Veterans for Trump Blog Posts
Vets for TrumpHere you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.
World’s Number 1 Bad Guy?
Yesterday in Baghdad, Iranian Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani was killed in a rocket attack. This was a US Defense Department attack on a known and identified international terrorist who was the Commander of a terrorist organization. (Statement by DoD: At the...
Good News For The New Year! #VetsForTrump
The reason I got started in Vets for Trump was to help veterans and their families. My friend who got me to join the Air Force committed suicide many years ago. Two years ago the love of my life took her own life. I have often wondered if newer treatments could have...
Democrats Are Dangerous @VetsForTrump
First, I hope you all had a great Christmas. Some this past week were not so lucky. Of note are the Texas church shooting and the machete attack at a synagogue in New York. When I say Democrats are dangerous I'm in good company. I'm sure the vast majority of Democrats...
George Soros And Christianity Today #VetsForTrump
By now we have all had time to digest the Christianity Today article calling for Trump's removal. Claims abound about the relationship between Soros and Christianity Today. Here is one such article. You can evaluate the veracity for yourself. Regardless I admit I was...
Fraud or Felon? #VetsForTrump
A question for fellow Vets for Trump. Recently I had a situation happen which caused me to ponder the question: “Is someone who lies on their application to enter the VFW a fraud or a felon?” I was a quartermaster in a VFW in Michigan. While I had only been in the...
I consider myself to be a reasonable, rational, and logical individual. I served 24 years in the Army and Army Reserve, and served on the Island of Grenada during Operation Urgent Fury, and as a Company Commander of a unit deployed to Operation Desert Storm. I'm a...
Veteran in need of help? Click Here #VetsForTrump
Veteran Benefits and Crisis Help Over the past 3 years, we have received many requests for help. We are not equipped to deal with emergencies or provide other assistance. However, in many cases, we have been able to point people in the right direction. Here are a few pointers that might help. This information was […]
President Trump in Hershey Pa
Last week President Trump visited the Giant Center in Hershey, Pa for a rally and Vets For Trump attended. President Trump visits his constituents throughout the US on a regular basis. This is a somewhat unique phenomenon, other elected officials have done so in the...
Why Vets For Trump Allows Anti-Trump Comments #VetsForTrump
This brings this proud Veteran for Trump to the question: What the hell are Trump Hating, Trump supporter hating demorats, doing on our Veterans For Trump” web site?“ You are not the first and I doubt the last that questions my reasoning.
An Embarrassing Moment #VetsForTrump
Warning: This post may contain ideas and uncomfortable facts that are offensive to some. If you hate Trump more than you love your country read at your own risk. The Horowitz Report and Testimony on Wednesday was an embarrassing moment for all the Trump haters. If you...
Saudi Students #VetsForTrump
The military had a "train the trainer" program. I'm not sure if they still do but cannot imagine that changed since I retired. In light of the problems we have with Saudi Arabia and other countries isn't it time we re-evaluate the way we do things? Are they incapable...
Rep Matt Gaetz Sums It Up #VetsForTrump #ImpeachmentHearings
If you had to work yesterday you likely only saw the highlights from the Impeachment hearings "legal scholars". For me, there were two highlights. First was Matt Gaetz who gets directly to the heart of the matter. He asks the 4 professors, If you have personal...
The Big Lie #VetsForTrump
Here we are in what should be one of the most joyous charitable times of the year. Unfortunately, we are being bombarded daily by new and ever-accelerating accusations looking for “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” to impeach President Trump. They can’t find any, so...
Speak Your Truth #VetsForTrump #SpeakYourTruth
Have you ever heard someone say "speak your truth", "my truth" or something along those lines? Just the other week I was talking about this with a veteran friend who sees this the same way I do. We both see "truth" as objective, not subjective. Example: A few days...
Disarming A Terrorist Or Killer #VetsForTrump
Some very brave people in London disarmed a terrorist attacker. Sadly, the terrorist was shot and killed by police. I don't mean sadly because the dog deserved to live. I mean sadly because the terrorist may have yielded valuable information on others. I'm happy to...
Happy Thanksgiving To All #VetsForTrump
I am thankful for more than a simple post can express. However, considering this is a veteran blog I would like to thank my brothers and sisters for their service. Especially those still serving away from their families on this day and days to come. I would also like...
