by mkelly | Nov 12, 2018 | Trending Stories, Vets for Trump
Happy Veterans Day to all my fellow vets. For a long time, we have been blessed to receive the appreciation of our fellow Americans, unlike our friends from the Vietnam War era (God Bless them all!) When someone finds out I’m a vet and says “Thank you for...
by mkelly | Nov 5, 2018 | Vets for Trump
As veterans, our success is judged by our ability to accomplish the mission. Our mission is to turn out the vote tomorrow for all Republican candidates. Drag your Republican friends and family if you have to. Crappy weather is forecasted for many locations which just...
by mkelly | Oct 27, 2018 | Vets for Trump
I logged into Twitter today and this is what I saw: Funny how pointing out what Democrats are saying and telling people to Vote Against Hate Speech gets us locked out of Twitter. There is no doubt Twitter and others are part of the hateful Democrat far left!...
by mkelly | Oct 27, 2018 | Vets for Trump
Thanks to Navy Man Norm for sharing this video from...
by mkelly | Oct 26, 2018 | Vets for Trump
Every time there is a big news story, shooting, bombing, hurricane etc I turn off the news for a few days to a week. I might check in for 5 minutes later in a typical show because you know the first story up is going to be all about the “big news story.”...
by mkelly | Oct 18, 2018 | Endorsements, Vets for Trump
We fully endorse John Chrin who is running the 8th District of Pennsylvania. John Chrin shares our values supports our military and veterans and supports President Donald Trump. John’s opponent, Rep. Matt Cartwright claims to be a fighter for veterans but consistently...