by mkelly | Jan 16, 2021 | Opinion
By now most have heard that Biden will raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour. Even Trump said he would consider it when asked at the debate. Trump said he did prefer to leave it to the states. I look at this from having been a minimum wage earner and as an employer....
by mkelly | Jul 27, 2020 | Opinion, Veterans for Trump, Vets for Trump, Voter
Reasonable people are starting to think and ask questions about the potential of a civil war. Until recently many thought the very idea was ridiculous. Make no mistake the build-up to civil war has been brewing since the late 1920s in America. During World War I the...
by mkelly | Jul 2, 2020 | Opinion, Sticky, Veterans for Trump
From the very bottom of my heart, I want to thank Dems. You see, veterans and Trump supporters became a bit concerned about Trump’s reelection chances after the Kung Flu hit. Those of us with average intelligence understood how uninformed most Americans are....
by mkelly | Apr 26, 2020 | Opinion, Veterans for Trump
Words are powerful. Like nuclear energy, they can be used for good or evil, to build up or destroy. Words originate in the mind. It has often been said that words reflect the inner man or the heart of a person. All of us fall short from time to time. Some more than...
by mkelly | Apr 14, 2020 | Opinion, Propaganda, Psychological Operations, Veterans for Trump
The old question “Who is watching the watchers?” was on full display yesterday. The news media was once the watchdog. Now, too often, it is the criminal the watchdog is looking to catch. Rather than informing, “news” is promoting. Vets for...
by Roland McLean | Apr 8, 2020 | Opinion, Veterans for Trump
As a former Naval Officer and Vietnam Fighter Pilot, I am extremely disappointed in Naval Leadership. I have no doubt that both Captain Crozier and the Admiral commanding the task group voiced their opposition to the Vietnam port call and were overridden at a much...