Liberty Is Not Free #VetsForTrump
What is the problem with America today? Frankly, one could write a book on what they perceive as wrong with America and by the same token, they could write a book on what right and good about America. So, I am going to very briefly in my first posting to...
Clemency For Veterans – The Fallout #VetsForTrump
I've been meaning to write about this for several days and have not had the time. We all should know about President Trump’s decision to grant clemency to three service members. The thing that irks me the most is the criticism of President Trump's action on this from...
Weak Response From Dems On Impeachment #VetsForTrump #DanMeuser
The impeachment hearings have been an unmitigated disaster for the Democrats despite two weeks of hearings. They have yet to prove any quid pro quo involving President Trump. And this just in… Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Democrats: “The weak response to these hearings...
Breaking News FBI Lawyer Under Investigation #VetsForTrump
An FBI lawyer is under criminal investigation for allegedly altering a document related to the surveillance of onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. "If there was an FBI agent sworn to uphold the Constitution who can be proven to have altered the document in...
Chris Cuomo Makes a Big Mistake #VetsForTrump
OK, if you did not catch it, Chris Cuomo on CNN tries to show Trump to be a liar and it backfires. Trump wins again! Cuomo: "Very interesting theory from our president that he has really good hearing, some would say, the best hearing ever, and he's never been able to...
Elections Have Consequences #VetsForTrump
If our country had been invaded today by some foreign power we, the citizens, would not have known anything about it because every news outlet is wall to wall IMPEACH TRUMP. I am so tired of this circus endlessly going on and on about all kinds of opinions,...
Space Command? Why?
Earlier this year, at the direction of President Donald Trump, the Defense Department formally established the U.S. Space Command. Many Veterans, indeed, many Americans may not see this as a big deal. But those who understand how America conducts military operations...
Please , Mr. Trump, do not Agree to Testify #VetsForTrump
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, in an interview on CBS News' 'Face the Nation,' said President Trump is doing more damage to the country than former President Richard Nixon. "The President could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he...
Join Vets for Trump on the Radio Today at 1530 Hours #VetsForTrump
I will be speaking with Whip from WMBS radio today at 3:30 PM about Vets for Trump and We Who Served. You can hear the program live no matter where you are located by going to their website and clicking the Listen Live link. PS I have offered to modernize the WMBS...
Impeachment Sham #VetsForTrump #Imeachment
The Democrats are more concerned about the 2020 Presidential election and are ignoring the important issues facing the American people. The majority of Congress appears to be focused on this pending impeachment sham. These partisans are using Hollywood style/...
Trump Administration Accomplishments #VetsForTrump
Trump Administration Accomplishments Almost 4 million jobs created More Americans now employed than ever before 400,000 manufacturing jobs created Economic growth last quarter was 4.2% New unemployment claims recently hit 49 year low Median household income hit...
President Trump … Pragmatist?
I came across this opinion piece originally written in January of 2019, and it was updated in August of that year. It was written by Mychal Massie, nationally recognized Christian/political opinion writer. I post it here because Mr. Massie seems to postulate that...
Who the Heck Is Eric Ciaramella? #VetsForTrump
Washington has been all abuzz for weeks about how important it is to keep the name of the "whistleblower" a secret. I wonder why that is? Could it be that the real reason to hide his identity is that Adam Schiff may have some difficult questions to answer if his name...
Veterans Day ~ Does it Matter?
Yesterday was Veterans Day. Like many of you, I availed myself of all of the national wishes of "Thanks" and the "free stuff" offered to Vets, and the well wishes from people I know. However, there was one friend who startled me with this confession. I should point...
by ‘Navyman Norm’ - Strongsville, OH This 78-year-old proud Veteran of the United States Navy is often asked “why” I wear my Red Trump ball cap wherever I go. The answer is quite simple: “I wear my Red Trump ball cap because I live in a country where I can wear it!” I...
Greg Gutfeld Strikes Again #VetsForTrump
Happy Saturday and good luck to all you college football fans! I'm not picking sides here but my neighbor always has his LSU flags out and he's a great guy, big too! Before you break out the beer and eats I thought I'd share a quick light-hearted post. You have to...
Yes – He Really Said This #VetsForTrump
I know this video is from 2018 but it says a lot. People can get so brainwashed or mind-numbed that they miss things like this completely. The sad thing is CNN doesn't even care. Frankly, when I saw the meme about this on Facebook I had to check to see if it was true....
