I hear a lot about President Trump not being trusted on his response to COVID aka China Flu. I still don’t understand how people can believe this. Sure, he said he downplayed it so as to not panic people. Do you think toilet paper shortages would be the only thing you could not get if he panicked? You are wrong. I’ve seen panic up close and personal.
To steal a thought from the left:
I will be damned if I’m going to sit here and be lectured by a political party or politician that supports the death of over 600,000 babies each year when it comes to COVID deaths!
The smartest thing I’ve heard is that Trump saved lives by his actions, not by his public-facing words of encouragement. Fauci himself said so. Can anyone imagine what Biden or any other President (even Republican) would have done? Trump knew how to bring the Private and Public sectors together and cut through red tape for vaccines and therapeutics. He even benefited from his own policies. I guess the left will hate him for that too. Hell, he brought all kinds of things to major cities that never used the facilities, etc. Every major liberal Governor praised him for his great response! Of course, as the pandemic wore on and we got closer to election time they started bad-mouthing him.
So, can anyone please tell me what Trump did wrong? Can you then tell me what Biden or Harris suggested to do better at the time? No, you can’t. This is just a game we play in politics. There is no way to prove how or if anyone else would have done better. The bottom line is we know Biden would have done worse. Now that Trump has it under control as best he can, Biden says he would do better? How? All Biden did was plagiarize Trump’s existing plan but calls it a “National Policy” instead of leaving it to the states. You are a numbskull if you believe Biden would have done better. See Swine Flu results which Biden was in charge of.
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I agree 100% and have been asking these same questions. And when you ask a Democrat what they would have done different, they quite posting and go home. There are many things our government hides from us (sometimes, wrong deeds are hidden and that’s not good). Overall, they are right. Why does anyone think they’ve hidden UFO sightings (even from some of our own military pilots) for decades. The American people would totally freak and there would be so many conspiracy theories, you’d end up with people jumping off of buildings.
I am so happy Donald Trump was the President in charge during this pandemic. Had it been a Biden, we would’ve reached that 2 million death milestone already.
It is beyond me, how anyone with a functioning brain, can vote for a liar, a plagerer, a corrupt man, and a man that has no experience how to improve an economy (just look how good he and Obama did, ha!), no idea of proper foreign policy, a many who doesn’t support law enforcement.
When I ask people why they are voting for Biden, I hear “Trump’s a bully”. Well you know what? I want a bully defending me, not a wuss, who will give away the farm, just to keep some tyrant from bombing it.
Great article, but a terrible photo.
There has never been a way to prove a ‘negative’. When there is no data to use in the analysis of an outcome (in this case deaths) then a negative cannot be proven. In other words, actual DEATHS are much more easy to PROVE than survivals. The left is using this fact to perpetuate their lie. Had there been an actual morbidity count in the millions then it would’ve been more easily provable. Instead, the actual death count from deaths DIRECTLY related to Covid is a little over 10 thousand and yet the left tell us time and again that Trump HIMSELF killed over 200k people by not being honest with the American people. Personally, I’d MUCH rather my President keep calm, remain cool, and soothe any concerns or worries I have than I would him telling me something to the effect of “This disease will kill millions and we all should stay inside and away from each other!” President Trump handled this crisis with the rationality, class, and intellect that a leader should. He did GREAT and I’m so glad he’s been cleared to get back to working like he usually does.
Hi Nancy. I’m going to go off to the side on the UFO thing for a minute. I could write many articles on that subject alone but here are some interesting things.
“So how did the story of the “panic” grow over the years? Slate blames newspapers, which allegedly “seized the opportunity presented by Welles’ program to discredit radio as a source of news. The newspaper industry sensationalized the panic to prove to advertisers, and regulators, that radio management was irresponsible and not to be trusted.” NPR Article here. Wiki Article here. Snopes Article here.
Weeks ago Carlson eluded to a probable forthcoming release of information from the Pentagon on actual material from a UFO’s being declassified. Just last week on a Carlson interview an interviewee said the material was formed at the quantum level. “This is not possible by we humans at this time.” He also added it is undergoing additional scientific studies to verify. I know this might sound strange but I have suspected UFO’s are actually not of this dimension for a good number of years no. It is only a theory and years ago I discovered I was not alone in this thought. I’m intrigued by all things quantum, even quantum computers as you might expect.
One possible theory I have about UFO’s and government cover ups is they don’t know what this is all about. Of course, many speculate wild theories and present them so strongly they appear to be fact. I ask myself the question, what if the government is too afraid to admit they have no clue? I mean if the greatest military and scientists in the world can’t figure it out what does that say?
The last thing is the question of “would people panic if they discovered UFO’s are tangible?” Maybe some would. I don’t think most people would be shocked today. After all, there was no real panic about War of the Worlds. However, 99.99% understood it was a routine radio program. The biggest reason I think people would not panic is because the Pentagon already released actual UFO footage. Nobody has panicked as far as I have heard.
