As a naturally curious guy, I often send myself links and never get around to posting articles. Articles take a long time and I’m beginning to understand why some people use Twitter (uggh!) Anyway, here are a few recent links I sent myself that I never posted but you can read them on your own.
- Conspiracy theories. These have always troubled me because I’m a skeptical yet rational person (most of the time). I know some people who insist the moon landing was a fake and others who insist that we have bases on the moon and mars. If this kind of thinking has got you as befuddled as me maybe this article will help explain why people believe this stuff.
- Climate Change. I’ve posted on this but it is worth reminding folks about the hypocrisy and hype. This is just one link of many I could provide. Again, if President Obama believes the 12 year thing why did he just spend 37% of his net value on a beach house worth 15 million dollars?
- Abortion through comedian Dave Chappell’s eyes. Yep, Dave Chappell is back. I saw his comedy special on Netflix. He makes an interesting observation about abortion. If a woman can decide to kill her baby without consulting the father then a man should have the right to abandon a baby that is born. If that one doesn’t make the leftists think I don’t know what will. Here is that segment on PS if you don’t know Dave he is graphic.
Immigration. It would take all of 15 minutes to fix the immigration crisis. If the Democrats can’t come together to fix something as simple as immigration how are they going to fix worldwide climate change, healthcare or anything else?
- Immigrant Federal Arrests. In 1998, 63% of all federal arrests were of U.S. citizens; in 2018, 64% of all federal arrests were of non-U.S. citizens. Source, Bureau of Justice Statistics. This does not include State and Local arrests which do not accurately track immigration status.
- Mass Shootings. There have been 116 mass shootings (3 or more people killed) since 1982. Here is a link to an interesting spreadsheet you can research if you are interested.
- Chicago Murders. You are less likely to be killed in Afghanistan & Iraq from 2001 until 2016 than you are in Chicago. 50 years of Democratic rule in Chicago shows us what America would be like if the Democrats ever get a sustained majority for decades.
OK, those were just a few of the links I recently sent myself. Let me know your thoughts.
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Why are you taking advice on science from politicians?
What happened to the artic sea ice?
Where are the glaciers going?
Why are there “King” Tides around the world. Including Miami.
Why are governments around the world spending billions on Oceanic Flood Control Systems?
You must have missed my article on “Not Getting Wonky On Climate Change“. It is all science. Please watch both videos and your questions will not need to be answered. Thank God for global warming and CO2! We may well have avoided an ice age that would kill billions. If you want to understand the psychology of it and how you have been trained to think read Rob Guinter’s comment and the linked PDF.
Artic Ice? Melting but hang on it’ll be back in 100-500 years, and in quantities larger than you’ve ever witnessed. Also since the rock is cooling in general, pack a second coat.
Glaciers? Same thing.
King Tides? Simply the result of above mentioned along with the general changes of the globe.
Why are governments ……spending……. ? To keep their troops happy and to pretend they are planning for something which they will have no power over. Simply move away from the oceans will solve the issue. Although it didn’t stop the Obamas from buying ocean front property did it!
I suppose I read too much history. There are many places around the world where ruins of ports and towns are found underwater. I’m not talking the fabled Atlantis, I’m talking about actual things we have found off the coasts around the world. Yep, we just keep moving things back when we need to and have been for a very long time. I’m more concerned about super volcanos and asteroid strikes.
Most were sunk when the seas rose after the ice age. Earthquakes have sunk a lot also.
Why do you take scientific advice from politicians insted of scientists? 97% of scientists beleive global climate change is happening, they just don’t agree on the cause. However, they do seem to all agree tha it is happening.
Jon, not sure if you are asking me or Misunderstood. Either way, I believe I referred you over to the post that contains the founder of Green Peace (a scientist) and the video from PBS (a science-based video). Nobody is saying the climate is not and has not changed for millions or even billions of years.
The point about Obama is not a scientific point. It is a point of not acting in accordance with one’s professed beliefs. You don’t spend 37% of your net worth on a home that will not be there very long. I mean you can but it is certainly not rational. Does that mean President Obama (and I’m sure many other politicians and climate scientists) are buying property close to the ocean because they really believe the grave warnings?
The lefty lunes are scaring kids as young as 5 years old and brainwashing older kids and even adults into believing the world is ending. It is not ending, it is changing and has for millions of years before man arrived. We adapt and adjust and apparently there is plenty of time to figure out how to move away from the coast. Otherwise, beachfront property would be selling for a song. Trust me, when you see beachfront property values drop it is time to move back.
I mean this sincerely, It is going to be alright. The solution is not ruining America and letting China, India, Russia and others continue to pollute and beat us into the ground. I have yet to mee the liberal or conservative that does not want a better environment. Remember, Republicans started the EPA. It is simply a matter of one side being rational and the other side being irrational. To the Political Parties, it is more about power. To the average American, it is more about commons sense approaches.