If you missed the news there is more talk of Russian interference supporting Trump for President. Those who hate Trump are salivating. Those that love him are thinking “not again!”. My advice is STOP and THINK!
A close friend sees me as a cynic. Mainly because I don’t buy into various conspiracy theories. If you think 9/11 was an inside job you should stop reading now. I like to think I’m a healthy skeptic. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
What do we do when claims are not so extraordinary? Hopefully, most Americans consider some sincere questions.
Could it be that Vladimir Putin simply wants to mess with your head?
If I were Putin I would already know how deeply divided my arch-nemesis (America) was. I would leverage that by making some probes into America’s election system. I would also start rumors in my own country so they could be picked up by U.S. Intelligence. Not so overtly that it would look like it was out in the open. I would suggest I supported Trump because most of the anger in America’s left is targeted at him.
Which side would you pick to win our election if you were him?
Trump’s actions against Russia are well documented. You can see a list of Policy Actions at this weblink from Brookings.
I will not look to the past under the Obama administration. However, it should be noted how soft he was on Russia. Consider the leader in the Democrat Primary, Bernie Sanders. He not only is aligned with the current Russian view of Socialism he has always admired Russia and the former Soviet Union. So much so that he took his Honeymoon in the then Soviet Union.
I have met many Russian youths working in America. They flock to the Outer Banks every year to work. They are just people like us. The problem is Socialism, not the people.
So, who do you think Putin really wants to win? Is this all just a grand psych-out? Your thoughts are welcomed.
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While I don’t take the accusation of planned Russian interference lightly, I DO try to filter as much BS from the left out of my thoughts as I possibly can. We’ve already learned that the do-nothing Dems will do and say pretty much anything and everything they can if they think it will keep our President from re-election. That being said, I personally think that with George Soros involving himself as much with our elections as he is, if any worries are founded then it would be that the election will be tainted AGAINST President Trump rather than FOR him. There has been FAR more evidence to promote that possibility than some kind of silly Russian interference claims. Regardless, we can all see the President’s attendance numbers at his rallies and if he does NOT get re-elected for a second term then it’s almost ASSUREDLY because of Democrat shenanigans. Keep your powder dry and your axes sharp, fellow patriots.
Why is the President upset that his Nation Security Advisors briefed Congress on the threat to our elections? Why is he denying their briefings on the threats to our elections? Why is Connell blocking attempts to increase the security of our voting?
Russia may not be interfering with our elections, contrary to an almost universal acknowledgement of Intelligence Agencies around the world, but why stop the strengthening of election security?
Trump claimed there were millions of illegal sites in 2016, yet he and the rest of the GOP now oppose strengthening the of voting security?
The answer to your first question is fully covered at this link.
Do you really think Russia wants Trump elected? Do you think Putin is a masochist? If Putin is a masochist I suppose it would be possible.
What is wrong with strengthening our elections? Even if Russia did not interfere with the 2016 election, which is not what Trump’s own Intelligence Community says, shouldn’t we make our elections as secure as possible? Even Trump says foreign countries are trying to interfere. He claimed “millions” of illegal votes in 2016.
Hi Jon. I will render an opinion of my own. It is not based on anything you will read in the news. As you know I run a web company and Security is a priority. As you can imagine this website is attacked often. I would not begin to publicly say what steps I take to secure it. That would only help hackers. Knowing is half the battle.
Securing elections is up to each state. Yes, the Feds can and have put some money towards it. How much is always the question.
Also, consider what determined hackers do every day. They attack the Pentagon and other highly sensitive computers like those related to our infrastructure. We do a good job but there are more breaches than we will publicly admit. The bottom line truth is you cannot protect against attacks completely. I agree that we need to take hacking, in general, more seriously. So much so that if I were the GOD of America 🙂 I would hunt down and execute every bad actor in the world. I would also treat countries that maliciously attack like it was a war. However, you better damn well be sure before you go to war. Hackers are tricky. You can be sitting in Los Angeles and make an attack look like it is coming from anywhere in the world.
Now to get a little political. I presume this may piss you off a bit. How is it that Democrats have been blocking the single biggest thing that can help to secure our elections? Most industrial nations have a method of voter ID. It is not racist in Canada and other countries so why is it racist here? That’s all bullshit if you ask me. It is smart, not racist.
In relation to foreign countries using social media to influence elections that is on us as Americans. Ignorant people fall for crap. In a free society, we let people freely talk and vote regardless of their level of information or intelligence. In a way, it might help to make people smarter. After all, even stupid people can wise up after being duped and feeling their own folly. Let’s hope Americans wise up.
He is catering to billionaires and corporations at the expense of the American people. In the fall of 2017, mega-donors shelled out more than $31 million in political contributions to Trump and Republicans. And in return, they got a massive $2 trillion tax cut. Not a bad return on investment. As Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago just days after the tax bill became law, “You all just got a lot richer.”
More wrong thinking PJ.
Household Income Jumps To All-Time Highs Under Trump — Why Isn’t This Big News? See this link from Investors Business Daily.
Of course the rich are going to benefit along with everyone else. That is the problem with Socialism. If you haven’t realized it by now, you never got a job from a poor man. The rich employ America.
Is the income gap too wide? Yes, it still is in my opinion. However, that happened over the past 50 years or more and Trump is not going to be able to fix that in the first 3 years. You better hope we vote for a businessman who puts America first, like him, after his term ends in 2024.
I’m too old to worry about it for myself. However, I do concern myself with my children and grandchildren. It might take 50 years to undo all the work by our government did by putting America somewhere other than first.
I agree, Requiring ID to vote is not racist. Requiring IDs at voting booths should be done.
Iowa should show everyone that voting without paper is very vulnerable to nth internal idiocy and external threats. No, I can’t find any instance of external attacks happening this year. But with the internal problems, I would think that could be a problem.
After all, even stupid people can wise up after being duped and feeling their own folly.
He is using taxpayer dollars to subsidize his luxurious lifestyle. Since taking office, Trump’s golf trips alone have cost taxpayers more than $110 million dollars. His children have also charged taxpayers for costs associated with business trips around the world that they’ve taken, including India and Uruguay. Taxpayers even footed the bill for Donald Trump Junior’s hunting trip to Canada.
We know, Orange Man bad, Socialist good. Maybe you’ll get your way in 2024. Sorry for your loss. For now, you should maybe see your doctor about your condition.
Jon, that term did not apply to any person. It was used in the plural meaning Americans who are easily duped.