy it is to manipulate video and audio. That was a long time ago and they’ve only gotten better at it. If you want to simply say I don’t like Trump and I don’t care about the truth then that’s OK I guess. Plenty of people feel that way but they almost never tell me who they want instead. At least one guy prefers Chris Christie. If that’s who you want, just say it.
Since you people like Propaganda I’ve added a Pop Up. I do not know if you are ignorant or willfully ignorant. No judgement but I’m now deleting your comment as the Pop Up promises I will do.