Caution: This post contains content that may be unsuitable for some readers who hate President Trump. Read at your own risk.
Yesterday I posted an answer to a veteran who dislikes President Trump. A fellow veteran for Trump posted a comment that contains a question for me. I will answer that question in this post.
Full comment from NavyMan Norm
MSGT Kelly , you are wasting your precious time trying to convince demorat activists and Trump haters that this impeachment is a demorat fraud and a coup, orchestrated by the likes of Trump Hating, wannabe Socialists, Communists, and Seditonists. Led by the Unholy Trinity of James Clapper NSA (who perjured himself before Congress about NSA not listening in on everyday Americans); John “Al Qudz” Brennan CIA, whose first presidential vote in 1984 went to Gus Hall a Communist Party USA candidate for president; and James ” Snitch Bitch” Comey, FBI.
Lest we Veterans for Trump forget, the face of and Poster Girls for the demorat party:
Ilhan Omar, a virulent anti- America, anti-Jew and anti- Christian hating Somali bigamist; who, along with Rashida Tlaib, another anti American, anti Trump, Jew hating Palestinian poltroon; and Maxine “James Brown’s Wig” Watters, who gives new meaning to the words ‘racist moron’.Regarding the Clintons, who made their Clinton Foundation the BIGGEST and Most corrupt SLUSH FUND ever, 7 percent goes to charity, 93 percent into the Clintons greedy hands, even the NY Times called them out for the lairs and thieves they are. brings this proud Veteran for Trump to the question: What the hell are Trump Hating, Trump supporter hating demorats, doing on our Veterans For Trump” web site? They belong on sites like Antifa, SPLC, Demorat Socialist Workers Party, and other America, Veteran, and Trump hating demorat web sites, where their bovine excrement is mothers milk.
“Vets-for-Trump” should be for those Veterans who support President Trump, Love and Served our beloved country, stand for our Flag and Anthem, and refuse to be intimidated by a Fake News media and a party of cowards, who hate the President and know they cannot beat him in 2020.
Open the Toggle above for the complete context of Norm’s question which is: “MSGT Kelly, you are wasting your precious time trying to convince demorat activists and Trump haters ….. This brings this proud Veteran for Trump to the question: What the hell are Trump Hating, Trump supporter hating demorats, doing on our Veterans For Trump” web site?“
Norm and all who have questioned this in the past,
You are not the first and I doubt the last that questions my reasoning. I will approach the answer from at least two points of view, personal experience and philosophical belief.
Personally I was once a registered Democrat. I was also an agnostic who studied world religions at a young age. Later in life, I became convinced that a more conservative view of life was a better path forward and registered as a Republican. For a short time before that I was a registered Independent but in my state Independents could not vote in Primary elections. At some point, after becoming a conservative I also became convinced that Jesus was who He said He was and became a Christian. If I was brought out of political and religious darkness into the light it is possible for others.
Philosophically I came to the conclusion that someone cannot win an argument without engaging in it. That seems like a no-brainer. It is not like I or anyone came to the conclusions we have without hearing both sides of a debate. As veterans we also took an oath to defend the Constitution. That includes free speech. I know this is an area I can restrict since it is a Vets for Trump website, but I choose not to do so. I also try to answer real-life example questions and wrong statements. Otherwise, I could be accused of setting up “straw man arguments” by the left. I also believe we have a responsibility to the truth.
Some believe we should ignore those who disagree with us. While I do not allow Trump haters to post articles I do allow them to comment. If a comment appears to have a broad consensus of belief and it is wrong I attempt to set the record straight. After reading Jon’s comment I understood that it was the same thing I was hearing from the left all day and it was wrong.
The goal here is not to win the far left. The goal is to win the middle ground. The middle can be won by pointing to the actual thoughts and goals of the far left. Sometimes it is helpful to cite a real example, like Jon’s comment.
I believe many of our readers are in the middle. I base some of this reasoning on the fact that we are averaging 20 to 25 thousand visits a month to the website. Of those visits, there are between 49 and 82 thousand pages viewed. Statistically many of those visitors would fall into the persuadable middle.
Websites and blogs are much more effective when compared to Social Media as a tool for education. A higher percentage of intellectuals and those searching for the truth read websites, not Social Media. When was the last time you searched Social Media to answer a question you had? I’m not saying Social Media is a bad thing. It does a great job of creating a community for those with a particular point of view.
In the end, if we are to be intellectually honest we must allow the other side to have a voice.
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Granted. Still, when two opposing sides of an argument engage in logical, reasonable, and/or commonsensical discourse then there is an overwhelmingly positive chance that a common understanding can be achieved. Anything other than that does nothing but cloud the waters and in essence, cheapen the subject matter.
