by mkelly | May 1, 2019 | Veterans for Trump, Vets for Trump
By now you all know the story. Lori Gilbert-Kaye died to save her Rabbi while a fellow veteran Oscar Stewart and off duty border patrol agent Jonathan Morales stopped the shooter from killing more people. I have blurred the image of Morales to protect his privacy. It...
by mkelly | Apr 16, 2019 | Propaganda, Vets for Trump
In case you missed this young woman talking to Congressional Democrats about hate crimes, here it is. Worth watching. Also, check her out on Twitter at...
by mkelly | Apr 11, 2019 | Vets for Trump
We actually received a comment from a veteran stating there is no crisis on the border. Hmm, not sure if the MSM doesn’t report this (Reuters does, click here) but I suggest to those in the dark that they turn on a light. See comment here. Comprehensive...
by Michael Bogmenko | Apr 10, 2019 | Vets for Trump
Poverty is located throughout the world and the United States is not to prepared to take in everyone who wants to take in our standard of living. Some brick head also says it is because of Climate Changes except the migrants flee from a more reliable temperature. I...
by Michael Bogmenko | Apr 4, 2019 | Vets for Trump
Joe Biden is a proven leader of the Democratic machine and much about nothing career politician who is about to run for president. Wow, while in political office Biden has encountered issues of corruption, stupid exclamations, double standards for Democrats, and...
by mkelly | Apr 3, 2019 | Vets for Trump
(Harrisburg) — A Pennsylvania National Guard unit is deploying to eastern Europe as part of a years-long international effort to prevent Russian aggression. The 3rd Squadron, 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment will lead Battle Group Poland, one of four such groups...