Veterans for Trump Blog Posts

Vets for Trump

Here you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.

Guest Post Submission #VetsForTrump

Just added a new feature called Guest Post Submission. If you would like to create a pro-Trump post you now can. You do not need to be a member or log in. You have the option of including your name and or email. Email address is not shown to the public. All articles...

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Cry Laughing #VetsForTrump

So, I'm listening to the news today. It is usually on in the background. I heard them say "The Squad" is banding together to financially support one another and help get more left-wing extremists into office. Not so funny so far, right? Next, I hear that they say they...

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Apologetics #VetsForTrump

If you Google the word "apologetics" you will see the definition which is suitable for this post: "reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine." I find my studies in apologetics to be very useful in political...

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Veterans For Reparations #VetsForTrump

You might be surprised to know after talking with a number of veterans we are for reparations to blacks that are descended from slaves. Yes, you read that correctly. Don’t get me wrong. Nobody is for giving reparations to blacks who came to America after slavery ended. I’ve spoken about my reasoning with many veterans and at the end of my argument, nobody disagreed.

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How did we arrive here?

How did we arrive here?

I'm amazed at the landscape in our nation today. Pandemic. Government-mandated quarantine. Civil rights at risk. Protests. Riots. Looting. Cities on fire! In Seattle, CHAZ/CHOP established, the city does nothing? Atlanta Police, "Blue Flu", so the city gives each of...

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Answering Mattis #VetsForTrump

I anticipate being asked questions about the letter released by General Mattis. I will paste in and comment on every section. In Union There Is Strength I have watched this week’s unfolding events, angry and appalled. The words “Equal Justice Under Law” are carved in...

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Prison of Two Ideas #VetsForTrump

That phrase seems to have been coined by one of my favorite FOX News personalities, Greg Gutfeld. It is similar to the longer-standing term False Dichotomy or False Dilemma. See Wikipedia definition: A false dilemma (or sometimes called false dichotomy) is a type of...

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Fiscal Responsibility ~ Who IS Responsible?

My Brothers and Sisters, I write to you today about a subject that is largely being ignored today, not because it isn’t important, but rather because it is such a frightening issue. The public debt is the frightening issue that I’m talking about. At the national...

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As you all know, I seldom share things from Facebook. However, this one made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes. If you are the sensitive type don't read it. It can get moderately graphic. Due to the current financial situation caused by the Corona Virus and...

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Death is Inevitable #VetsForTrump

I am writing this about 90 minutes before President Trump speaks today, 16 Apr 20. As President Trump rolls out a path to open our economy there will be death. This is sad but true regardless of who makes the call. It could be a governor of a state or any previous or...

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Dan Meuser #VetsForTrump

This is from a friend and Congressman on the Veterans Affairs Committee, Dan Mueser. I thought I would share it as I've been busy helping my clients during this time of crisis. Excerpted for brevity: First of all, Happy Easter and Happy Passover. Despite these...

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Bernie Sanders Quits #VetsForTrump

OK, they call it a "Suspension" of his campaign but we all know this means he has quit. It is a good day in American. Joe should be next. He will announce in about 15 minutes EST, 11:45 AM. Now all that is left is for Joe Biden to quit. It would be doing the nation a...

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Doxycycline vs Azithromycin #VetsForTrump

By now almost everyone has heard about the potential of using Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin to treat COVID 19. See post from 19 March. With every drug, there are contraindications for some people. Of concern for our older population is the effect azithromycin...

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Ready Reserve #VetsForTrump

President Trump ordered Defense Secretary Mark Esper to call up a yet-to-be-determined number of ready reserve components to help in the war against COVID 19.  Once again the US Military is the premier force for good in the world and at home. While many of our...

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Interview with Capt Mac #VetsForTrump

Today I decided to do an online interview with one of our very strong supporters of President Trump. Mac, as we call him, was the head of Concerned Vets for America in Pennsylvania when we met. You may also remember him from the Australian Sky News interview we did...

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At what cost? #VetsForTrump

Months ago a friend asked me if a bionic leg or arm would be available would I chop off my limb to have it replaced with something that would last virtually forever? I didn't think I would do that but I guess some people would. I'm not talking about those in need I'm...

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Trump Was Right – Again #VetsForTrump

About 6 months later on October 24, 2009, President Barack Obama declared Swine Flu a national emergency in the United States. This delay resulted in thousands of deaths of Americans…..57 million Americans had been sickened, 257,000 had been hospitalized and 11,690 people had died (including 1,180 children)

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Isn’t It Ironic #VetsForTrump

Elizabeth Warren claimed sexism as one of the reasons she had to drop out of the Democrat Primary. Isn't it ironic that the majority of Democrat voters are women? 41% of women identify as Democrats while only 25% of women identify as Republicans and 26% as...

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Wisdom from George Washington #VetsForTrump

In George Washington’s Farewell Address he acknowledges the fact that parties are sometimes beneficial in promoting liberty in monarchies but argues that political parties must be restrained in a popularly elected government because of their tendency to distract the...

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Why Democrats Lose 2020 #VetsForTrump

If you watched the State of the Union Address last night you will easily see why the Democrats do not stand a chance in 2020. They hate Trump more than they love America. While I and many of my veteran friends did not care for Obama's policies (or lack thereof) we did...

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Good People Differ #VetsForTrump

After much consideration and discussion with fellow Veterans for Trump, I believe we should let you know there are two good veterans running in PA District 8 for Congress.  It came to my attention that there are veterans who prefer Teddy Daniels over Earl Granville in...

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