You cannot become President unless you are 35 years old. You cannot serve in the Senate unless you are 30 years old. You cannot serve in the House unless you are 25 years old. Please tell me something. If you cannot hold these offices until you reach that age how does it make sense that you can vote for those offices if you are not that same minimum age?
It is also interesting that these ages were determined before the advent of our understanding of the human brain. Today we know the brain is not fully developed until around the age of 25. Click here for details. It seems logical that most crime is committed by those at this age or younger. Click here for details. People under 25 are also less likely to own property. Therefore they are naturally less invested in the sustainability of the policies they approve of.
It just seems to me that we should not lower the voting age as Democrats have suggested but raise the voting age. That’s all. Just wanted to get that off my mind and create a quick post.
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An interesting topic MSgt Kelly.
The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 in July of 1971 by Constitutional Amendment.
There actually was legislation passed in 1970 lowering the voting age to 18 from 21, but this law was challenged in the courts, and eventually the Supreme Court ruled ruled that Congress could lower voting age for Federal elections, but could not for state/locsl elections.
As a veteran, I’m sure you’re aware that the impetus for lowering the voting age was primarily a result of the young men being drafted for the Vietnam war. 18 years old was the draft age, but those being drafted could not vote for those who were sending them off to war.
What would be the justification or the reason why the voting age should be changed now? Hmm?
Yes indeed. There is no longer a draft. Makes sense to raise the voting age to the minimum age required to hold a particular office. Knowing the brain is not fully developed to about 25 I think giving it 10 years to set in 35 would be the ideal age to vote for President. You could break it down by the office you are voting for. 25-year-olds could vote for their Representative and so on. I know we will never do it but to remain consistent in our logic this would be the case.
Resistance is futile. Logic will not serve you. ~ The Borg
Demoncrats will do anything for votes. They brainwash kids in public schools so Demoncrats are sure those will be voters for them.