by mkelly | Jan 4, 2022 | Opinion, Veterans for Trump
The main purpose of this post is so you can share it with people who are overly concerned about the China Flu. Since it is all based on facts it will likely get banned on social media. You might have to email it to friends or they will probably never see it. A picture...
by mkelly | Dec 5, 2021 | Opinion, Psychology, Veterans for Trump
The foundational principle of forgiveness runs through all major religions and secular views in psychology. It exists in Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and nowhere is it taught more prominently than in Christianity. If you come from a secular background psychologists...
by mkelly | Nov 24, 2021 | Opinion, Veterans for Trump
Writing on this blog is different than dealing with people one on one or in small groups. In writing, I am often setting the record straight or emphasizing a point of view. You cannot hear my voice, see my face or read my body language. If you knew me personally you...
by mkelly | Nov 1, 2021 | Opinion, Veterans for Trump
As military members, accountability was at the top of our priority list. Without accountability, the entire military would fall apart. The longer you spend in the military the less you understand the non-military world. We see the incompetence and corruption of our...
by mkelly | Aug 19, 2021 | Opinion, Vets for Trump
I received a brief statement as a Post submitted using our anonymous Post link. It is too short to go out as an entire post. It is time I take down that link. I never get proper articles through there. Instead, I will use the contact form. If you have something you...
by mkelly | Aug 16, 2021 | Hypocrisy, Opinion, Veterans for Trump
Of course, the latest news on the withdrawal debacle from Afghanistan is no surprise either. That is unless you are part of the Biden administration. What did we expect? You may recall that Robert Gates said in his book: Biden had been “wrong on nearly every...