by mkelly | Feb 26, 2019 | Propaganda, Psychological Operations, Vets for Trump
Greg Gutfeld said that contrary to the Mainstream Media, hate crimes are not on a great rise. He pointed this out several times and mentioned FBI statistics show around a thousand more agencies reporting in 2017. Turns out he is right but there is more to consider....
by mkelly | Feb 25, 2019 | Socialism, Vets for Trump
The previous post on Atlas Shrugged and Socialism caused a stir with at least one leftist veteran in the comments section. Fred G makes the erroneous point about Europe and then goes on to criticize rich Congressmen like Paul Ryan as a way to promote Socialism. Here...
by mkelly | Feb 21, 2019 | Featured Story, Vets for Trump
If you have never read the book or seen the movie trilogy Atlas Shrugged now is a good time to do so. The book was written by Ayn Rand in 1957. The movies were released in 3 parts, Part I (2011) Free on YouTube, Part II (2012), and Part III (2014). If you have an...
by mkelly | Feb 19, 2019 | Propaganda, Vets for Trump
As elders, one of our jobs is to educate younger people. Fellow Marine veteran Thomas Sowell is now 88 years old. When he is gone he will be missed. For the younger crowd, it is interesting to note Thomas Sowell is on Twitter! Here is a link to his Twitter. The first...
by mkelly | Feb 15, 2019 | Vets for Trump
President Trump did a good job outlining how this is going to play out in the courts. You may be surprised to discover there are two courts with higher reversal rates by the Supreme Court than the 9th Circuit Cort of Appeals. Here is an excerpt: The 9th Circuit’s...
by mkelly | Feb 15, 2019 | Immigration, Vets for Trump, Wall
A question came in on our new MAGA website that I thought was worth mentioning on Vets for Trump. What Government Report defines our National Emergency? No one seems to identify the source. I can not find any Government reports that support President Trump’s claim of...