I took an Oath. Presumably, if you are reading this, you took an oath also. There were some serious words in that Oath.
Honor. Promise. Support. Defend. Enemies. Foreign/Domestic.
I don’t remember anyone telling me that I was “relieved” of that Oath. No one told me that there was an expiration date. There wasn’t someone telling me when I took off my uniform for the last time, and left the military, that my oath no longer mattered, that I didn’t need to fulfill that obligation any longer.
If you’ve read this far into this missive, I have a question for you.
How do YOU feel about the Oath that you took? Does it matter to you, or was that only good while you wore the uniform? Did the Oath only matter when you were getting paid? You know, like a mercenary? If you’re answer is yes, don’t bother reading any farther. If your answer is no, let me ask you another question.
What do YOU think about the current situation in our nation? I would suggest to you, each and every one of you, that if you think the USA is moving along smartly in the proper direction, and there are no concerns, then stand down. It’s “All Good” as the kids might say …
IF however, you are NOT satisfied with our nation as it exists today, then I ask you if that Oath you took those many years ago demands action on your part? Well, “Does it Punk” ?(excuse the Dirty Harry movie reference).
Here’s the thing Brothers. I believe that Oath I took requires me to get involved. I believe that Oath I took demands that I fulfill my obligation to defend this nation …. STILL!
Perhaps you read in the news recently about some nasty accusations about the former Vice Presidents son using his Fathers influence as Vice President to financially benefit. You can read the accusations for yourself, and make up your own mind.
What my concern is, whether or not as a Father, my judgment would be clouded if decisions I had to make would hurt my son. IF Hunter Biden is guilty of the malfeasance that appears to be proven by the recent exposing of documentation that suggests that Hunter Biden, perhaps the entire Biden family used the influence and power of the Office of the Vice President of the United States to personally enrich themselves. IF that accusation is TRUE, what kind of influence would these non-US governments/entities hold over the potential President of the United States, Joe Biden?
If you do NOT believe any of the documentation recently revealed of this accused malfeasance then your conscience is clear, and doing nothing would not be a violation of your Oath.
IF HOWEVER you do believe the recent disclosure of documentation that indicates an unlawful and illegal “Pay for Play” scheme of “Quid, Pro, Quo” between foreign companies and governments, and the Biden family, what does you Oath demand of you?
That’s a rhetorical question, each veteran will answer that question for themselves. As for me, my conscience demands that I work as hard as possible to make sure that a Candidate potentially compromised by foreign entities does NOT become President of the United States!!!
Do any of you remember the movie, “The Manchurian Candidate”? As Veterans, we simply cannot allow a Candidate with loyalties and obligations to a foreign entity to become the President of the United States. That Oath we took? To protect and defend America against ALL enemies, both Foreign and Domestic?
THIS perhaps is the VERY circumstances and situation that our Oath demand s us to defend AGAINST!
Collectively let us demand of ourselves and one another – that we make sure that we do everything in our power so that President Trump is reelected!
We swore an Oath to Defend America against ALL enemies, Foreign AND Domestic!
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I agree completely. At an age where it may not matter that much to me in the future, we need to fight for our kids, our grandkids and the country. I was in Venezuela as it went down. What the BLM, Antifa, and the consenting democrats are doing is very reminiscent of how Chavez got in. We need to fight for the country!
I have many reasons for believing the stories are true. As Tucker Carlson pointed out “If this is a hoax then it is the most elaborate hoax in history.” There are simply too many emails to be a hoax.
Also, when you read the emails and the timelines of events they coincide. Add to that Biden first denied the meeting and later admitted it might have been an “off the record” brief meeting. The cover up is often worse than the crime.
Another thing that really bugs me is the FBI might also be covering this up. They took the computer where all these emails were found back in December. If the store owner had not made a copy of the hard drive we would know nothing about this.
As Tucker Carlson also pointed out, how did Joe Biden get so rich? They say his net worth is nothing but he lives a lifestyle of a multi-millionaire. 47 years as a politician doesn’t make that possible. At the very least it needs investigated.
If Biden should win then immediate investigations should commence and an Impeachment inquiry started. The sad thing is that would make the very unlikeable Kamala Harris president and Nancy Pelosi VP if Dems retain the House. Think about that before you decide to stay home on election day! Nightmare.
My sentiments exactly. I have been following this story and saw “Manchurian Candidate “. I also think Biden and Co is disastrous for Us. I will share this. Facebook/Twitter be damned!
Our DOJ is virtually non-existent. Without a proper, effective and NON-PARTISAN method of adjudication I personally foresee no other recourse than to retake our country. Our government is rotten from the inside out and there’s really no bloodless way to amend it. Those in power are far too bold and willing to continue their nefarious schemes to EVER just stop, as long as we ‘ask them nicely’. When was there ever a time in human history when the strongest power in the world actually acquiesced to the demands of its public and release control back to them? Can you honestly say that if you had unbelievable power…UNIMAGINABLE power…you’d willingly just give it up? The history of this country is as illustrious as it is fascinating. It’s also (in the grand scheme of things) very BRIEF. As for the current state of affairs in this country, I can only repeat these incredibly powerful and incredibly PERTINENT words from the one of the greatest of our nation’s founding instruments (if not THE greatest), the Declaration of Independence:
“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”
With that being said, I think you can understand where I stand on the matter. We have come to a threshold ladies and gentlemen. We have arrived at a new and terrible period of time in this nation’s life and I personally do NOT see any way out of a massive and bloody struggle. God help us all if I’m correct and if I”m not then believe me when I say that no one will be happier than I. Nuff’ said.
Those who did not take the oath should join with us because IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO.