Anybody besides me getting tired of hearing about race and White Supremacy? I hope so. Nobody likes to be alone and I’m betting I am not. No doubt some people hold to that ideology but I’m betting it is far less than anyone thinks. For those who are a little slow here is the definition. “White supremacy a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races”
Let’s take a look at Portland. Are those anarchists white? Yes, mostly. Here is a link to a NY Post article that uses a pretty clear picture of the group just before riots break out. The caption on the picture says Black Lives Matter supporters demonstrate in Portland Oregon. If there are a hundred people visible in the photo I can only identify 1 black person for sure. Everyone else is white.
Here is a new YouTube video link. It might be taken down before long so I don’t know if the link will be active when you are reading this. The video link starts at the end so you can see a daylight video and identify the race. I did not see any blacks. You can back up the video to see more and I will admit I saw one or two blacks. Riots in Oregon has NOTHING to do with blacks. Chicago and other cities are a different story.
Does any reasonable person think those white people rioting in Portland are superior? No. Stupid is as stupid does regardless of race and most of us know that. If we are anything we are “reasonable supremacists“. We believe smart and reasonable beats unreasonable and stupid every time. In other words, “Reasonable supremacy is the belief that reasonable people are superior to those who are unreasonable and reason should dominate over unreasonableness”.
Imagine if the pictures and videos you see of rioters were actually of white supremacy groups. Do you think Portland would put up with violence from a group like the KKK? Of course not. It would have been shut down in less than a day. The Mayors and Governors would have called in the National Guard and arrested everyone.
I’ll end this post with that final point. If anyone can argue that Portland or these other cities would allow the KKK to commit these acts of violence I will call you a lying dog faced pony soldier to your face 🙂
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Yes, Mike, and there are few places where we can express our frustration, also and especially as veterans. The sad thing is, many of them are no longer with us, and this is especially true with the men. The EOE/DIVERSITY nonsense that has destroyed careers and lives due to the attach and disruption of quality in industry which ultimately led to its easy removal from our country has turned into a huge pyramid, and it has gone, to to bottom, in favor of those that corrupt all thought, spirit and nations. They take their “orders” from certain major institutions that our nation has funded for years, and of course, subsidiaries of each. How many men lost their jobs to EOE appointees, even when, in some cases, they were the selected candidate? I also knew black men that suffered this fate. They too were struggling and now it is worse, ten times worse. The traditional family in all its original ways has been under attach for decades, and both parties are willing participants in the downfall of many lives and nations. In fact, this whole things is reversal of the truth. Some of us could write books, but they will not be published! My husband was a Vietnam veteran, POW and hard worker, a true defender of industry, that which got us, and Europe, through World War II. He was “old school” and knew that technical management had the answers. Countless veterans were, in a sense, removed from the working society as the nation went from having a WORK FORCE to a JOB MARKET. Many black men were part of this, and had served their country well, as well as later. How many of them all had to defend quality against bad management and poor work practices, ultimately standing up for the rights of the direct labor worker, the one at the bottom of the hill? How many workers on all levels who knew that government contracting was a critical business and quality could save lives? Because our country thinks now in little particles of truths and untruths, it seems few can connect the dots anymore! Even when in business for themselves, many veterans could not fight the corruption that was as bad as that which had been planted into industry by those we think of as globalists. People became collateral damage, assets, paid well, and bonused, and the “other ones” the liabilities! The VA has even struggled with such issues. Many of us have stories from our lives. Americans matter. Men matter. They are the ones that suffered through generations of wars, most greatly unjustified. I could say more! Bless them all, and their memories! From a Navy veteran.
Hi Caroline. Thanks for posting a comment. Feel free to vent your frustration here anytime.
I used to meet with former POW’s every 2 years in Spokane Washington to learn from their experiences. For all I know your husband may have been one of them. I am only 62 so I did not go to Vietnam. God bless all those who were POW’s.
Yes, the truth is times have changed in our lifetime. Those who are much younger don’t see it because they did not live through those changes. We remember a time before the “Globalists” ran our country. That term falls on deaf ears for many younger folks. That was one of many reasons I liked Trump. He is no Globalist! He is America and Americans first!
Trump also understands the Work Force vs the Job Market as you so correctly point out. He knows a rising tide lifts all boats. There is no need to get into the whole “diversity” thing. We stand and fall together, not as individual groups. I’m reminded of an old recruitment TV commercial. I think it went like this “When we win the whole tank wins, the whole team wins, not just one person!” The good old days of One Nation Under God!
Thank you for your kind words!