That is the question asked by Scott Adams of Dilbert cartoon fame in relation to all the Trump investigations aka witch hunts. Nobody is saying Trump isn’t a real pain in the ass to the establishment. He is. He even ran on that platform.
I think they are afraid of a businessman doing everything so much better than they are able to do as politicians. If the government ran like a business it would have far fewer employees and be many times more efficient.
Others suggest: “Derailing the Great Reset and, interrupting graft in Ukraine.” I stick to the thought that fixing problems is the opposite of what the current government is about. Long ago (the 1970s) a D.C. staffer told me the job of the government is to justify that it stays in business. If they solve a problem there goes their job.
As odd as Trump can be he works for America, not himself. Joe Biden cuts self-serving deals like his son Hunter cuts lines of blow. The same is true of many politicians both left and right.
Most Americans agree with Trump’s policies when you remove the name Trump from the question. Things like a Strong military, free and fair trade, secure borders, strong on crime and punishment, lower taxes, government accountability to the people, lower prescription drug prices, public/private partnerships to improve inner cities and strengthen technology, bringing manufacturing back to America, and avoiding conflict with other nations when possible. Sadly, many people cannot see beyond the man to look at the policies.
As Greg Gutfeld often puts it: You want the best doctor, the best lawyer et cetera. You don’t care if they are likable as long as they are the best. Remember that when you go to vote.
Speaking of Gutfeld subscribe to Speedy News on Rumble for full episodes. Here is the latest. Enjoy if you have the time!
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The Biden side wants One World Government. Their only hope (aside from Christ’s return) is to control our children.
See their own words.
Vladimir Lenin: “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
Joseph Stalin: “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” (Interview with H. G. Wells. September, 1937)
Adolf Hitler: “Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state.”
See for many more related quotes with citations.
Well said
It’s hard to believe you’re actually asking what we’re afraid of. Or maybe you have no idea what’s going on. Here’s your answer:
Hi Chris. Thanks for your comment and the article you wrote about Vets for Trump. You may have not noticed that the question was not asked by me but by Scott Adams of Dilbert. That’s a minor thing but his question piqued my interest when I read it.
Your arguments against Trump the man are your own. However, I am curious if you disagree with the policies.
I’m also glad you included my thoughts on the classified documents in your post. What many people miss on both the left and right is every story has a narrative. If the narrative goes beyond facts and into allegations without evidence you can look like an idiot when the facts come out. Nobody knows anything more than there were reported “folders” with various markings. There are all kinds of rumors about what documents might contain but that is as far as it goes.
It’s OK to express your beliefs as long as everyone understands it is a belief. Everything to me is a scale between 1 and 10 when it comes to my beliefs. 10 means I’m 99% sure something is true. A 1 means I’m 99% sure it is false. Many things fall between a 4 and a 6 for me. It’s just my way of looking at things and I believe it is healthy.
I’ve been to places where I watched how the so-called truth was reported. The problem for me is I was there and it did not happen that way. In addition, since I was in a unit that broadcasted psychological operations I learned a thing or two back in the 1980s about propaganda. I’m not sure what your credentials are. You might want to post them on your website.
You can access my short and longer bio here.
I’m skeptical of your “many things fall between 4 and 6” when you’re quick to be at a 10 if it supports what you want to believe. Like what you wrote about Cassidy Hutchinson being “immediately discredited.” She said a few hundred different things in her testimony, I think there are TWO that have been disputed. No one from the SS has testified, although they were supposedly going to. She has not been “immediately discredited.” Most of what she said has been corroborated.
Tony Ornato resigned shortly after her testimony and never testified.
Or your tweet about the democrats calling Trump supporters fascists. That may not be exactly accurate but what exactly should we call a large part of your anti-democratic party that supports Trump’s insane lies about the election and his attempt stop Biden from being inaugurated. Or Trump calling the press “the enemy of the people.” Or the way Trump went after Mexican immigrants, then Asians because of the “China flu’, now has said that Jews need to “get their act together” and “appreciate” Israel “before it is too late.” Kari Lake, who wants to be president one day said in a speech that some journalists should be in jail for lying about the election, which is sick because she’s the liar. Many people running as Republicans have stated they would not have certified the vote in 2020 if they had been in office in 2020.
It’s makes no sense at all that you who thinks of himself as a patriot can support someone who is still working to end democracy here. That is not an opinion, that’s a fact. There are many other Republicans. I’m looking forward to him being indicted in Georgia and maybe some other places as well.
I don’t have time to get into other issues other than what I wrote in my blog post. My credentials are that I’m appalled by people who support the end of democracy in the US and refuse to know what the fact are about this.
OK I’m still waiting for the answer to my question. To keep it on the topic of this post, do you agree with any of Trump’s policies?
That’s a broad question. You tell me what policies you’re referring too and I’ll answer yes or no. However, there are many other Republicans that aren’t anti-democratic who have the same policies as Trump. Why you all have to support someone as pathological as him is very weird.
