Occasionally we deal with people who seem to really hate President Trump. I am not talking about people who simply disagree on policy. That is normal. I’m talking about the people who seem really angry.
I’ve learned to ask a simple question. The funny thing is I never get a direct answer. The question is this, what has President Trump done that has negatively affected you personally?
Maybe some of you can ask your Trump-hating associates to answer that question here in the comments section of this website. If they post an answer on social media maybe you can paste it in as a comment on this website.
I’m asking about things that are both personal and that they can directly attribute to Trump.
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I don’t hate Trump as a person, just as a clown. What has he done to me personally?
1. Well, my taxes are higher.
2. I am embarrassed to talk to my friends overseas.
3. My Military has the reputation of running now. He continued our fine tradition of abandoning our allies.
4. He has proved that our Country CAN NOT be trusted its keep its word.
5. He has encouraged White Supremism and violence against minorities. Directly affecting Friends and Relatives.
6. He has trashed our Constitution, put himself ABOVE the law.
I can probably come up with more as these are just the ones in the front of my mind.
What has he done FOR me?
Insurance, what kind of morons cancel MILLIONS of people’s insurance? Why kind of morons trash the ACA without having a replacement program. This isn’t only Trump, but the entire GOP. Where is this GOP Health Plan that they want to replace the ACA with?
Retired army here, Trump is a temporary center piece. Love him, hate him, he is done in 1 year or 5 years. His policy will remain or be changed and the nation will either love or hate the next president.
The real journey is how do we, the citizens of this nation and world, wake up to the lies, betrayal, theft and in humane acts conducted by our leaders, fellow Americans and certain humans on the planet. At some point, we, the people, have to grow up, own this life, own this planet and start to take care of each other and the planet we live. Our political, civic, military and social leaders have and are currently living to us on so many things; yet, here we are arguing about Trump. Our pensions, inheritance and livelihood have been stolen, ripped, from us and yet we continue to be slaves to them. The war machine is slowly consuming the planet; yet we want more. The moon is north and south of the ecliptic by 30 degrees, stars move silently in the night sky when the chem trails fail; still, we argue Trump. Trump is not the problem or solution; we are. We can keep feeding the beast or do something different. How could we make it different? Well that is the easiest and most difficult thing to do…walk away from it, live in love, be authenticity You!
We need very little but demand so much…slow down my friends.
There is so much going on past Trump. Trump is the ring leader concealing the craziness in the world, not by choice but by the rhetoric of the day…
Or we can scream, “save us, someone save us!” And then argue about the authenticity of the one who shows up to save us….
So, number 1 might be the only thing that is really an issue. I had one friend say their taxes went up. I was shocked. I knew she was retired Air Force just like me. My taxes were more complicated because I own my own business. PS just because I own a business does not mean I have lots of money. I don’t.
What we discovered by looking into it was she had more in her check every month and less in her tax refund at the end of the year. Amazingly, she was actually way ahead of the previous year. However, I have read that taxes really did go up for some. Especially those who relied on tax deductions that were no longer in effect because they lived in high tax states and other unique circumstances. Face It: You (Probably) Got a Tax Cut It points out many people will claim they did not get a tax break when they did. I cannot tell which category you fall into.
So you think that your taxes would have gone down under a Democrat President? LOL. That is funny. I am sure you know that would never happen. The only honest candidate on the Democrat side is Bernie. At least he will admit taxes will go up for the middle class if his plans go into effect.
The other points reflect your opinion and how you react. That is not caused by Trump but by you. When President Obama or Clinton did embarrassing things I simply said “I didn’t vote for him” and that settled it. No need to freak out about it and turn it into something it was not.
I have a bi-racial granddaughter. Her black side of the family knows I run this website and support Trump. I have no problem with them and they have no problem with me. Some of them even admit Trump has done more to help minorities than any other President. I also recently met a black police sergeant who is a big Trump supporter. If Trump is such a racist then why do so many black people not see it? Again, these things are your opinions and not reality. It is fine to have an opinion but don’t confuse opinion with the truth. That is what the media does and it has infected much of America.
