But What About The Baby? #VetsForTrump

All the noise about kids being separated at the border when their parents cross illegally reminded me of a real life thing my girlfriend did when I was young. OK, I was around 21 and dating a girl that had an odd sense of humor. One day we were in the grocery store...

Walking Talking Contradictions #VetsForTrump

I think of myself as a philosopher. That means I observe and ask questions about everything. Some people tell me I am a skeptic. That may be true but I consider myself a “healthy” skeptic. I’m not sullen at all. Quite the opposite. If we do not...

I.G. Report – No Political Bias? #VetsForTrump

After reviewing things a bit and asking myself the question about the much reported “no political bias” I have reached a conclusion. There is bias all over the place. However, to better understand this there is no better article than this one by the...

Military Exercises On Hold? #VetsForTrump

I retired in 2002 and often went to the Korean exercises Team Spirit and Foal Eagle. Maybe you did as well. I know Team Spirit no longer takes place and Foal Eagle just finished up after a Winter Olympics delay. I am unaware of any other routine scheduled exercises....

Free Trade? I must have misunderstood #VetsForTrump

I don’t know about you but I’m learning an awful lot under the presidency of Donald Trump. For example, I always thought NAFTA and Free Trade meant there were no trade barriers or tariffs between Canada and Mexico and the United States etc. So I decided to...