If you watched the State of the Union Address last night you will easily see why the Democrats do not stand a chance in 2020. They hate Trump more than they love America. While I and many of my veteran friends did not care for Obama’s policies (or lack thereof) we did not hate the man more than we loved America. After all, he was still the Commander in Chief.
I recently spoke with a black police supervisor in Fayetteville NC on my way back from Florida. It turns out he was a conservative Pro Trump guy. We spoke for around an hour. He told me he constantly debates many of his black friends and family members. He asks them “What did Obama do for you?” The answer usually brings a blank stare but never an answer.
If you ask him what Trump has done for the black community he can rattle off a dozen things. The funny thing is the things the policeman rattles off have nothing to do with race. However, by helping all Americans, blacks, hispanics, women, gays and all Americans benefit. That is Trump’s secret weapon. He doesn’t give a rats tail about any of those things. He is about America first, not race, religion or sexual orientation. That is why we win!
Compare what President Trump was saying during the State of the Union with the faces of the Democrats. Dems looked horrified as he laid out positive items that they never could achieve. How do the Dems fight success after success? Say what you want about personality, accomplishments speak for themselves. This is the message President Trump needs to continue to bring over the next 9 months.
Our job is to get out the vote for Trump and all Republican candidates. Not all Republicans are cut from the same cloth. However, I could not count the number of pro America items Trump mentioned that Dems could not clap for. Yes, they hate Trump that much. Appeal to your Independant and reasonable Democrat friends with the facts laid out in the State of the Union Address.
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A picture is truly worth a thousand words. Look at the evil displayed by this ‘woman’. A demon inhabits her soul and it’s tormenting her to no end. It must be incredibly hard on a person’s psyche when they possess that much hate in their hearts. We must pray for her (TRULY pray and not the ‘lip service’ prayer of which she is familiar) that she is saved by God’s amazing grace and that she comes to learn the error of her ways. For the sake of our COUNTRY, we must.
My buddy Brent said that last night. God can save anyone He wants to. May God’s will be done!
Democrats don’t hate Trump more than the love their Country, they love their Country more than they are afraid of Trump. Unlike the GOP, who are more afraid of Trump insulting them than they love their Country, more even than the GOP honor their oaths.
What has Trump done for this Country other than make us a laughingstock of the world? What Country, besides the ones Trump kowtows to, still shows us respect?
If you cannot see the things that Trump has done for this country, I am truly sad for you Jon.
You can’t see our Constitution is in tatters?
How is the Senate GOP conspiring with the White House prior to the trial proper?
How is Senate GOP accepting bribes from Trump’s camp proper?
Is that what you sacrificed for? A Dictator? Because it seems you cheer loudest when our Constitution gets trashed the most!
Not sure how the link to Reason is related. Funny that they (unlike us) do not allow comments. I’m guessing they do not want their “reason” argued with by reasonable descent. Maybe they should change their name to “Just Some Persons Opinion”. The bottom line is they could not get a bi-partisan impeachment in the House. The Senate only lost Romney who is partially Soros funded. See this link from Open Secrets.
1. Impeachment trials are political, not legal.
2. Bribes?
3. Obviously you do not understand the meaning of the word “Dictator”.
a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force.