I got my second Moderna shot on April Fools Day. So far, so good. I am older and I figured if it is good enough for Trump it is good enough for me. The man has uncannily good instincts.
I’ve always said people should make up their own minds. Some on the fence should also talk to their doctor if they have one they like and trust. It has been hard to get solid facts about the whole thing. That is to be expected and I’m not busting on anyone. Frankly, the older you get the more you understand people, even smart people can be wrong. We are all flawed human beings.
If you were a veteran with any seniority or time in service you probably had to do a risk assessment. That is what you are doing when you make the decision to get the shot(s) or not. I will not try to tell anyone what to do or not to do in the case of the vaccine. To me, many things are a sliding scale, not just the decision about getting the vaccine.
Today, I heard two doctors you see on TV that I think are reasonable folks. They both agree. If you haven’t been vaccinated or previously had China Flu you will get the variant D unless you are a hermit. We know most people will recover fine. However, they suggest about 25% of those who do get it (who have not had the vaccine or previously had it) will get the dreaded “Long COVID” as they say. I hate being sick, let alone for months on end. Anyway, the information is here. You make the call.
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It is exactly right that each individual should do their own “risk assessment”. Americans and Veterans decisions in these matters are protected by their individual liberties, guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And I did do a risk assessment – in the 50 miles around our home, which we haven’t left in quite a long time, the cumulative infection rate is well below one percent. And only a small number of those infections progress to hospitalization. Not enough to warrant anything other than common sense precautions against infectious disease.
From my understanding.. the Boss dis not get the shot.. he stayed on hydroxy and pushed that. Good luck with the jab. I say no to it.
Yes Trump got it, so did Melania. https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210317/trump-urges-americans-get-covid-vaccine