The do-nothing Democrats #VetsForTrump
The do-nothing Democrats and their much about nothing Soviet-style investigations, do nothing but obstruct important legislation. We the people, Republicans, Conservative Democrats, and Independents shall not be led to slaughter like the Socialists Democrats want you...
Bipartisan Serious Concerns Involving You And Your Kids – TikTok #VetsForTrump
This might be one of the most important postings we have created. If you have not heard of the TikTok app by now you are in the minority. It has been downloaded 80 million times in the USA alone. If you care about yourself and your children and the future of our...
Questions and Answers 3 Nov 19 #VetsForTrump
A regular commenter, Jon, posted a series of questions in the comments section of the previous post. I am pasting in his comments and will bold the answers. Minor grammar corrections have been made. The original comment is located here. Note: I don't care if Jon is a...
31 October 2019 Q and A #VetsForTrump
What are your general thoughts on Impeachment? As you can imagine I fall on the side of the President and Republicans just like the vote. I've read the transcript several times. It is a fast read and I suggest everyone read it for themselves. Click here. I do not see...
ISIS Prisoners #VetsForTrump
For well over a year President Trump worked to get countries to take back ISIS members. They refused. Now there are 14,000 ISIS fighters and over 70,000 ISIS wives and children being held in captivity. It would not be accurate to call them prisons. It is more like a...
I Am An American #VetsForTrump
Americans have their natural birthright to think the way they want. Yet when there are Soviet-style Investigators by Lawmakers, who choose to close an official investigation from public proceedings, that is not American. This kangaroo-court style of litigation is...
Lynching Tweet #VetsForTrump
Image by Wikipedia: An episode of the lynching of the Italians in New Orleans in 1891 after the murder of police chief David Hennessy. The citizens breaking down the door of the parish prison with the beam brought there the night before for that purpose. Here we go...
Racist, Misogynist or Russian Asset? #VetsForTrump
Here is a good question. Who said "If they can falsely portray me as a traitor then they can do it to anyone. You stand up against Hillary they will destroy you and discredit your message."? For years the left has been calling everything conservative a racist. Their...
Fighting With The Sun #VetsForTrump
I logged into Facebook today and noticed a post about the sun being responsible for climate change. Having gone back and forth with some veterans on the subject of climate change I thought I'd take a look. Veterans sometimes point to the Pentagon looking at climate...
Confirmation Bias Explained – #VetsForTrump
The term "confirmation bias" is thrown around from time to time on the news. Most of us have a general understanding of the term. Self-examination may be beneficial for some of our readers on the left and right. First a brief definition from the Wikipedia article on...
Why Trump is the Right Choice for Veterans. #VetsForTrump #dirtyjobs
Allowing veterans to work for a good wage, in an important job, respected by society would do much to alleviate the suicide and drug abuse crisis affecting not just veterans but the working class throughout our nation.
Whistleblower Email #VetsForTrump
We know there are a lot of people who come across this website. I'm sure some if not many are CIA, NSA, etc. There are a lot of patriotic veterans and intel people. Like any organization, there are too many not so good and or misguided people. It seems to me the not...
Does This Make Sense #VetsForTrump
I have a complaint about this whole impeachment thing. How is it Comey was recommended for prosecution by the I.G. and the DOJ refused to prosecute? The excuse was that Comey, the top of the FBI may not have known he was in violation of the law. The DOJ (Bill Barr)...
Gangsters Run The Democrat Party #VetsForTrump
Some Gangster Democrats say whatever they want against our president. Yet they hate him so much that they would sacrifice the stability, security, and prosperity of its own citizens through worthless and countless investigations. There is no movement with immigration...
SSgt. Jason C. Russo – Killed By Drunk Iranian #VetsForTrump
As promised in yesterday's post, here is the rest of the story from SSgt Jason Russo's mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who lost loved ones. It is such a tragedy that those who should be deported are killing our citizens and getting away with it....
Stand Up for Trump! #VetsForTrump
We received an email today from a mother with two veteran sons. After a phone call, I learned of her and her husband's tragic loss of their veteran son. I've asked them to share that in another email so I can pass it along. The featured image is one they sent me of...
Keeping It Simple – The Impeachment Transcript #VetsForTrump
Being aware that this whole impeachment thing is getting into the weeds, it might be best to keep it simple. There are a lot of people rendering varied opinions on both sides. One thing that strikes me is Americans are so easily swayed by talking heads from both sides...