The Socialist controlled House of Representatives held a hearing today titled: “The urgent need for a national plan to create a plan to contain the coronavirus.” James Clyburn opened with a politically charged statement that had less to do with coronavirus and more to do with a political accusation. Clyburn’s remarks accused the President of “not having a plan” relating to the coronavirus.
Steve Scalise was prepared. As you can see in the screenshot above there has been a plan. The stack of papers Scalise holds up is “just a small part of the plan” that has been developed and implemented. Scalise also points out the fact that there are three doctors from President Trump’s coronavirus task force present at the hearing shows there has been a plan.
You could have dropped the Mic and ended the hearing right at that point. This is just another example of a politically motivated anti-Trump, anti-American waste of time by the Socialist controlled House of Representatives.
Here is another interesting exchange:
Scalise asks if he was involved in the China travel ban that Trump announced at the beginning of the crisis. Fauci says he was.
“Do you think that decision saved lives?” Scalise asks.
“Yes I do,” Fauci says.
Scalise asks the same about the discussions that extended bans to Europe. Fauci says he was ‘actively involved in that discussion” and that that decision also saved lives.
He says the same about the ban on travel from the UK — that too saved lives.
Scalise asks about “15 days to slow the spread” and its extension, Fauci says he was involved in those decisions too and that they saved lives.
“We were in agreement on virtually all of those,” Fauci says.
You see, this is all bullshit. The Socialists simply want to destroy Trump and they are willing to put American lives at risk. It was the Democrat (Socialist) Governors that killed 10’s of thousands of their own people in nursing homes. That was not Trump’s fault. They refused to follow common sense and read and execute Trump’s plan.
Fauci goes on to say that some states re-opened well and others did not.
He says that where re-opening guidelines were not followed, those have seen surges in cases.
So, those states that followed President Trump’s reopening plan did well and others did not. Hmm, sounds like Trump provided a plan. Granted, some states that did not reopen properly were led by Republican Governors like Florida. Others were led by Democrats (Socialists) like California. All in all the premise that Trump did not provide a plan is bunk.
Can you imagine if we had a feckless Socialist like Biden as President or any Socialist? They could never have developed a strategy that combined the best of the free market and the best of government resources like Trump has done. The Socialists could never have created a plan like “Warp Speed” to create a vaccine.
This hearing is a waste of time and money. Vote NO to Socialists in November by Defunding the Democrat Party.
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Putin has a bounty on our Veterans and trump does nothing except kiss Putin’s a$$. Each of you is an embarrassment to Veterans. Shame on you.
Obviously you just hate Trump. You should educate yourself on this subject before addressing veterans. A question for you. Were you as upset about Benghazi? That was real. This is a hypothesis that is unproven or at least not agreed upon by all intel agencies.
And your comment has to do with the hearings on China Virus in what respect?
MSgt Mike Kelly, Retired USAF 193rd Special Operations Wing.
Anyone whose mind is poisoned with the level of TDS as yours seems to be, should seek psychiatric counseling. You should at least make an ATTEMPT to educate yourself before you come onto a site like this and show your imbecility by spouting horsesh*t lies. If you’re a ‘vet’ then you’re a sad example of one. Most TRUE veterans are aware that this President has done more for the veteran community in four years than others have done in eight. As a matter of FACT, he has done more for vets (and their families) than ANY other POTUS before him. It’s public record, what he’s done for us. And since you TDS sufferers don’t know how to conduct investigations on your own, I’ll even steer you in the right direction. Here ya go, cupcake:
History will repeat. Let me explain, When Clinton was president (DEMOCRAT) he defunded the military. He cut funding for equipment. I am a Cavalry infantry man. My son is also in the Cav. During the Clinton administration HE cut funding for our military. The military equipment, such as track vehicles had no replacement tracks to service them. As soon as a republican president George W. Got in office, they got funded and new equipment and parts became available. Our nation wants our military to be strong. The Democratic Party wants only to control how much money they can make. SAD