MSG Kelly, please trust me when I say that I genuinely respect and appreciate what you do here on V4T. It is so incredibly refreshing to come here and see like minded individuals stand up for what they believe as it seems that doing so on many other more well-known social platforms equates to a virtual ‘death sentence’ for that person. That being said, we see (and hear) everyday some new slight or dart being thrown at our President and all over nothing more than who he is and that for which he stands. You should understand our frustration when the one place we come to be around like minded individuals is suddenly tainted by one whose belief systems are about as formulated as that of a small child. Like I tell folks when they ask me what I have against Fox News, “If I wanted to see the viewpoint of the left, I’d watch CNN, MSNBC, etc.”
Anyway, you keep allowing those dissenting voices to be heard. Continue to provide a platform for them. As for me, I’ll continue to treat them like the mental defects they are, if that’s ok with you sir. MAGA! Trump/Pence2020!
With Respect,
Michael Ward, USAR
Mike – Hate to admit it, but I do agree with your Post and you are right! IF we Veterans for Trump believe in our Constitution which we “swore to Protect and Defend”, then Freedom of Speech applies to everyone. Your logic and openness should be a lesson not just for us, but for those who hate our Commander-in-Chief and US. Unfortunately, I doubt if those on the left will ever stop hating the President or us.
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum – Pray for Peace, Prepare for War.
Thank you Norm. PS I love “Pray for Peace, Prepare for War”!!! I was brought out of political darkness by hearing both sides and becoming convinced of the truth. God, in His infinite kindness, brought me out of spiritual darkness by his Holy Spirit. That came by hearing the atheistic point of view and then hearing the Word of God. If I had not heard one I would not have heard the other. I fought it for a long time but in the end, God wins!
Matthew 13:24-30 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Tares among Wheat
24 Jesus presented another parable to them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven [a]may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed [b]tares among the wheat, and went away. 26 But when the [c]wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident also. 27 The slaves of the landowner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? [d]How then does it have tares?’ 28 And he said to them, ‘An [e]enemy has done this!’ The slaves *said to him, ‘Do you want us, then, to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he *said, ‘No; for while you are gathering up the tares, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Allow both to grow together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”
Hi Michael, thanks for your comment. I get what you are saying. However, most of what I post is in contrast to the wrong-headed ideas of the left. I may not always cite an actual veteran from the left. Again, if I did not let them have a voice I could be accused of setting up straw man arguments. I have a certain epistemic responsibility to remain credible in the examples I cite. Intellectuals should make themselves responsible for searching for the truth and exposing lies. We cannot expose the lie unless we cite the example.
You may notice I often link to what the left says by linking to news articles. This is how President Trump operates. He quotes someone that says something false and then sets the record straight. We are in a battle of ideas, a battle of great significance. If we do not battle those ideas by naming them and those who stand behind them we have no hope of victory. Please bear with me so we can crush the enemy on his home turf. I do not seek the shelter of my own forces. I am not a cheerleader. I am a warrior.
The traitors are the ones who, when this is all done and dusted, will sit in the dock at some new Nuremberg trial and claim their innocence of the worst charges and penalties not by claiming their actions were “just following orders” but that they were “just following Trump.”
Rick Wilson is a GOP political strategist and author of the forthcoming book “Running Against the Devil: The Plot to Save America From Trump — and Democrats From Themselves.”
Good grief PJ. I have a very good veteran friend of 30 years, a Trump supporter who suggests the same type of conspiracy theories as you just stated above only the reverse. He is like a brother to me. He even promises me there will be executions for the traitors like Clapper, Comey and others. I tell you what I tell him. You will not gain credibility in the real world by suggesting such drivel. I know there is no getting through to either of you. As a matter of fact, I learned to try to argue with deeply entrenched conspiracy theorists is pointless. Again, I allow you and other Trump haters to post so we can all see what this country is up against. I might think you are both crazy but in the end, I defend your right to believe as you wish!
Very well written response to a very well-written question. I am a veteran of 20 years and took seriously that oath that we all have in common. But let’s not forget that requires us to oppose all enemies foreign and domestic. I believe that this website along with all of its contributors have that one common thread, The 1st Amendment! it isn’t my side of the aisle that wants to limit speech. It’s the other side of the aisle that wants to limit speech and take our guns! can anyone think of someone else in history that did that same thing when they came into power?
Point taken. Thank you for all you do MSG Kelly. MAGA! Trump/Pence2020!
And yet ANOTHER leftard shows his/her ignorance. I got news for ya, cupcake. President Donald J. Trump isn’t going anywhere. He’ll be YOUR PRESIDENT for the next 5 years and the best part of it all is this: there isn’t a damn thing you or any of the other leftards can do about it. Enjoy! 😉
Infamy is made possible by an UNARMED and UNEDUCATED populace. Here’s an AWESOME site which describes what happens when people let their government walk all over their right to protect themselves…