Veterans for Trump Blog Posts
Vets for TrumpHere you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.
The Making of Useful Idiots #VetsForTrump #WalkAway
What is a useful idiot? Here is the definition from Wikipedia: In political jargon, a useful idiot is a derogatory term for a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically used by the cause's...
Impeachment Hysteria #VetsForTrump
After a very long and exhausting wait, the Democrats finally make a movement to impeaching the President. The general rule for politics and Washington D.C. is that it can never hurt to be too cynical when looking at sensational stories like this one. We're dealing...
Vets That Cannot Take A Joke #VetsForTrump
I received an email yesterday from David H. I am guessing he is a veteran. I will try to answer his complaints. His first complaint is about President Trump joking according to The Hill about awarding himself the medal of Honor at a ceremony back in August. I happened...
Vets for Trump with Paul Murray Live #SkyNews #VetsForTrump
President Trump will be hosting the second State Dinner of his Presidency for Australian Prime Minister Morrison. We were contacted by Sky News to see if Vets for Trump would be willing to make an appearance on the Paul Murray Live show. The producer described Paul as...
Recent Thoughts 1 #VetsForTrump
As a naturally curious guy, I often send myself links and never get around to posting articles. Articles take a long time and I'm beginning to understand why some people use Twitter (uggh!) Anyway, here are a few recent links I sent myself that I never posted but you...
Share with your moderate and independent friends #Truth
We have known for a long time the Democrats held the same exact positions and President Trump on illegal immigration. A friend shared this Facebook video with me today. I thought it was the best I've seen so far on the subject. Maybe many of you have seen it already....
Judge Not – Sunday Message 8 Sep 19 #VetsForTrump
Warning: This post contains material of a religious nature. If you are unable to handle this topic stop reading now. In the past, I've been cautioned about writing about religion. However, I am not the one who started down this path. When a candidate running for...
Not Getting Wonky on Climate Change #VetsForTrump
My last post on Climate Change really worked up one of our regular readers. He used the word "denier" to describe me in the comments area of that post. I asked if he could point to anything in the post where I denied climate change. He can't find it because it is...
All You Need To Know About Climate Change #VetsForTrump
Barack and Michelle Obama, the former U.S. president and first lady, rented a seven-bedroom home on Martha’s Vineyard this summer and decided to stay. The Obamas now have the property, with a $14.85 million price tag, under contract in a deal expected to close...
How should America’s Military be used?
I recently read an article in the Wall Street Journal authored by former Secretary of Defense Mattis about America and her Allies. The title of the article was "We're Better than our current Politics"....
Who and What divides us?
I recently read an article in the Wall Street Journal regarding President Donald Trump, and the article states an opinion: "Trump isn't the one dividing us by race". It goes on to opine that there are many who call out racism and try to put each of us into our "box"....
Follow Up To Previous Post #VetsForTrump
I spent some time with a fellow vet for Trump this past weekend. We discussed my post called A NAGGING QUESTION ON GUNS. My friend observed that many people might be turned off by the mere mention of God. The suggestion was to use a word like "morality" instead. My...
A Nagging Question On Guns #VetsForTrump
I've been holding off posting about this since the recent shootings. Then came the stand-off with police in Philadelphia last night. I know these are all sensitive issues, even among those of us who fully support 2A (Second Amendment). The nagging question that keeps...
Soldier Protects Children – El Paso – #VetsForTrump
I received a text message from a vet for Trump (Doug, last name held for privacy reasons) about Glen Oakley, an active duty army member who spoke with FOX News. In the text, Doug suggests the mainstream media outlets ignore this news story. I did a quick Google...
Air Force Suicides Way Up #VetsForTrump
You may have already seen the headline on Air Force suicide today. 78 airmen have taken their lives in 2019, nearly 30 more than this time last year. The Air Force has announced a one-day "tactical pause" taking place over the next 45 days to address a rise in...
Local Area Vets for Trump Groups #VetsForTrump
I've been getting a lot of requests from folks to find out where their local Vets for Trump group is. I'm recommending starting a Facebook Group or Page for your local area. When that is done, use the Contact form on our website and we will start listing them by...
Sunday Message 28 Jul 19 #VetsForTrump
Many of us are not only veterans but Christians as well. It was disheartening to hear that banned a veteran group from advertising their organization because they used the word "Christian" in the advertisement. You can click here to read more about The...
Goodbye To The Circus #VetsForTrump
By LTC.Michael “Goose” Bogmenko Ret. USAR Finally the conclusion of figurehead Mueller’s Report testifying before Congress. This report has put our country through agony with investigating lies, corruptive allegations, in order to prove that our president is a...
Highlights on Mueller Testimony #VetsForTrump
First, I would like to recognize Robert Mueller as a fellow veteran. That being said we should set that aside when evaluating his job performance. Sadly, Robert Mueller struck me as many things, tired, halting in speech, confused, unable to follow simple questioning...
19 Apr 1775 the revolution begins!
We celebrate Independence Day without remembering the day the war began. The war for independence was brewing in the American Colonies for a long time. We tend to think of sayings like "no taxation without representation", "united we stand, divided we fall" and events...
June 2019 Review
I've been neglecting posts as it has been a busy summer. Here are a few thoughts: Reparations If you want to learn the history of where the idea of reparations came from and who stopped it click here. I'm linking to a PBS website of all places. Here is an important...
Is The American Public Fed Up? – Former Democrat Veteran
The majority of the House Of Representatives are playing partisan politics and this year has basically accomplished nothing. Oh, I am sorry they are setting themselves up for a raise and calling for more repetitious-and expensive investigations. Didn’t we just have a...
