Tucker Carlson’s interview with fellow veteran Tony Bobulinski last night should be on every media website but it is not. At least not as of this morning. I checked all of them. Now you know why FOX News is the “Only Trusted Name In News” and the audience is larger than ever. Here are 17 minutes of the 45 minute exclusive:
Why do I say Joe Biden committed political suicide? Simple, it was self-induced. Tony Bobulinski gave Joe Biden the opportunity to stop him from coming forward. Tony said the thing that made him come forward was Adam Schiff said it was a “Russian disinformation operation”. Tony also said he got word to Joe Biden through Rob Walker that he was going public if Adam Schiff did not retract his statement. Our liberal friends probably do not fully understand what a fraudulent human being Adam Schiff is, but we do. For our liberal friends, Adam Schiff is the guy who claimed he had evidence about Russian collusion and President Trump. He lied to the public for years on this and many other issues surrounding President Trump. Those lies cost taxpayers many millions of dollars. I find it ironic that he is the one responsible for Joe Biden’s demise.
I understand where Tony is coming from. Many, but not all of us who served in the military understand the importance of integrity. I came close to throwing away a long time client who pays good money because he questioned my integrity. I set him straight very firmly and directly. I later realized that the client was surrounded by people he could not trust. This personal experience makes me very empathetic to Tony Bobulinski. Even though he is a Democrat I think he and I would like each other very much.
The so-called news media blackout of this story coupled with the social media blackout brought it to a head quickly. They should learn the saying: “It is not the crime, it is the cover-up.” As a veteran, it is hard to believe I fought for a country where the media and big tech is involved in obstruction of justice. President Trump is the most investigated President in history. They came up with nothing but a conspiracy to overthrow the government by the deep state. You may not like him but at least he isn’t selling America down the tubes to foreign countries.
I’m reminded of the children’s saying “I‘m rubber, you’re glue, everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you.” I can’t personally think of a single allegation against President Trump that the Democrats aren’t actually guilty of. Even the Impeachment was about this very subject. Trump was right again! If you hate Trump’s Tweets and personality I get it, but people who are honest with themselves have to see this story about Biden as true.
So, the question is: Will America elect a known criminal? I suppose that is a distinct possibility. This will leave us with President Kamala Harris which was the likely plan all along.
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I watched last night, and there is no doubt that Biden is a liar, and a fraud and belongs in jail, not running for president. The Biden family is more crooked than the Clintons’.
I only watch one single hour of Faux News every weeknight and it’s Tucker. His is the ONLY saving grace that I find within that entire network. I prefer OAN and NewsMax. That being said, I watched the entire interview and it’s really no wonder to me that the rest of the outlets aren’t airing it. By now, who in their right minds would expect these weaponized media outlets to turn the weapon on those who created them? At this point, the corrupt and lying MSM has no way back and it would seem that they are ready, willing, and able to ‘go down with the ship’.
America may elect worse than a “ known criminal”. Biden is just a front for the evil socialists that want to set up a One World Government. Even if Trump wins, the attacks (not just the violence) will continue.
Liberalsim must be defeated.
Liberals understand where the Culture War frontline is located! See http://www.insectman.us/exodus-mandate-wv/they-understand.htm
We are in a war for the hearts, minds, and souls of the precious children of America. No sane military force sends raw recruits to be trained (and mentally maimed) in the boot-camp of the bad guys. Please see “Call to Dunkirk” at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRGZLSVph3A
You are right about Faux News. I have lone said that “FOX is in the hen house.”
Yes, OAN and NewMax are great.
I also like https://www.newsbusters.org/
I don’t get OAN or Newsmax. I can go to their websites but I spend too much time in front a computer and that is the last thing I want to do. I am retired so I know try to watch 3 FOX News programs per day when I can. Outnumbered when eating lunch. The Five when eating dinner and Tucker Carlson in the evening. I record all these & other FOX news shows and more but watch those routinely. Greg Gutfeld is my favorite. He’s better on The Five than his own show on Saturday but I watch that too. I’m very aware of “confirmation bias” so the slant does not affect me like it might others. I get the views of the left by talking to friends that are Dems. Of course, FOX has a Dem on Outnumbered and The Five to give you that perspective. It rarely impresses me to hear their point of view. It is like we live in different universes. I think Tucker should win a Pulitzer Prize for this interview.
Start listing the crimes, put in the codified laws that were violated. Name the Statue violated…besides pointing out Bidens a psychological lier… List the charges and how many there are and what kind of crime was committed…Felony? Misdemeanors? Being a pathological lier isn’t criminal unless under oath in a court of law. Showing yourself stoned and high on cocaine or meth isn’t worth a damn for a crime, all the pissant has to do is say it was a joke or it was aspirin..
Find the underaged girls Hunter was screwing and taped…otherwise they are all 18 years old and consenting adults to porn… Just sayin’…
What a great synopsis of the interview, and description of the precipice that we here in the US are standing at the veritable edge of … let us hope and pray that America does not fall!
A President who is compromised by dealing with Communist China while serving in one of the highest elected offices in the land would be necessarily vulnerable to blackmail by those same communists! How did we allow our nation to come to this point?
Where are the Press outlets clamoring to investigate this story? Where are the nations law enforcement defenders who have the responsibility to make sure this kind of thing does not happen?
We all have taken the same oath, that is, to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. If the Biden family allegations are true, what does our oath require of us?
THANK YOU Mike Kelly for bringing ths serious issue into the light. Only through complete and fair investigation and by fully vetting this explosive story, may we have confidence in our next President (if it is Biden/Harris!).
I hope to God these people go to prison for there actions! If it doesn’t start happening the people will start to question why aren’t these people in prison. I like you fought for America in Iraq.And it also sickens me to see My Country this terrible now!
Right on Mike. Additionally, “Now trending” on Google has “can I change my vote” and “Hunter Biden” as the most searched for since the weekend. It ain’t scientific, but I think a lot of folks woke up to the fact that the lame street media was withholding important info from us! Let every Democrat you know that the stories are still on the New York Post website as of this morning.
I was wondering about how many people wanted to change their vote based on this information. People who are intellectually honest with themselves are likely regretting voting for Biden now that the truth is right in their faces. Yes, we must continue to share the truth even if we have to use email or text links to the truth.
Dan, a lot of our fellow veterans are saying that exact thing. I know Bill Barr’s basic position is to not get involved in political retribution. I get that. However, the flip side is we lose complete confidence in our justice system. How does the FBI not clean their own house let alone these corrupt politicians? I would hate to be associated with the FBI today. I know there are some good agents and I feel bad for them. I’m sure the CIA, NSA, and other alphabet groups need to clean up as well.
No, thank you, brother! You are a great inspiration to me and to those who know you. If our readers knew who you were they would be amazed at your dedication and service to our country. When I was serving I often wondered if the person or people I was with would have my back under fire. You are one of those people that I would have absolutely no doubt about.
Let’s hope Greg Jarret is correct in this article.