Veterans for Trump Blog Posts
Vets for TrumpHere you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.
Tacit Approval #VetsForTrump #WalkAway #DefundDemocrats
I feel compelled to start this post with the definition of tacit. Here is what tacit means: expressed without words or speech; implied or indicated but not actually expressed. It represents silent consent and acceptance. Tacit approval is simply not saying anything or...
Guest Post Submission #VetsForTrump
Just added a new feature called Guest Post Submission. If you would like to create a pro-Trump post you now can. You do not need to be a member or log in. You have the option of including your name and or email. Email address is not shown to the public. All articles...
Thanks Dems #VetsForTrump #WalkAway
From the very bottom of my heart, I want to thank Dems. You see, veterans and Trump supporters became a bit concerned about Trump's reelection chances after the Kung Flu hit. Those of us with average intelligence understood how uninformed most Americans are. That is...
Cry Laughing #VetsForTrump
So, I'm listening to the news today. It is usually on in the background. I heard them say "The Squad" is banding together to financially support one another and help get more left-wing extremists into office. Not so funny so far, right? Next, I hear that they say they...
New Scary Virtual Reality #VetsForTrump
From a personal Facebook Post: Me: I know it's a little early to be talking about Halloween. However, because of Wuhan Flu, Some of our favorite attractions might be closed in order to keep social distancing. A new company is coming out with the scariest Halloween...
Apologetics #VetsForTrump
If you Google the word "apologetics" you will see the definition which is suitable for this post: "reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine." I find my studies in apologetics to be very useful in political...
Veterans For Reparations #VetsForTrump
You might be surprised to know after talking with a number of veterans we are for reparations to blacks that are descended from slaves. Yes, you read that correctly. Don’t get me wrong. Nobody is for giving reparations to blacks who came to America after slavery ended. I’ve spoken about my reasoning with many veterans and at the end of my argument, nobody disagreed.
How did we arrive here?
I'm amazed at the landscape in our nation today. Pandemic. Government-mandated quarantine. Civil rights at risk. Protests. Riots. Looting. Cities on fire! In Seattle, CHAZ/CHOP established, the city does nothing? Atlanta Police, "Blue Flu", so the city gives each of...
Stand and Salute The FLAG and National Anthem?
On June 5, 2020, President Donald Trump has this to say about reverence for our Flag and National Anthem. "We should be standing up straight and tall, ideally with a salute, or a hand on heart. There are other things you can protest, but not our Great American Flag -...
Answering Mattis #VetsForTrump
I anticipate being asked questions about the letter released by General Mattis. I will paste in and comment on every section. In Union There Is Strength I have watched this week’s unfolding events, angry and appalled. The words “Equal Justice Under Law” are carved in...
“when the looting starts, the shooting starts” … Or … “We Don’t get Fooled Again” ?
"when the looting starts, the shooting starts" ... Or ... “We Don’t get Fooled Again” This week there was a tragic death of a 46-year-old man in Minneapolis, Mn. It happened when a policeman arrested the man, who was accused of forgery, a non-violent crime....
Prison of Two Ideas #VetsForTrump
That phrase seems to have been coined by one of my favorite FOX News personalities, Greg Gutfeld. It is similar to the longer-standing term False Dichotomy or False Dilemma. See Wikipedia definition: A false dilemma (or sometimes called false dichotomy) is a type of...
TDS – It Is Not Entirely Your Fault #VetsForTrump
Note: News cycles move quickly. So fast that we often leave the important things in the past. Of all the news stories in the past two weeks, what acting DNI Grenell declassified was the most important. That is the classified testimony of Obama administration and intel...
NASCAR Event with Vets for Trump Sponsored CAMARO #VetsForTrump
Check out this event over on the newly designed Veterans For Trump website. Here is the Vets for Tump & Our Partners sponsored Car: PS if you want to get an Open for Business shirt check out this website. Click the available state to see the shirt. The following...
New Healthcare Infrastructure #VetsForTrump
For years one of my many jobs was to teach aircrew decontamination in a chemical/biological environment. During the doffing process (after potential exposure) we set up two lines. One was for people who had been swabbed and tested positive for contamination. The...
Fiscal Responsibility ~ Who IS Responsible?
My Brothers and Sisters, I write to you today about a subject that is largely being ignored today, not because it isn’t important, but rather because it is such a frightening issue. The public debt is the frightening issue that I’m talking about. At the national...
