Jacob Blake had a knife inside his vehicle when he was shot seven times by a Wisconsin police officer as he opened the SUV’s door, authorities revealed Wednesday.
The discovery of the weapon, found on the driver’s side floorboard of Blake’s SUV, was announced by the Wisconsin Department of Justice, who is investigating the Sunday shooting in Kenosha that has ignited deadly protests in the city.
In contrast, Jacob Blake’s mother Julia Jackson had said that the destruction taking place in Kenosha does not reflect the wishes of her family. Her son would not be pleased to see the devastation caused in his name, she added. She also apologized to President Trump on CNN.
From what I observed of Blake’s mother she is a saint. If you have a child who has gone astray and you are a Christian your heart breaks. I know this from my own family history. Some of the best kids come from some of the worst homes and some of the worst kids come out of great homes. It is not a blanket statement that is meant to cover all cases. What I’m saying is there is no accounting for why some young people do stupid stuff when they are taught better.
If you want to end police violence then stop doing stupid stuff. Learn from the examples of all these past police encounters that they are not fooling around. You may think you can do drugs, resist arrest and treat police badly. What you may learn is that some cops will not be as tolerant.
Parents play a huge role in correcting the situation that some perceive as police brutality. Parents, teach your children to have respect for the law. 99.99% of all this crap could be stopped if people just respected and complied with the police. Do you think for one minute that a cop wants to be met with resistance or abuse? How would you react if you were that cop?
Cops are not usually bad people. As a matter of fact, I don’t know how they put up with what they do. Are there bad apples? Sure. But, just like you wouldn’t judge all Muslims on the actions of some you should not judge all cops by the actions of some. We did not attack peaceful Muslims living in America after 9/11. Neither should you attack good police for a perceived violation of authority. Maybe you should wait until the full story comes out. Even George Floyd might have died from a drug overdose without Chauvin’s knee on his neck. We will never know the answer to that but what Chauvin did does not reflect on all. You run the risk of being seriously injured or killed for rioting. Don’t you get that?
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The police, by an almost unanimous percentage, are dedicated professionals. Shoot, ~95% of them never even draw their sidearm in their whole career. Unfortunately, the VERY FEW bad apples have absolutely ruined the reputation of Law Enforcement as a whole. The public sees seemly unjustifiable violence, and then they see other cops lying to over it up.
Did the cops know about Jacob Blake’s knife? If not, then it has no bearing on this case. From what I read, it was under a floor mat.
When did the cops actually try to stop Jacob Blake before he got to the vehicle? Did they try anything after tasing him? From what I saw in the videos, the cops just followed along behind Blake with their guns drawn. Where was the effort to stop him? Did they honestly believe that tugging on Blake’s T Shirt would subdue him?
So people should stop doing stupid stuff? You mean like reaching for your wallet when asked for your license. As when South Carolina Highway Patrol trooper Sean Groubert shot Levar Jones. Jones was reaching into his truck to get his wallet, AFTER the trooper told him to do to.
The same happened to Philando Castile in Minneapolis and to quite a few others.
Or maybe doing stupid stuff like lying on the ground, not resisting? Who was doing stupid stuff? George Floyd for lying there, or the three cops for kneeling on him? Yes, he initially resisted. But the cops always had control over him. for quite a while before they killed him.
Maybe Eric Gardner for selling cigarettes? Is pulling back from the police a capital crime? That was his only resistance, he pulled his arms away from the cop who killed him.
How about Tamir Rice? Sitting in the park with a BB Gun. The cops shot him seconds after seeing him!
Maybe standing inside a Toys R Us store, in the toy gun aisle holding an air-soft rifle? The cops opened fire less than 2 seconds after coming around the corner.
Standing inside your house on the cell phone when police shot through the window?
There is a vast difference between the cops response to browns and whites. This clearly shows the difference.
And yes, I did link to the actual article. I apologize, I thought I had last time.
Jon, there is no denying some horrible things have happened. I would never argue that. The point of this post was that all this time people rioted, looted, burned and yes, people died over something that was not proven true. Would you agree with that? I hope so. Just like the phony Ferguson “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” thing that was a lie.
What really bothers me is how the people will react when they can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that George Floyd was murdered. I’m not saying Chauvin is by any stretch innocent. He is not. I just worry that they overcharged him which could lead to dismissal of charges. It seems it is true he had enough drugs in his system to cause death. He could not breathe even when they were not on top of him. That indicates drug overdose. Chauvin was a complete maniac for not getting him medical help and putting his knee on Floyd’s neck. He was an ASSHOLE and should never have been a cop from what I can tell. Again, that is NOT the point.
I would also like to see video of white people killed by cops. Why don’t we see more of that? I’m guessing at the reasons and I cannot be sure. First, it likely doesn’t get videoed because nobody wants any trouble when it is a white guy. Second, it would not likely fit the media narrative. I’m sure you know more whites are shot than blacks but true enough, not by percentage. I’m sure you also know that white cops are NOT more likely to shoot blacks than black cops!! Poof, there goes any claim that this is racially motivated shooting. People need to learn to respect the law and that is the point of this post.
Also, how would defunding police departments make police departments better? Social workers won’t cut it. I talked to a cop friend about this. First, cops call those social workers to the scene when appropriate and safe. Second, social workers have told him that there is no place to put these people who need help. They have closed down many drug detox units and many psych wards in liberal cities over budgetary issues in the first place.
99.9% of the time complying with the police will end just fine. Can you argue that? I’m sure you can point to a handful of instances as you did above. However, consider there are over 3.5 million police interactions per year!!!