My Philosophy Of War #VetsForTrump

Fred Gruber made a comment on my Sunday Rant post. Click here to view it. With Nine Eleven being a primary focus this week I believe it is a good time to get feedback from my fellow vets on America’s philosophy of war. In recent conflicts, we lose most of our...

My Sunday Rant #VetsForTrump

You all know I put up a Haters Corner to satisfy the folks that send me “I hate Trump” emails. This type of thing doesn’t get us anywhere. Few are sincere but I believe some questions are either sincere or worth answering. I’ve been going back...

Democrats Agree: Obama Trashed National Security

I found a great article on the web by Daniel Ashman with that title from back in March 2018. He spells it all out better than I can. It starts out: The Democrats’ disturbing decision to go into berserker mode against Russia warrants a re-evaluation of their foreign...

Haters Corner

  Comments are now closed but you can comment on the new MAGA site This area has become so popular we are moving it over to a Forum under our new MAGA website (Click Here). Why a new MAGA website? We are hoping the future belongs to such candidates! It has almost...