by mkelly | Aug 31, 2018 | Psychological Operations, Vets for Trump
For those of you who know me, you already heard my disclaimer. I spent just under 23 years in a Psychological Operations unit. I was not directly involved with the creation or dissemination of PsyOps. However, you can’t help but learn some things over time....
by mkelly | Aug 28, 2018 | Vets for Trump
Prior to the election, I answered the McCain versus Trump question many times. See one archived post from May 2016 by clicking here. My answer is still the same today. I would never have said that McCain was not a war hero. At the same time, I had a boss in the Air...
by mkelly | Aug 1, 2018 | Vets for Trump
I will believe the Democrats are concerned about Russian interference in our elections when they vote in favor of voter ID laws. Let’s face the facts. You need an ID to buy alcohol, tobacco, get a welfare check, apply for unemployment, open a bank account, enter...
by mkelly | Jul 30, 2018 | Vets for Trump
Here is Russia’s grand plan to destroy America Get Donald Trump elected President so he could: Drive down unemployment to record lows Reduce the Trade Deficit Renegotiate Trade with unfair trading partners, even allies Set record GDP growth Recognize Jerusalem...
by mkelly | Jul 25, 2018 | Vets for Trump
Today I was talking with a very good friend and veteran who supports Trump. I said, “Wouldn’t it be nice if American voters would allow their politicians to be honest?” In my opinion (and you know I am right) we the people do not allow our...
by mkelly | Jul 25, 2018 | Vets for Trump
Brenan accused President Trump of treason. He sounds just like all the other idiots on the web and in the media. When he was a young man he even voted for the Communist Party! How the hell did he end up in the CIA in the first place? It is also now clear that Brenan...