Blue Water Navy veterans

Vets for Trump adds our voice to encourage President Trump to speak to Mike Enzi and Mike Lee about fast-tracking HR 299. Get more details here from Stars & Stripes. The two major concerns are the budget and a potential new report coming out in 2019. There is...

One Thing I Learned in the Military

Someone posted to our “Haters Corner” today. I’m glad I put that up on this website. In a reply, I said I am starting to see a correlation between length of service and Conservative values. I know that would be anecdotal. I do wish someone would do a...

Suicide Among Veterans #VetsForTrump

Most of us know the suicide rate among veterans is about 22 per day. What you might not know is the average of all Americans is 123 per day. Veterans account for a disproportionally higher percentage than the average, 19% of all suicides but only 7% of the total...

Four Thanksgiving Agreements – #VetsForTrump

You know you are going to be discussing politics with your relatives this Thanksgiving. It is unavoidable in most cases. Here is my sage advice 🙂 Follow the Four Agreements Be Impeccable with your word. – Have your facts straight and say what you mean and mean...

Hate Mail #VetsForTrump #WalkAway

This past week or so I received a bit more hate email than usual. I’m supposing it is because of Veterans Day and all the hubbub about where President Trump was and wasn’t. Let me answer a common objection about where President Trump was on Veterans Day...