By your words you will be condemned or aquitted #VetsForTrump
Words are powerful. Like nuclear energy, they can be used for good or evil, to build up or destroy. Words originate in the mind. It has often been said that words reflect the inner man or the heart of a person. All of us fall short from time to time. Some more than...
As you all know, I seldom share things from Facebook. However, this one made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes. If you are the sensitive type don't read it. It can get moderately graphic. Due to the current financial situation caused by the Corona Virus and...
People Before Politics #VetsForTrump
We are living in times that are disquieting and terrifying. Old school politicians whose careers elevated their economic and political position think that the American people are dumb. They are always voicing biased opposition towards the President. Thank God we have...
Death is Inevitable #VetsForTrump
I am writing this about 90 minutes before President Trump speaks today, 16 Apr 20. As President Trump rolls out a path to open our economy there will be death. This is sad but true regardless of who makes the call. It could be a governor of a state or any previous or...
Watching the Watchmen #VetsForTrump
The old question "Who is watching the watchers?" was on full display yesterday. The news media was once the watchdog. Now, too often, it is the criminal the watchdog is looking to catch. Rather than informing, "news" is promoting. Vets for Trump goal is to fight...
Dan Meuser #VetsForTrump
This is from a friend and Congressman on the Veterans Affairs Committee, Dan Mueser. I thought I would share it as I've been busy helping my clients during this time of crisis. Excerpted for brevity: First of all, Happy Easter and Happy Passover. Despite these...
Naval Officer On Captain Crozier #VetsForTrump
As a former Naval Officer and Vietnam Fighter Pilot, I am extremely disappointed in Naval Leadership. I have no doubt that both Captain Crozier and the Admiral commanding the task group voiced their opposition to the Vietnam port call and were overridden at a much...
Bernie Sanders Quits #VetsForTrump
OK, they call it a "Suspension" of his campaign but we all know this means he has quit. It is a good day in American. Joe should be next. He will announce in about 15 minutes EST, 11:45 AM. Now all that is left is for Joe Biden to quit. It would be doing the nation a...
What Is Anecdotal Evidence? #VetsForTrump
A lot of outlets have criticized President Trump for his remarks about Hydroxychloroquine. Here are a couple of anti-Trump rag examples: Trump Urges Coronavirus Patients to Take Unproven Drug ~ NY Times Trump’s Embrace of Unproven Drugs to Treat Coronavirus Defies...
Doxycycline vs Azithromycin #VetsForTrump
By now almost everyone has heard about the potential of using Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin to treat COVID 19. See post from 19 March. With every drug, there are contraindications for some people. Of concern for our older population is the effect azithromycin...
Good News For Those With A Mortgage #VetsForTrump
If you are like me you may feel like a mushroom from time to time. Many of you may have already heard about how to push your mortgage off for at least 90 days. This article says it is may be renewed for a year. I did just that the other day after a client told me...
Ready Reserve #VetsForTrump
President Trump ordered Defense Secretary Mark Esper to call up a yet-to-be-determined number of ready reserve components to help in the war against COVID 19. Once again the US Military is the premier force for good in the world and at home. While many of our...
Interview with Capt Mac #VetsForTrump
Today I decided to do an online interview with one of our very strong supporters of President Trump. Mac, as we call him, was the head of Concerned Vets for America in Pennsylvania when we met. You may also remember him from the Australian Sky News interview we did...
At what cost? #VetsForTrump
Months ago a friend asked me if a bionic leg or arm would be available would I chop off my limb to have it replaced with something that would last virtually forever? I didn't think I would do that but I guess some people would. I'm not talking about those in need I'm...
COVID 19 Cured? #VetsForTrump
Finally some good news. Late last night on the Tucker Carlson Show on FOX News Tucker had a guest at the end that said hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin was 100% effective in a small test against COVID-19.
Trump Was Right – Again #VetsForTrump
About 6 months later on October 24, 2009, President Barack Obama declared Swine Flu a national emergency in the United States. This delay resulted in thousands of deaths of Americans…..57 million Americans had been sickened, 257,000 had been hospitalized and 11,690 people had died (including 1,180 children)
Isn’t It Ironic #VetsForTrump
Elizabeth Warren claimed sexism as one of the reasons she had to drop out of the Democrat Primary. Isn't it ironic that the majority of Democrat voters are women? 41% of women identify as Democrats while only 25% of women identify as Republicans and 26% as...