ACA and all the problems it caused were not due to Trump. Obama knew it would fall apart under some future President. McCain was the one who stood in Trump’s way of fixing it. You might remember that Trump and McCain had several big dust-ups. If Trump would have had just a few Democrats supporting the fix we would not be here. Again, did that affect you personally? Either way, it had zero to do with Trump. Here is a good article from the Washington Examiner.
Seems like I am right back where I started. No good answers to my question except a few on taxes who live in high tax liberal states. That’s not Trump’s fault either. I’m asking about things that are both personal and that they can directly attribute to Trump.
A bit off-topic Mother but that’s OK. Comments are welcomed.
You might like this article from 1 January. Maybe we should all do some mushrooms and just relax 🙂
My, my. You really opened the forum to the NeverTrumpers blowing off some steam, didn’t you MSgt Mike? I read both of the comments made by Jon B and like you said, you’re back from where you started. I guess it all boils down to ‘feelings’ (meh). Some folks just will not change. Personally, I attribute their defeatist attitude(s) to the negative aspects of their lives over which only THEY have control but not the mental capacity. These sad individuals can postpone the hard work ahead of them (to make the changes necessary in their lives) by blaming someone else, namely their President.
Let’s also not forget the powerful effect that the MSM has over those easily swayed. A strong mind will forego ‘feelings’ and work with facts while a weak mind will fold like a paper airplane, focusing on the ethereal and not the material. A strong mind will acknowledge kudos where they are due and admonish just the same. As for the NeverTrumpers/leftists, there are none so blind as those who just don’t want to see. Nothing you can do about them except pray for them and pray that the nation will not succumb to their ‘feelings’.
Yes, I did open it up. I really wanted to see what, if any, real reasons they had for hating Trump. So far nothing is worth “hate” or having TDS. I can only trace it to a syndrome of their own making. A policy difference is one thing. I get that. All these other things are self-induced and as you rightly point out inflamed by the media. In addition, I am sure they are encouraged by their social media connections.
I will add that it can be on the left or the right but is more prevalent on the left. For example, I know a good friend on the right that really believes the leftists in our government will be tried and executed for treason. That’s just as crazy as those on the left suggesting Trump had something to do with Russia.
The guy who seems to have been high (mother aka Jimipickle) does express some truth. Rather than being self-reliant the left and never Trumpers want someone to save them. I would add save them from themselves. Nobody can do that for them. They will have to put on their big boy pants and get to work on their own attitudes. All their perceived ills cannot be rectified by any human savior, not even Bernie. That’s just the nature of our existence.
Those of us who are believers rely on God, not a man to save us. The reality of which will not be understood until this life is over. I feel bad for those who do not have that rock to rely on.
What fix??????
I did look into the tax thingie. I am paying more at the end of the year while paying the same monthly.
Insanity knows no ‘party’. I’m very aware that there are right-wing conservatives that seem to have a ‘screw loose’ but like you said, the predominance rests in the left-wing camp. Indeed it IS sad that there are those out there bereft of any belief in a power greater than that which is tangible, once again a dominant character flaw of the left.
Taxes No, but at least they don’t lie about it.
What happened to the deficit under Trump? Is he on track to eliminate it in five more years? Or is it tremendously higher, like by trillions? His tax “cuts” has it growing faster than ever!
Racism! Oh, I see that I was wrong. White Supremancy is dying not growing. The White Supremists in Charleston really were good people? One of them didn’t run down people? They are not emboldened by Trump’s racist attacks? Trump did not call people from south of the boarder “Muderers, Rapists, and Drug Dealers? He is not mad at a judge because he ruled against Trump, he’s ” Mexican”. You mean he has not been sued for discrimination, even by the DOJ? Birtherism? Central Park Five? He does not refuse to condemn violence by White Supremists? He did condemn his followers attacking minorities? Muslim ban? But only from countries that have not sent terrorists here? Only Countries he does not do business with? Puerto Rico did receive FEMA support like Texas, New York, and New Jersey? Support the White Supremists in South Africa, calling for an investigation into them being murdered? “Go back where you came from?” to Congresswomen? How many examples do you need?
