by ‘Navyman Norm’ – Strongsville, OH
This 78-year-old proud Veteran of the United States Navy is often asked “why” I wear my Red Trump ball cap wherever I go. The answer is quite simple: “I wear my Red Trump ball cap because I live in a country where I can wear it!”
I wear my Red Trump ball cap, proudly. Not because I like wearing ball caps, not because I enjoy sending a message to those who hate seeing it, and what it stands for; not because I like and support President Trump, which of course, I do.
No boys-and-girls, I like wearing my Red Trump Ball cap because it reminds me of a man who gave up a fortune to run for President of the United States, against ALL odds knowing he was an underdog; knowing full well he and his family would be savaged, scorned, laughed at and lied about his accomplishments and qualifications to run for president by members of his own party, his opponents and the Fake News media. He was attacked with such vicious hatred and vitriol, that a lesser man would have quit.
I wear my Red Trump ball cap because Donald Trump was and is not a “lesser man”. I wear my Red Trump ball cap because of his tenacity and fight for “what is RIGHT” about America, the American people, and our way of life.
No matter how much his opponents threw at him, lied about him, slandered him and his wife and children, he never gave up! All the polls, all the ‘eggsperts’, networks, newspapers, said he would lose by the greatest margin ever. He didn’t believe them. And neither did I. Their unending hatred of what Donald Trump said and campaigned on, lets “Make America Great Again,” set their hair on fire.
They, of course, knew better; they were the illegitimate offspring of Obama’s “Hope and Change” fraud, who apologized for being Americans, who wantonly spent our tax dollars on handouts and welfare; a bastardized Heath care system, Obamacare, that was anything but; who daily condemned our men and women of our military and police departments; ridiculed God and Christianity, and made abortion and infanticide the sacraments of the democrat party.
They even went so far for as bribing Iran, (the number one sponsor and funder of world terrorism) with $450 billion dollars in cash and gold, Obama and Kerry groveled before Iran, begging the Mullahs on their knees to accept their “bribes”.
The democrats AND their accomplices in the news media chose a candidate, Hillary, whose single greatest accomplishment was LYING. Especially lying about her role in the murder of four brave Americans, including one ambassador at Benghazi. Hillary’s mantra “what difference did it make” was an insult to the families of the four Benghazi heroes and the entire country. She even lied and cheated ‘Commie Wannabe Bernie’ to get the nomination of the democrat party.
And after she did, Hillary called us “a basket of Deplorables, made up of racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” people.” Remember? I do. I wear my Red Trump ball cap today to answer the Lying’ Beeeaaaacch of Benghazi.
Candidate Trump took on all comers, sixteen other Republican candidates, and then the woman who would be crowned “Queen of the United States”. Unfortunately for Hillary, her lapdogs in the Fake News Media, and Obama’s corrupt cadre of seditionists and traitors, Donald Trump out thought, outworked and outfought them all to become the 45th President of the United States. He inspired this partially disabled 78-year-old Navy Veteran and so, I put on my Red Trump ball cap and volunteered in Trump’s campaign. And will again in 2020.
“They” all said it couldn’t be done. ”They” all said how dare he! “They,” the Obama lackeys in the FBI, CIA, and NSA, said ‘we have an insurance policy to get rid of President Trump,’ making up shit about treasonous Russian collusion. When in fact, “They” were the real colluders and traitors. For three long years, “They” and their willing accomplices in the democrat party and Fake News media, have tried every dirty, filthy trick in their “Impeach Trump Playbook” to overturn the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump, as President of the United States.
And me? I proudly wear my Red Trump ball cap, because of “Them”.
President Trump did almost everything he promised us: a great US economy with less job-killing regulations; the lowest Unemployment on ever, especially for Blacks and Hispanics and Women; a US military force second to none; the moving of the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem; the defunding of Planned Holocausthood and UN funded foreign abortions; the banning of immigrants from five terrorist countries; the fight for a newer, larger border wall; an income tax cut for middle class Americans; and the appointment of 146 Federal Judges and two Conservative Supreme Court Justices; and giving Veterans like me a “choice” in using private doctors in addition to VA health care.
All despite being viciously attacked, vilified, hated and lied about by his enemies in the do-nothing democrat party, the Fake News media, and Harlotwood, since day one of his Inauguration. President Trump asks “no quarter, nor does he give any quarter.” Nor do I!
Ask me again, Fake News whores, why do I wear my Red Trump ball cap proudly?
Because I love my God; I love and served my country and would gladly do so again; and because I love and fear for the safety of my family in a country without a President, the likes of Donald J. Trump.
MAGA 2020!!
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I am a Viet-nan era Veteran I wish I had the guts to wear the hat but here In Sodom & Gomorrah (California) I probably get killed. I am the silent majority I always voted republican. Prayers for our brave president. Two years Infantry 4 years reserve Military Police.