From the above post:
“Things like a Strong military, free and fair trade, secure borders, strong on crime and punishment, lower taxes, government accountability to the people, lower prescription drug prices, public/private partnerships to improve inner cities and strengthen technology, bringing manufacturing back to America, and avoiding conflict with other nations when possible. “
Do you agree with these policies?
Yes, I agree with these policies. But what exactly is your point? That agreeing with these means that I should support Trump?
As I wrote, there are MANY other Republicans who have very similar policies, and who are not anti-democratic pathological liars.
However, these other Republicans would probably not insult vets by:
–saying “I like people who weren’t captured.”
–saying they “fell in love” with the leader of North Korea
–taking the side of Putin against the US in Helsinki in 2018.
–calling Putin “a genius” and “savvy” right before he invaded Ukraine.
–admire authoritarian rulers around the world while having poor relationships with Europe
–for political reasons minimize TBI of at least 11 US service members after an attack by Iran.
Do you support these things that Trump did? Yes or no?
And these are the points of my post on my blog:
Do you support Trump’s lies that Mike Pence could have stopped certification, which caused rioters to chant “Hang Mike Pence!”
Also, do you support a man who has told hundreds of lies about the “stolen election” despite being told my many people he appointed–including his campaign manager, his lawyer Pat Cipilone, Bill Barr, his top people at DOJ, his daughter, and others that he lost?
Do you support the US continuing to be a democratic country?
I will be direct. No. I do not support all things Trump said. Of course, many of us might be more generous in our understanding of things he says than you and others. Some are comical and taken out of context. Some are true and in bad taste.
The military times article you link could be taken out of context by many that do not fully read and listen. If you read the article and watch the video Trump said his info came from the Pentagon & you would have to ask the Department of Defense. Second, he is correct TBI is not as serious as getting blown up. He was also out of the country at the time and the news was recent. Seems like a nitpick to me.
I’m guessing you are aware that Democrats objected to cerfication many times. Why single out Trump? Why hold him accountable for what others do? Even Mike Pence does not agree with your allegations on Trump.
It all depends on what you mean by stolen. I don’t know what Trump means. There have been crazy allegations. Some are founded in truth some are idiotic. We won’t know for years and maybe never. You do know about the Kennedy vs Nixon election don’t you? Nixon did not want to fight it.
I’ve written hundreds of posts over the past 6 years. We could talk about these things for a very long time. Too bad we only live 70 to 80 years on average.
Are there others who are smoother than Trump. You bet there are. Do I think any of them could have accomplished what the crazy orange man did? Nope. Would I vote for hm again? Yes sir!
Nuts or not I usually go with policy over personality. That policy also has to be carried out. Trump proved he could carry out a lot of his policies. Not all but many more than others who simply give it lip service. He really came through for veterans. It was nothing short of amazing. Learn more at this link.
Am I afraid the Republic will be harmed by Trump? No. Am I afraid the Republic will be harmed by Biden and whoever is actually forming his policies? Yes and we don’t need to wait to see if that comes true. It is already here.
Of course I support the Republic. You and I simply have a different view of the so called threat level. I have seen real threats the world over. I cannot speak about your life experience but I imagine it explains your position as mine does for me.
To suggest that what the dems did after 2016 is comparable to what Trump and his allies have done is a false comparison. Clinton conceded the afternoon after the election, and was criticized by some Republicans for waiting too long. And it was Biden, as VP, who stopped any dissent in the House during certification. Just because a small number of dems said the election of Trump was fraudulent is nothing like what’s going on now.
Which dems instigated an attack on the Capitol?? NONE.
Your minimization of what Trump and his allies have done since the election and what they continue to do suggests that you are in severe denial about it, or maybe you are one of those Trump supporters who refuse to get their news from sources that tell them the facts.
“Nuts or not I usually go with policy over personality.”
That, again, is strange analysis and minimization of what Trump has done. Instigating an attack on the Capitol after all his bogus legal challenges and lies failed to do it for him is not about “personality.” Unleashing a violent riot at Capitol is not about personality.
The riot at the Capitol isn’t enough for you to think he’s a threat? What exactly do you need??
“I don’t know what Trump means.”
He means what he’s been lying about starting a few hours after the election, when his campaign manager told him there was absolutely no basis for him stating there was massive fraud. It’s not complicated.
There’s video of that which is easy to find.
“We won’t know for years and maybe never.”
That’s true about some things, but about the important things you are WRONG.
Do you know any of this?
We’re pretty much done. I will NEVER understand how anyone who considers themself a patriot supports someone that is still lying about the election even though so many people he appointed told him he lost.
I suppose you are correct when you say we are pretty much done. I believe you will never understand me or those who hold my position. I am happy to see you agree with Trump’s policies even if you dislike the man.
Do I wish there was someone who could perform like Trump without all the petty bullshit? Yes, I do. Maybe he will decide not to run and we will have a President DeSantis or similar in 2024.
For now, it is about the midterms. I hope Americans don’t expect much. Even if we win the Senate we do not have enough members to override a Biden veto. All we can hope to do is slow the bleeding.
By the way, I really don’t blame Biden for his poor performance as President. I blame the “poorly educated” people who voted for him. Those who voted for Trump saw this coming from a mile away.