by mkelly | Sep 23, 2018 | Vets for Trump
I stumbled upon a video yesterday that reminded me of why I joined the military in 1980. Maybe you can relate. From 1979 until 1981 we were going through the Iran Hostage Crisis. Every night on the news (before 24-hour cable news) they would have a segment called...
by mkelly | Sep 19, 2018 | Haters Corner, Vets for Trump
Thanks to Navy Man Norm for sharing the latest details on the anti-Kavanaugh attorney Debra Katz who is representing Christine Blasey Ford. All you need to know is here at the Washington Times. The bottom line is it appears to be a George Soros funded hit job. I...
by mkelly | Sep 17, 2018 | Vets for Trump
After consulting with fellow veterans I was asked to post something in relation to the Kavanaugh accuser. I want to preface this post with the fact that it is too early to tell what the fallout will be. However, in short order, some verified facts have emerged. I do...
by Gary Fox | Sep 15, 2018 | Vets for Trump
The Democrats have lost their minds and are so detached from their own voters that they will lose elections again and again. Which is really good for the Republicans. They have no accountability at all. They keep whining about Russian election interference however it...
by mkelly | Sep 15, 2018 | Vets for Trump
I received a recurring question from a veteran who no longer supports President Trump. He seems to continually ask the same question over and over. What if President Obama had done what president Trump has done? He then goes on to list things Talking Heads at CNN,...
by mkelly | Sep 13, 2018 | Psychological Operations, Vets for Trump
We have all heard the saying timing is everything. Well, it might not be everything but it certainly has a greater impact than we sometimes recognize. With a hurricane closing in on the East Coast you might want to pay more attention to other news. I am personally...