by Michael Bogmenko | Oct 4, 2019 | Impeachment, Veterans for Trump
Some Gangster Democrats say whatever they want against our president. Yet they hate him so much that they would sacrifice the stability, security, and prosperity of its own citizens through worthless and countless investigations. There is no movement with immigration...
by Michael Bogmenko | Jul 26, 2019 | Veterans for Trump
By LTC.Michael “Goose” Bogmenko Ret. USAR Finally the conclusion of figurehead Mueller’s Report testifying before Congress. This report has put our country through agony with investigating lies, corruptive allegations, in order to prove that our president is a...
by Michael Bogmenko | Jun 10, 2019 | Veterans for Trump
The majority of the House Of Representatives are playing partisan politics and this year has basically accomplished nothing. Oh, I am sorry they are setting themselves up for a raise and calling for more repetitious-and expensive investigations. Didn’t we just have a...
by Michael Bogmenko | May 20, 2019 | Veterans for Trump
The American Public is suffocating from having a majority of leftists in academia,a biased media and socialists ,who say they are democratic. Unfortunately the majority of these people believe that they are smarter than the generations of leaders/followers in dealing...
by Michael Bogmenko | Apr 10, 2019 | Vets for Trump
Poverty is located throughout the world and the United States is not to prepared to take in everyone who wants to take in our standard of living. Some brick head also says it is because of Climate Changes except the migrants flee from a more reliable temperature. I...