McCain Trump Issues

Earlier today I received a request from CNN. I am on vacation and did not see the email until it was too late. The email stated: “I’m looking for a Veteran to join us this morning at 10am ET to comment on President Trump’s recent attacks on Sen. John...

Gracious #VetsForTrump

Fellow vet for Trump Joe Episcopo and I have been traveling around Florida the past week or more trying to drum up support for the website. It has been a great time as we meet fellow veterans and Trump supporters along the way. Watching news has been...

Last Word On Socialism #VetsForTrump

The previous post on Atlas Shrugged and Socialism caused a stir with at least one leftist veteran in the comments section. Fred G makes the erroneous point about Europe and then goes on to criticize rich Congressmen like Paul Ryan as a way to promote Socialism. Here...

Atlas Shrugged #WhoIsJohnGalt

If you have never read the book or seen the movie trilogy Atlas Shrugged now is a good time to do so. The book was written by Ayn Rand in 1957. The movies were released in 3 parts, Part I (2011) Free on YouTube, Part II (2012), and Part III (2014). If you have an...