We get a lot of questions like this and many others. Some recent questions had to do with the 10% and first raise in 10 years statement President Trump made over the holidays in Iraq. Let me answer several questions.
Iraq Speech
In order to be intellectually honest, I fully admit President Trump’s remarks about military pay in Iraq pissed me off to no end. Every time a politician throws out bullshit it diminishes their credibility. I make ZERO excuses for him in relation to this load of crap! However, we can’t throw the baby out with the bath water. If we did we would have to throw nearly every politician out. No need to go down a list of lies other Presidents have spewed. We all know that crap flies from both sides.
Syria Pullout
The proposed pull out of Syria had the establishment in “hair on fire” mode. Admittedly, it seemed a bit rash to do it quickly. However, many of us agree that we cannot stay in these countries forever. Some of us are old fashioned enough to believe you kill the enemy and then leave. We are not sure where all this nation building came from. Some say WWI but that was a different time and set of circumstances. Nation building became an overreaction to the mistake of massive war reparations imposed by the victors in WWI. Destory, leave and repeat as needed. That seems to be better than destroy, occupy, die and waste money.
America First
To continue with being intellectually honest we should admit President Trump has turned this country upside down. At the same time, he has turned it around. Most of us expected as much when we voted for him. Those who voted for him knew he was going to blow up the system. That’s exactly what we wanted, at least I did and still do. No, I/We are not anarchists. We are simply tired of the same old politicians working for their own self-interest.
Slogans like Make America Great and America First resonates with the hard working middle class and especially veterans. Can anyone argue putting America Second or America Last is a good slogan? Frankly, that is how our politicians have appeared to be functioning for the last 50 years or so if not longer. If you want to know why Donald Trump became President Trump look no further than that.
Border Security / The Wall
We are now at another crossroads relating to border security. Did President Trump say Mexico was going to pay for it? He sure did. Are they going to pay for it? I believe so but not in the way President Trump says. Simply put, Mexico will have to deal with caring for their own and those who come from Central America instead of the USA if and only if we get our border under control. A physical barrier in strategic places is essential.
It is not intellectually honest to say walls don’t work. That’s like saying wheels don’t work. They work for their intended purpose and have for thousands of years. Furthermore, it is not intellectually honest to say barriers, walls fences etc. are immoral. If anyone really believes that then they need to start tearing down the ones that exist. The wall or barrier is only one part of President Trump’s proposal which includes the technology cited by others. We all know the barrier or wall needs to be monitored along with devices that detect contraband items coming through ports of entry.
Government Shutdown
Did President Trump say he would accept responsibility for the government shutdown? Yes, he did. Did he then try to turn the tables and call it the Democratic shutdown? Yes, he did. That too is a bunch of bull. Regardless of who one blames, there is another truth. President Trump is willing to compromise on the amount he wants for the wall, fence or barrier.
Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, President Bill Clinton, President Obama, and many other prominent Democrats are on video record stating the same things President Trump is saying. If you haven’t seen it click here. I am asking my leftist readers to be intellectually honest and admit President Trump says he is willing to compromise but Nancy and Chuck are not. Feel free to still blame President Trump for the shutdown because he did say he would take the blame.
Childish Rhetoric
Honestly, if you want to say they have ALL acted like children I will wholeheartedly agree. My personal opinion is if you remove the childish rhetoric, President Trump is making a stronger point on policy. That is a point we can differ on based on opinion.
Calling the President or Policy racist or xenophobic is childish. Is Mexico racist against brown people? Is Brazil racist against brown people? Even the Mexicans want the Central Americans to go home. Click here.
Recently, Brazil’s President declared:
“Brazil has a sovereign right to decide whether or not it accepts migrants,” Mr. Bolsonaro said in a message posted on Twitter. “Anyone who comes here must be subject to our laws and customs, and must sing our national anthem and respect our culture.”
Facts are hard to deny. This is not an issue of race. It is a matter of legal versus illegal immigration. It is a cause for concern in the USA and Latin American countries. To continue to call it racist and xenophobic is not intellectually honest. Hopefully, we can start being a little more honest with each other.
“You must be the change you want to see in the world.” ~ Incorrectly Attributed to Mahatma Gandhi but still a worthwhile thought.
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Good article. Might I suggest that the next time someone says that walls don’t work, you might remind them that the first thing Obama did to improve his new DC residence was to build a 10 foot high wall around it. Hillary bought the house next door to where Bill is living and promptly installed a very high fence. I am thinking she wants to keep out undesirables/deplorables like me (born and raised in PA) rather than her next door neighbor, don’t you know. And the next time Nan baby (Nancy Pelosi in case you missed my reference) says that she wants open borders, ask her when she is taking down the front door to her house. If she really wants open borders, how about she start with open borders at her own residence. This way she can let anyone walk in off the street and steal her blind, or worse. Hmmmmm????
It’s simple. 79% of Americans believe that there is a “crisis” or a significant “problem” at our southern border. Can ~80% of the citizens be wrong?
Spot on as usual!!
Hey Mac, Since this is a political decision your point is well made.
However, here is a thought that might interest those who engage in honest debate. A friend, Dr. Robert Morey, taught a few critical thinking and logic truths. Yes, 80% or any majority can be wrong. An easy example of that is when the majority of people thought the world was flat. Another example is the majority of Americans thought Hillary was a better choice. Thank God for the Electoral College!
Here are a few other things Dr. Morey taught that helped me think a little more clearly. An evil man can do good things. Good men can do evil things. A liar can tell you the truth. An honest man can lie through his teeth.
A friend has a saying I like: “Nothing matters until it becomes personal.” That one helps us to listen to all sides of an issue. Finding out why a person holds a belief may help to open rational discussion. Otherwise, it often devolves into a point-counterpoint shouting match.
Border security may not be as important to someone unaffected by illegal immigration and drugs. Ask anyone who lost a loved one or suffered at the hands of an illegal immigrant and it suddenly becomes personal and more important. The more empathy we have for our fellow Americans and those that suffer at the hands of the Coyotes the more likely we are to support everything related to border security. Now that’s just an opinion but may also be true 🙂
Point well taken Judith. It is hard to put everything into an article. This one was a long one and I cut out several paragraphs 🙂
Thank you Leo!
Great article!! I love the fact that even though you are clearly a major Trump supporter, you can still admit when he says or does something wrong or untruthful. Your honesty and truthfulness are some of your best qualities which in turn make your articles very enjoyable to read. ?
Thanks. I appreciate your kind words 🙂