As previously stated, I have received numerous comments and emails from individuals who identify as leftists and Never Trumpers. It is quite evident that they share similar talking points and frequently reference the same articles. While I won’t delve into addressing every fallacy presented, I must acknowledge that there is some truth to their claims. It is undeniable that Donald Trump, like any human being, possesses flaws. In fact, I have yet to encounter a flawless individual in my personal experience. The ongoing debate regarding whether Trump’s flaws outweigh those of Biden, Newsom, and other political figures is one that seems destined to persist among American voters.
Sometimes the best way to approach those who oppose you is to grant the argument even if it is not true. Then we see where it takes us. Let’s say Trump is worse than Hitler, a Satanic womanizer like Bill Clinton, or whatever the most ominous comparison you can come up with is. Considering he has so much support in America what does that say about the other side? One would expect that if Trump were truly as despicable as his detractors claim, his opposition would be a shining beacon of hope, a paragon of virtue. Yet, here we are, with Biden and his ilk struggling to make a dent in Trump’s popularity.
It’s a sad state of affairs for Democrats, really. One can’t help but wonder what qualities or lack thereof have led to such a lackluster performance from Biden and his associates. The outcome of their ideology is apparent to all who are willing to see it. Perhaps it’s time for them to take a long, hard look in the mirror and reassess their approach. After all, if they can’t even surpass a supposed incarnation of evil, what hope do they have of leading the nation?
- The term Bidenomics became a laughing stock. Anyone buying gasoline, food, a car, a home, or anything knows better. You just cannot spin reality when it affects the majority of people.
- Railing against the term MAGA is another failure. Who doesn’t want to make America great again? Obviously, those who agree with the Biden administration by continuing our decline.
- Hiring people based on their race or sexual proclivities is an embarrassing failure. Kamala Harris, Sam Brinton, Ketanji Brown Jackson & Rachel Levine just to name a few failures. Whatever happened to hiring qualified people regardless of race or sexual proclivity?
- Saying “the border is secure” also became a joke as liberal sanctuary cities had to start dealing with the reality of massive illegal immigration. Granted, it took a while for reality to hit as the mainstream media helped with the lie until they lost too much credibility. Even CNN and MSNBC had to eventually admit the truth.
- The failed withdrawal from Afghanistan shocked the nation. The loss of both American and friendly Afghan lives was and is horrendous. Let alone billions of dollars of taxpayer money left behind in the form of military equipment and infrastructure. Add to that the two-decade cost of $83 billion left only to collapse.
- World War III is more likely under the Biden administration than it ever was under the Trump administration. Oh, and don’t forget the Abraham Accords brought to you by the Trump Administration. At least the Biden administration did not completely reverse that. I give credit where credit is due. However, today Israel is under attack from Gaza. We will see how that turns out.
- Claiming the Biden administration created 14 million jobs was laughable. Everyone knew most of that was simply a recovery from COVID.
- On the state and local level, the Dems have lost it as well. Everything from our kids failing education to withholding information from parents, and critical race theory to degrading our police and bail reform is a complete and utter failure. None of these things were brought to us by MAGA Republicans.
I still think, if it hadn’t been for COVID Trump would have won in a landslide in 2020. Nobody can prove to everyone how things would have turned out without all these mail-in ballots and state rule changes that benefited Democrats. It is speculation, I grant you that. No need to put in an argument one way or another about that subject. You can argue about these COVID elections for the next 100 years. However, you must admit Trump only really had a 2 years Presidency as COVID fears gripped the nation and the world.
Again I say, there is no need to list all of your perceived flaws about Donald Trump. Social Media and Mainstream Media do that all day long. I want to further the conversation. If not Trump then who? Can that person beat Trump in the primary? How do their policies differ from his?
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A serious problem with liberalism: TRUTH
Trump’s hold over the Republican party is so complete that it borders on the pathological. Since March, he has been convicted of sexual assault and his business found guilty of massive corruption, indicted four times and charged with 91 separate felonies. Yet his poll numbers among Republicans have dramatically improved. He enjoys a more than 45-point lead in the race for the party’s presidential nomination.
At least you stayed on the subject. I will grant you that and it is why I am approving your comment. As Trump’s attorney said and most of America agrees from the article you cited: “We know this is intentional – it’s to tie [Trump] up, it’s definitely political,” Habba said.
Your use of the word “pathological” is likely above your pay grade to determine. In order to make that assessment you must be a psychologist who has sat down and interviewed millions of Americans. Unless you are AI I don’t believe you have that capability and last I checked millions of Americans have not set up appointments with a single AI psychology program.
If it is simply to hurl an invective, which I presume it is, what does this say about those who approve of the Biden administration? Your comment resembles the Hillary Clinton “Deplorables” comment that only galvanized those who supported pro America policies. Hillary is doubling down with her recent comments saying those who support Trump need deprogrammed. I suppose we would be headed for the Democrat run concentration camps if there were not so many of us. Who’s talking like Hitler now? If Trump had said something like that the left would be wetting their panties and calling him Hitler. PS Hillary is also an “election denier” along with many Democrats including Stacey Abrams. Denying election results is not the sole purview of Donald Trump or his supporters.
If you are more or less conservative and think of yourself as a Republican or right leaning independent think about all the nasty things said about Ronald Reagan and other Republican Presidents of the past.
Criticism of past Republican presidents has been multifaceted, reflecting differing political ideologies, policy disagreements, and the consequences of their actions. For instance, critics often argue that Ronald Reagan prioritized the interests of big businesses and wealthy individuals over those of working-class Americans through his policies such as trickle-down economics. Additionally, George H.W. Bush faced criticism for his handling of foreign affairs, particularly the Gulf War and subsequent military intervention in Iraq. Many critics also questioned the decision-making abilities of George W. Bush during his presidency, with concerns surrounding the invasion of Iraq based on false intelligence about weapons of mass destruction. I personally had these concerns at the onset.
Moreover, some conservatives criticized Republican leaders such as Dwight D. Eisenhower for maintaining a more centrist approach and expanding government programs like Social Security and infrastructure projects. These criticisms reflect nuanced assessments that take into account both positive achievements and potential shortcomings, contributing to an ongoing dialogue about the effectiveness and impact of past Republican presidencies in shaping American society. I could cite many other examples all the way back to the founder of the Republican Party, Abraham Lincoln.
Again, even if all your negative arguments about Trump were granted what is the solution? Who is the right Republican candidate? How does their policy platform out perform Trump’s policy record? If you are a leftist how does the left fix their failing policies? Who would be their candidate if not Biden?
All the commenters on this blog seem to be afraid to give names or policy positions that are better. As I said, if you were in E-3 you would not have made it any further if you had worked for me. At least not based on this response. I’m guessing if you had any success in life is was pure luck rather than merited achievement. Please, prove me wrong and you will have my respect. I am open to being wrong.. It is about workable solutions, not simply pointing out problems.