Why the lack of police support

Why the lack of police support

Mike suggested in a previous post dropping “truth bombs” on Facebook and Twitter; I would add Pinterest.  My favorite is to go to anti-police postings and remind them that the endpoint for all the Democratic politicians may well be a national police force. Remember in...
History repeat

History repeat

A friend of mine asked a very insightful question last week, “Why do career military folks focus on history so much?” The answer is as simple as it is complex.   Georges de Santayana said it best: “Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat...

It was a horn honking hour.

8 September 2020 It was a horn honking hour. Since we cannot hold all of the signs we want, we set up two signs in front of our usual “Wave Old Glory with Us” sign. (See below.)  The first one was “Honk for Trump”.  There was more honking today.  I would love to hear...