Below is an email from a fellow vet on the left. Jon has commented quite a bit but he decided to email in this statement/question. Mac is much better at speaking extemporaneously. I am more of a writer. This time I thought we would do a video response for Jon. For context his email is below:
Looking at a local Fox Station for a news update. Imagine my surprise when I came across this story. Is Fox News starting to question the unsubstantiated claims of fraud? Yes I call it unsubstantiated because I cannot find any proof. Can you please send me a link to the proof you’ve uncovered. I would love to see some proof to substantiate Trump’s claims. That way I can change what I’m saying and stop sounding like an ignorant idiot.
Before you click to view the video, understand that it is a long one. I know many people do not like videos longer than 5 minutes or so. However, this subject is too important to restrict.
Joe Biden worked with Hunter Biden and lied about it.
Pennsylvania and Act 77 – very corrupt
In 2019 the Trump-hating far-left NBC even admitted voting machines can be tampered with over the internet. Watch the video on this page.
Arizona election results (forensic audit) in Maricopa County are still not properly counted. The link is to a news search so the information may change over time. However, at the time of this posting, we still do not know. What do we think would happen if other swing states had forensic audits?
New York City is requiring vaccine ID but the left still fights voter ID. So, it is not racist to require one kind of ID but it is racist to require another kind of ID. That is the Democrat view. Low IQ?
Most unvaccinated in New York people are non-white. The same is basically true across the nation.
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This is just more rumors and unsubstantiated claims. Why hasn’t ANYONE presented proof of the conspiracy? Why did only one of the 60+ lawsuits even mention Fraud? Why didn’t Trump sue because of fraud? Why didn’t they present ANY proof during any of the lawsuits or the numerous testimonies before the various legislatures?
If fraud actually exists, where is the proof? If you can not present proof, why do you think that there was fraud? Trump losing is not proof that there was fraud.
Please watch the video and listen to what Mac says. There are also links provided to other sources.
We are not the wild-eyed conspiracy types who talk about Special Operations shooting people in a data center in Germany et cetera. Nor are we the cult of personality types that think Trump will miraculously return to Washington to take over the Presidency before the next election. We admit there are some nuts like this on the right. They are the equivalent of the leftists that believe America is systemically racist and that defunding the police is going to fix things et cetera. Both groups are idiots. At the same time, any clear-thinking person sees the irregularities that occured in the China Flu election of 2020.
As I stated at the end, even if you don’t believe there were irregularities you should want all Americans to believe the elections are fair, right? I would want that for everyone regardless of party. My last typed statement is simple and to the point. It reveals the total hypocrisy of the left.
Let me say it even more directly. The only reason to oppose the rules around voting like Voter ID that Republicans are pushing for is that the Democrats want to cheat.
The proof of this is found in simple logical observation. If you say voter ID disenfranchises minorities how can you say you need to show Vaccination ID to work or enter a place of business? Most people who are not vaccinated are minorities. Also, Voter ID accepts forms of ID that 99.99% of adult Americans have. Vaccination ID would require another form of ID that 99.99% of adult Americans do not have. Doesn’t this form of reasoning show you the proof that all Democrats want is the ability to cheat? Ooops, the mask is off. If you can offer a different logical reason, I’m all ears.
I’ve watched the video, but it doesn’t offer any proof. All I saw was more “it could have happened this way”.
Where is the proof?
Where is the evidence that says who, what, when, where, and how?
Why hasn’t anyone presented this type of evidence? The Cyber Ninjas have had almost an year!
Every bit of “Proof” shown is nothing more than rumors and innuendo. How many Trump appointed Judges rejected his suits outright? The Supreme Court Judges he appointed rejected his claims without review!
If fraud put Biden in the White House, where is the proof? If you have no proof, why do you think fraud occurred? Who but the person who lost the election claims fraud?
Trump claimed that there was massive fraud in the 2016 election. Well, he claimed that the election was fraudulent until he won the Electoral College. Then no one ever mentioned it again.
Are you really willing to see our country blown up for an unproven rumor?
Jon, it is a matter of perspective. Why do Supreme Court decisions rarely come out unanimous? That is because much of the law is “opinion” and not fact. Add to that these lower court decisions would take years to make their way through the process. Hell, there was just a ruling made on the Obama administration’s DACA stance that took 9 years just to get rejected by 1 Federal Judge! I could go on and on but I think that is what you want and you won’t get it, sorry.
The only question I will address since the others were answered is about blowing up the country. You have never read anything that went out from this website advocating blowing up the country. We have warned of potential civil war. That can happen for many reasons but one is when people do not have faith in their elections.
Why do Democrat politicians stand in the way of Voter ID? Most of the country, regardless of race, sex or political party are in favor of it. The simple answer is they want to be able to cheat or they are deaf and blind. Most reasonable people would agree they want to cheat. Please suggest another reason that is real. Not some made-up thing about disenfranchising voters.
“Though seeing, they do not see;
though hearing, they do not hear or understand.
‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.”