Setting the Tax Record Straight #VetsForTrump
An article from CNBC 13 Feb 2020 explains who did and did not benefit from the Trump tax cuts. It explains how you may think you are paying more and why you are likely wrong. An older article from the New York Times (of all places) is titled "Face it you (probably)...
Simple questions can clarify things #VetsForTrump
Occasionally we deal with people who seem to really hate President Trump. I am not talking about people who simply disagree on policy. That is normal. I'm talking about the people who seem really angry. I've learned to ask a simple question. The funny thing is I never...
Trump signs bill to expand VA dental care coverage for veterans #VetsForTrump
President Donald Trump signed into law a new measure allowing VA to expand reduced or no-cost dental care coverage to veterans on Monday. House Joint Resolution 80 approves a request from the Department of Veterans Affairs to begin a pilot program to increase...
COVID-19 aka Coronavirus #VetsForTrump
I received a comment today from one of our occasional authors, Michael Bogmenko. His email was not long enough for a full post but I thought I would briefly cover some Coronavirus things. My background included teaching Aircrew nuclear, chemical, & biological...
Navy Man Norm #VetsForTrump
Norm (pictured below) contacted us the other week to find out where he could get one of those Vets For Trump shirts. We turned him on to our website. I received an email from him sporting his shirt with the words: Next time I will smile!!! I thought I'd share the...
New Republican Club Orlando Florida Launch #VetsForTrump
I know this is last minute. However, lots of our veterans have friends in Florida. It is a popular place for veterans and everyone to retire or spend there in the winter months. If you or a friend you know is interested in attending a Vets for Trump sponsored...
Russia – Again? #VetsForTrump
If you missed the news there is more talk of Russian interference supporting Trump for President. Those who hate Trump are salivating. Those that love him are thinking "not again!". My advice is STOP and THINK! A close friend sees me as a cynic. Mainly because I don't...
Wisdom from George Washington #VetsForTrump
In George Washington’s Farewell Address he acknowledges the fact that parties are sometimes beneficial in promoting liberty in monarchies but argues that political parties must be restrained in a popularly elected government because of their tendency to distract the...
Some of Washington’s Fatherly Advice #VetsForTrump
Perhaps the best short writing of the Founding Fathers is George Washington’s Farewell Address. It is from his heart, his warnings of things that would destroy our nation if we did not guard ourselves from the threats he knew we would face. Here I wish to keep this...
Vets For Trump United Front #VetsForTrump
I'm happy to announce that we have united the Vets for Trump website and the largest Facebook Pages. Thanks to Vlad Lemets and Joshua Macias for "herding the cats". I was down in Florida last month for about 3 weeks. I received a call from Vlad Lemets. Vlad who lives...
America First – If not that, then what? #VetsForTrump
I was talking with a veteran for Trump today from California as well as Vlad Lemets from our organization. The subject of the Socratic method came up. You can read all about it. However, to keep it simple here is the basic way it works. We ask questions that stimulate...
Trump Is A Racist – Share this video for proof #VetsForTrump
Vets for Trump encourages you to share this post.
Why Democrats Lose 2020 #VetsForTrump
If you watched the State of the Union Address last night you will easily see why the Democrats do not stand a chance in 2020. They hate Trump more than they love America. While I and many of my veteran friends did not care for Obama's policies (or lack thereof) we did...
Splitting Hairs ~ or How to Choose? #VetsForTrump
Vets For Trump is aware of the impact that elections have on our nation. Obviously, elections have consequences (a phrase originally coined by former President Obama) and many have eloquently quoted this term after the 2016 Presidential election. If it is true that...
Good People Differ #VetsForTrump
After much consideration and discussion with fellow Veterans for Trump, I believe we should let you know there are two good veterans running in PA District 8 for Congress. It came to my attention that there are veterans who prefer Teddy Daniels over Earl Granville in...
Vets for Trump Endorses Earl Granville #VetsForTrump
We fully endorse Earl Granville who is running the 8th District of Pennsylvania! Earl Granville has served his nation honorably as a soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has shown resilience by continuing to give back to his community, his nation, never slowing down,...
When is Enough Enough? #VetsForTrump
I recently read in the New York Times that two more American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan by a roadside bomb. My first thought was what a tragedy this was for those two soldiers and that Father in Heaven will bless them for being true to the oath they took to...