Congrats! You must make a lot more than I do, you lucky dog. (That isn’t hard) Either that or you have a very nice home in a very expensive place to live and pay over $10,000 per year in property taxes. Still, sorry you lost. I do not envy your financial status, lifestyle or area where you live.
So, you think Democrats would have lowered the deficit? LOL, that one is funny as well! Trump’s renegotiation of trade deals will go further than anything the Dems could have thought of.
Jon, I could take apart most of your false beliefs and accusations one at a time. It won’t matter. You see, as I said, none of these things happened to you. You get all hyped up about distorted news stories by others about others. Do you understand propaganda? Do you think it really doesn’t happen in America?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I was part of a propaganda unit for 23 years. I know too much and have seen too much first hand to be as gullible as some Americans can be. Keep watching MSM and believing what you read on social media and you will continue to be under their black magic spell.
It is really simple to figure out if you will take one piece of advice. If something sounds outrageous it is probably (not always but probably) not true or a gross distortion of the truth.
Indeed, two too many brain injuries from Baghdad will get you off topic on occasions. While this administration is different, it has not told the truth about brain injuries and certainly has not done anything to better the lives of those who cannot work because of them. Dept and taxes increase while govt checks do not. Hard to grow a family on an ever shrinking budget. No, got nothing good or bad to say about trump, just another president…
Sorry to hear about the brain injuries. Hopefully, you have a family member or friend that keeps up to date on the latest medical research. I read somewhere they are looking at ways that can reconnect and regrow neural pathways that have been damaged. There was some evidence that anti-inflammatory treatments are being researched for traumatic brain injury. Here is a link to a research article. It was from 2012 so hopefully, more research has been done since then.
All the best to you!
Actually, most likely, I make a lot less. 100% disabled.
Who is the ONLY President that balanced the budget? Wasn’t he a Democrat? If you look historically, the deficit grows under the GOP. They always cut taxes without reducing spending.
You say he’s done nothing to me. What has Trump done that personally benefits you besides the small tax cut?
Maybe not. My buddy is 100% disabled and he makes a couple thousand more a month than I do. Either way, get a pro to check your withholdings and taxes. Heck, my buddy is even exempt from property taxes!
Too many variables for this to be a viable argument. Clinton was forced into it by Newt Gingrich.
Here is a chart if you really want to know by the President.
I don’t call a $2,200 per year tax cut small. He has also lowered racial division by foucusing on America, not race or gender. That helps me having a bi-racial granddaughter. He instilled pride in America (that includes me) by not letting us get taken advantage of on trade, NATO and overall cheering on American greatness. Then again, I’m a patriot. He stood up for free speech which allows me to continue here even when Twitter blocked me in the 2018 elections. He even gave me a place to report their abuse. He gave us the Right to Try act which does not impact me now but I bet it will someday. That eases some of my anxiety. At least there is hope for me now if that day comes. I won’t even go into what he has done for my friends since that is not personal to me, but then again, it kind of is.
What are you going to do now? Vote for Bernie or Biden? If so, my condolences on your loss early.
Are you kidding!!!!
Tell that to those from “Shithole Countries”!
Tell that to the “Rapist, Muderers, and Drug Dealers”!
Tell that to Muslims!
Tell that to the browns!
Racial tension is as high or higher than ever!
This isn’t even covering his bogoted actions before he ran for office. Do you want a list of those?
See the links. The facts are a stubborn thing Jon.
respectfully Jon b. what planet did you just get in from? you are so far left that your judgement is askew. this is the BEST economy we have ever had. black employment is down, Asian and Latino employment is down. in fact, for the 1st time in our history we are at full employment. now, as a leftist hack who obviously works for the Socialists, what can you ACTUALLY point to. instead of regurgitating the same old leftist party lines? (all hail Bernie Sanders)?
All Hail your Communist heroes?
if this man is 100% then i call bull$#it !
they have ALWAYS lied about it! they say something like 10% but in the end, we have paid more!
it was balanced at the behest of the Gop congress! Cliton.. a traitor and a communist like Bernie is. democrats have ALWAYS been socialists ! look at how they have ran detroit (failing) flint(lead in pipes) and Chicago (home of the mob and several murders a day). yeah, you must be very proud!