Good God, what a patriot! This sums up PERFECTLY why I wear MY Red Hat! KUDOS, MR. BEZNOSKA!!! As long as I hold breath in my lungs, you will have a place to lay your head!!! If you EVER need my help, you can reach me at (205) 246-0500. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if I can be of ANY assistance to you, sir! God bless you and those you love! MAGA!!!
Michael – Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate your taking the time to read my article. Thank God for people like you and my brothers in arms on this Veterans Day.
Yes, I thank Him for fellow patriots like you as well. His peace and mercy unto you, my friend and all you hold dear.
What Fortune has Trump given up? Seems like he keeps violating the Constitution to increase his Fortune.
Iran? Why is Trump the ONLY World Leader who thinks stopping Iran from getting the only World Leader that thought keeping Iran from getting the Bomb was a bad idea?
Benghazi, really. How many time did the GOP investigate this? EIGHT TIMES! The GOP found that HRC did NOTHNG WRONG everytime!
Yet you support Trump even though he is an extremely “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” person.
Do you really support a President who uses the office for personal gain? Is withholding Foreign Aid until Biden was investigated really proper? Trump himself admits to it, as well as Mulvaney and EVERY witness before the House.
I supported Trumy even after he confessed to raping women. Where I come from, what he admitted to is considered Rape. But his constant lies, blatant disrespect for the military, and the vast corruption in his Administration have chased me away.
I got a nice email from Navyman, I thought I would share.
Wow, such open racism.
From Navyman
Thank you for your comment. Name one Bill the demorats passed since they took over house to help Veterans; or anyone. Just One.
Since when does America HAVE to give Foreign Aid to any country? I didn’t see that in our Constitution.
Trump doesn’t take a penny in salary since he became president.He donates it back to Veterans and other government agencies.But of course you knew that didn’t you? Does PeeLousy? No! Does Adam Schitts himself? No! Does ANY democrat? Hell NO!
By the way, the previous President, sorry IMAN Barack Hussein, groveled before Iran bribed them with $150 Billion dollars and kissed their Muslim Terrorist asses. And lest you forget, Barack apologized for being an American. Do you?
Which branch of the Armed Forces did you serve in?
My response.
No,we don’t have to give Foreign Aid. But if we do, then the President should NOT be able to use it to extort dirt on his political enemies. The Foriegn Aid was passed by Congress to be given to the Ukraine, not to be used by the President for extortion.
Here’s thirteen, how many has the GOP controlled Senate passed?
H.R. 95, (Rep. Brownley) To amend title 38, United States Code, to ensure that children of homeless veterans are included in the calculation of the amounts of certain per diem grants.
H.R. 2385 , (Rep. Lamb) To permit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a grant program to conduct cemetery research and produce educational materials for the Veterans Legacy Program.
H.R. 1199 , (Rep. Luria) To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to conduct a study regarding the accessibility of websites of the Department of Veterans Affairs to individuals with disabilities.
H.R. 2334 , (Rep. Conaway) To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Odessa, Texas, as the ‘‘Wilson and Young Medal of Honor VA Clinic’’
H.R. 2359 – Whole Veteran Act (Rep. Lamb – Veterans’ Affairs)
H.R. 1812 – Vet Center Eligibility Expansion Act (Rep. Roe – Veterans’ Affairs)
H.R. 1947 – To amend title 38, United States Code, to exempt transfers of funds from Federal agencies to the Department of Veterans Affairs for nonprofit corporations established under subchapter IV of chapter 73 of such title from certain provisions of the Economy Act, as amended (Rep. Roe – Veterans’ Affairs)
H.R. 2326 – Navy Seal Chief Petty Officer William Bill Mulder (Ret.) Transition Improvement Act of 2019 (Rep. Levin (CA) – Veterans’ Affairs)
H.R. 2333 – Support for Suicide Prevention Coordinators Act (Rep. Brindisi – Veterans’ Affairs)
H.R. 2340 – FIGHT Veteran Suicide Act (Rep. Rose – Veterans’ Affairs)
H.R. 1200 – Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-living Adjustment Act of 2019 (Rep. Luria – Veterans’ Affairs)
H.R. 2372 – Veterans’ Care Quality Transparency Act (Rep. Underwood – Veterans’ Affairs)
H.R. 2045 – Veterans’ Education, Transition, and Opportunity Prioritization Plan Act of 2019 (Rep. Wenstrup – Veterans’ Affairs)
There are well over a hundred Bills, passed by the “Do Nothing” House sitting in McConnell’s inbasket. How many Bills has the Senate passed?
I was a drunken sailor.
THIS is my answer to Jon and all others like him who prefers democrat socialism, atheism, and infanticide and bondage to an American President who believes in GOD, Country, Family.
Keep calling Trump and those of us who are really “Veterans for Trump” (unlike you) names. Have some ‘cheese’ with your whine.
I thought you served to protect our freedoms? Why are you cheering them being restricted?
This link to the picture is worth 1,000 words!