by mkelly | Sep 27, 2022 | Veterans for Trump
You may have noticed the YouTube Shorts on your phone. Maybe not. They are around 30 seconds or less. They started appearing in September 2020. They are limited to 60 seconds in length and many of them are shorter. Of course, when you see them on your phone they are...
by mkelly | Sep 16, 2022 | Opinion
If you thought that giving a speech on the Inflation Reduction Act (Green New Deal) on the day when the DOW drops 1,200 points on the news that inflation is worse than ever you should see what CNN did. In brief, they cut away from Joe’s speech to talk about...
by mkelly | Sep 9, 2022 | Opinion, Veterans for Trump
That is the question asked by Scott Adams of Dilbert cartoon fame in relation to all the Trump investigations aka witch hunts. Nobody is saying Trump isn’t a real pain in the ass to the establishment. He is. He even ran on that platform. I think they are afraid...
by mkelly | Sep 7, 2022 | Fake News - Well Partially, Opinion, Veterans for Trump, Vets for Trump
I want to start out by saying there are people more qualified than me to speak on this subject. However, with just under 23 years in a Special Ops unit, I dealt with documents and information from confidential to top secret. Here are a few points. Classified material...
by mkelly | Sep 6, 2022 | Veterans for Trump, Vets for Trump
You may have noticed someone woke up Sleepy Joe and he was given a new line of attack. Call them Ultra MAGA or MAGA Republicans or Trumpies (some speech writer said). I cannot believe anybody poll-tested this. The obvious question is “What is Ultra MAGA”?...