Fiscal Responsibility ~ Who IS Responsible?

My Brothers and Sisters, I write to you today about a subject that is largely being ignored today, not because it isn’t important, but rather because it is such a frightening issue. The public debt is the frightening issue that I’m talking about. At the national...

People Before Politics #VetsForTrump

We are living in times that are disquieting and terrifying. Old school politicians whose careers elevated their economic and political position think that the American people are dumb. They are always voicing biased opposition towards the President. Thank God we have...

Dan Meuser #VetsForTrump

This is from a friend and Congressman on the Veterans Affairs Committee, Dan Mueser. I thought I would share it as I’ve been busy helping my clients during this time of crisis. Excerpted for brevity: First of all, Happy Easter and Happy Passover. Despite these...