Yes, I Googled ‘Swine Flu” and then looked at Images that were creative commons meaning I could use it free. That one really caught my attention so I “fired for effect”. Looks like it was on target to grab attention. I know, I can sometimes be shameless.
Mike, I believe the government has no clue as to what the military pilots have seen, therefore their fear is the public realizing this, and hence begin to worry, if we don’t know what it is, how can even our great military protect us.
When I was a kid, my brother was in the Air Force. I used to read books on UFOs. I think he got me started on that. He also said one of his commanders had told him, he had seen a UFO, and was dead serious about it.
My own brother claims to have seen a UFO in Brooksville, FL. He was a member of our church boys organization, and they used to go camping in that area. He said one night while they were sleeping in their tents, something came and hovered over them, and then disappeared quicker than anything possible. He was dead serious.
Ironically, I happen to live in that area now.
Also, in the 70’s, my then husband and I lived across the street from a small neighborhood power plant. One day he came running in, claiming there was something hovering above the power plant. By the time I got out there, it was gone. Who knows!
I really didn’t mean this to go on about UFOs. I am simply angered by the left trying to say President Trump bungled the COVID response by handling it responsibly and trying to keep the nation calm.
Don’t worry about getting side tracked. I love discussions about this subject and others. I was Air Force for nearly 23 years. I never saw one but I have friends that swear they did. These were pilots and non-pilots. One pilot said he would never talk about it. He feared consequences. As you said, they were all serious people. After seeing what the Pentagon released I suppose there is no longer any stigma associated with it.
I am with you, I don’t think they know what they are. I do want to write a science fiction book after the election. I’m still running my business part time now that I am semi-retired. I hope to have the time to collaborate with people on the subject in a syfy way. I want it to be “outside the box” so to speak.
I should post an article about the War of the Worlds thing and how that relates to public beliefs when it comes to things said about Trump. Many things are completely false yet the media reports it as true. It is sad that people gobble this stuff up like it is the Gospel. Where is the healthy skepticism today? I’m guessing there is a smaller and smaller number of true intellectuals as our education system fails to teach people how to think.
Michael, you are one of the few people I know that understands logic. I also believe like you that I want a calm leader. As veterans can you imagine having a hysterical commander? We had one during the 1st Gulf War. When the first Alarm Red went off I was almost trampled by panicked people. I ducked under a table and moved away from the people running out of the meeting tent for the bunker. I decided I would remain calm and hold a flashlight for people running down to the bunker in the future. Some thought I was nuts for potentially exposing myself. Trust me, I am nuts but not for the reason they think. 🙂 No, panic is not beneficial in any situation.
Emotions eradicate skills. A veteran buddy told me he could tell me I just won a million dollars or that the President was just shot and I would have the same expression on my face for both. Not much rattles me. I guess that is a blessing. Not bragging, it is a gift from God. I have nothing to do with it. It’s not like I don’t feel or understand the “oh shit” factor. You just can’t let that get the better of you. I see things getting the better of folks on the left and the right. The China Flu along with our current polarized political views has really brought that to a head. People better start getting a grip or there will be more violence. Sad.
I want to say thank you. You just explained why my deceased husband was non reactive like you. He spent 21 years in the army, with 2 being in VietNam as a helicopter pilot. I could never understand why he would never get excited (in a good way) about things like I did. Now, I understand. Thank you so much.
Hi Nancy. Glad that helped you in some way. Many, but not all, veterans who served a long time or had experience under stressful conditions do not get upset easily. You might hear them say things like: “Today is a great day. Nobody is shooting at me.”
A female friend once asked me if I was “shell shocked.” I found that humorous and sad at the same time. I have known guys with what some call “the thousand mile stare.” I found it funny because a VA psychiatrist said if they could bottle what I have they could cure PTSD. Again, this is not bragging.
We are born with our individual personalities. Then, life experience & environment continues to mold who we become. In addition, we have chemicals like adrenalin, dopamine, cortisol and etc. running through our bodies that add to the mix. We do not have control over those factors. We do have some control over how we react to situations & stimuli. That too can take practice. In the military we simply call it “self-discipline”.
Others, for many reasons overreact to situations and stimuli. Those are the brothers and sisters Vets for Trump wants to help. Thanks to this movement we are building a team to do that and many other great plans to help our brothers and sisters. We hope what we learn by helping fellow veterans will spill over to the general population. After all, we are all in this together. That is another reason we support Trump regardless of some flaws. We all have them. President Trump sincerely wants to help his fellow American. Simple.
Well stated, but one truth bomb I’ve been using lately is this: Biden has added after he reiterates what Trump has already done “I would follow the lead of the enlightened leaders of Our European allies”. Theses same enlightened leaders are in deep cow s*it because their efforts have done nothing to control the Chinese virus in Germany, Italy, Austria, France, Spain, and England. Angela Merkel is facing a vote of no confidence from her own Bundestag, due to her abysmal failure: more cases detected, increased Hospitalization and death rate! There you go again Joe, picking the wrong example to follow!