by mkelly | Sep 11, 2018 | Vets for Trump
Fred Gruber made a comment on my Sunday Rant post. Click here to view it. With Nine Eleven being a primary focus this week I believe it is a good time to get feedback from my fellow vets on America’s philosophy of war. In recent conflicts, we lose most of our...
by mkelly | Sep 9, 2018 | Vets for Trump
You all know I put up a Haters Corner to satisfy the folks that send me “I hate Trump” emails. This type of thing doesn’t get us anywhere. Few are sincere but I believe some questions are either sincere or worth answering. I’ve been going back...
by mkelly | Sep 5, 2018 | Vets for Trump
I found a great article on the web by Daniel Ashman with that title from back in March 2018. He spells it all out better than I can. It starts out: The Democrats’ disturbing decision to go into berserker mode against Russia warrants a re-evaluation of their foreign...
by mkelly | Sep 4, 2018 | Haters Corner, Vets for Trump
Comments are now closed but you can comment on the new MAGA site This area has become so popular we are moving it over to a Forum under our new MAGA website (Click Here). Why a new MAGA website? We are hoping the future belongs to such candidates! It has almost...
by mkelly | Sep 3, 2018 | Psychological Operations, Vets for Trump
Today we celebrate the American worker so Happy Labor Day! We have posted the biggest gains in 4 years and on we are on track for an average of 3% GDP! There are more jobs than people able to fill them. The only thing that can stop us is the Democrats winning in...
by mkelly | Sep 2, 2018 | Psychological Operations, Vets for Trump
The other day a vet friend of mine who believes in a kind of conspiracy theory (in no way connected to politics) asked me why I felt it was so important to try and convince him of his error. It took some soul searching and thinking to figure out why I feel the need to...