The Democrats have lost their minds and are so detached from their own voters that they will lose elections again and again. Which is really good for the Republicans.
They have no accountability at all. They keep whining about Russian election interference however it was Hillary’s lying and cheating combined with her bad handling of our nations classified information in her email system that caused her to lose the election.
Instead of worrying about Russia why not admit the big mistake your party made was its choice to let her run for President. Your voters wanted Bernie Sanders but she cheated him out of that and the party let her get away with it. Yet you won’t publicize that too much because you know you’ll lose even more voters. Yeah, that won’t happen.
Stop supporting a party that doesn’t care about anything except their own personal pocketbooks. When they had a majority in the house and senate, they didn’t raise food stamps. They didn’t raise welfare. They didn’t raise social security. They sure pretended to care about the poor people though. What they did do is make you pay for health care if you worked and didn’t have insurance. Even if you couldn’t afford it.
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The Republicans have always been about a strong military. Although the new Republicans which are really the libertarians running on the Republican party and are against war and war isolationists, if you were in the military you should already be a Republican and this shouldn’t be a topic . From the get go Trump was always about helping out Vets. I have no clue why anyone other than some idiot on the Democratic plantation is still voting Democratic . The Democrats have two sides that they show you which is pretending to care about minorities and the real side which is just a bunch of corruptionists taking your money to live a grandiose lifestyle as a politician!! Did you see Bill Clinton go back to Arkansas ?In San Francisco the homelessness problem has been $1 million industry for years and how much of that from the Democratic Party running that city actually gets to the homeless? None! They hand them free syringes from China so they can keep them addicted and make a lot of money from your taxes and run off to the Nancy Pelosi parties! Diane Feinstein is another knucklehead running that hellhole of a city . Wake up people. Democrats are corrupt selfish blowhards using poor people, Mexicans and minorities to spend your tax dollars on their big cars and houses . Maxine Waters wants to keep her big mansion and her corrupt husband took 18 million from the government and never gave it back for a loan for poor people. No wonder she wants to impeach Trump so badly .
Are you saying that 4Russian Interference in the 2016 election is bull? Is that why people are going to prison over it? Is that why Trump keeps lying about the investigation?
Its a good thing that Hillary was never stupid enough to use an unsecured phone for official business!