Trump – History of a Reluctant President #VetsForTrump
The video in this post has been watched by less than 1 million people on YouTube. Probably more if it was shared or in other locations on the web. Either way, I thought it worth reposting here. It is Trump on Oprah in 1988. Things I noticed are: Trump talks about...
The Hyde Amendment
There's been a lot of talk about the Hyde Amendment. It bars the use of Federal tax money for abortion except to save the life of the woman or in cases of incest or rape. Ed Rendell on FOX News with Martha McCallum said this: "Anytime we have a constitutional right...
The Best D-Day Speech
You have got to see Greg Gutfeld's opening monologue on The FIVE on FOX News from 6/619. Here it is.
Jumping the Shark #VetsForTrump
A readers question: Given the Administration's dissing of the USS John S. McCain and her crew in Yokohama, I am interested to know your organization's rationale for continuing to support Donald Trump.... ~Rob S. Hi Rob, first you should read this. After you are done...
What Is America Becoming? #VetsForTrump
Share with your younger friends. I was born in 1958. A lot has changed in those past 61 years. I remember: A time when it was rare to see a child born out of wedlock. A time when executing murderers was sad but acceptable and killing babies was not. A time when you...
Mueller Muddies The Waters Or Did He? #VetsForTrump
Today Robert Mueller spoke for the first time since his report. Here is a link to the full transcript. Sane people agree the conspiracy theory of the Trump campaign working with Russia has long since been put to rest. The only area that seems muddy is the...
We Who Served #VetsForTrump
Over the weekend a fellow veteran from my Special Operations Wing Facebook group posted a long list of names of those we lost. Others added more names in the comments section on Facebook. The list evoked the expected emotions but after some reflection, it came to me....
Is Memorial Day Past History? #VetsForTrump
The American Public is suffocating from having a majority of leftists in academia,a biased media and socialists ,who say they are democratic. Unfortunately the majority of these people believe that they are smarter than the generations of leaders/followers in dealing...
Phoenix VA Scandal 5 Years Later & More #VetsForTrump
I receive email from Concerned Vets for America. This week is the 5th anniversary of the Obama administration Phoenix VA scandal. You can read the CVA article at this link. President Trump signed the Mission Act into law on June 6, 2018. On the civilian side which...
Congressman Dan Meuser on Veteran Suicide Prevention #VetsForTrump
This week, I was in Washington, D.C. as the United States House of Representatives returned to session. I was pleased to start the week discussing issues with some of my colleagues, including Congressmen Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14), Dan Crenshaw (TX-2) and Kevin Hern...
Fear & Discipline #VetsForTrump
What drives proper behavior in the military? The simple answer is fear & discipline. I will never forget my Air Force TI saying, "There are two kinds of discipline, self and imposed, you want to have the first kind." We must find out how our Intelligence agencies,...
The Day Collusion Died #VetsForTrump
I know this video has been viewed over half a million times. In case you missed it and you're a fan of the song American Pie you will love this.
Here are some fact you won’t read in the mainstream news Mueller report
This investigation was one of the longest and most costly special counsel investigations ever… costing taxpayers nearly $35 million. This entire investigation was based on the fake dossier paid for by the Clintons and the Democratic National Committee. The FBI, under...
Faces of Heroes #VetsForTrump
By now you all know the story. Lori Gilbert-Kaye died to save her Rabbi while a fellow veteran Oscar Stewart and off duty border patrol agent Jonathan Morales stopped the shooter from killing more people. I have blurred the image of Morales to protect his privacy. It...
How to help win in 2020 using Twitter? #VetsForTrump #MAGA
The Mainstream Media tends to follow social media with an eye towards Twitter. Remember Covington? Pew Research discovered some interesting things. I saw the Pew Research news item on TV but decided to look at the details more closely. Click here for the article. Here...
House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs #VetsForTrump
Yesterday we had a great meeting with freshman Congressman Dan Meuser who we endorsed during the 2018 mid-term elections. Dan now sits on the House Committee on Veteran's Affairs as well as two other committees: House Committee on Education and Labor Subcommittee on...
Stop It #VetsForTrump #StopIt
We would like to help our fellow Americans. It seems some have need of counseling. Below is the best advice I can give them. Were you afraid or are you still afraid that Trump is a Russian agent? Do you still believe Trump is a traitor? Do you believe he hates women,...
In Case You Missed Candice Owens
In case you missed this young woman talking to Congressional Democrats about hate crimes, here it is. Worth watching. Also, check her out on Twitter at #blexit
One Change Can Fix A Lot #VetsForTrump
We actually received a comment from a veteran stating there is no crisis on the border. Hmm, not sure if the MSM doesn't report this (Reuters does, click here) but I suggest to those in the dark that they turn on a light. See comment here. Comprehensive immigration...
Poverty & Illegal Immigration #VetsForTrump
Poverty is located throughout the world and the United States is not to prepared to take in everyone who wants to take in our standard of living. Some brick head also says it is because of Climate Changes except the migrants flee from a more reliable temperature. I...
Trump was right all along #VetsForTrump #Trump2020
Last night I created a short video and tried to upload it to I checked it this morning and YouTube said it violated their terms of service. I wonder what those terms are. There is no foul language or call to do harm to someone. It is simply my thoughts on...
Biden – Nice Guy Corruption #VetsForTrump
Joe Biden is a proven leader of the Democratic machine and much about nothing career politician who is about to run for president. Wow, while in political office Biden has encountered issues of corruption, stupid exclamations, double standards for Democrats, and...
If Trump is Soft on Russian Why Did I get this from the DMVA? #VetsForTrump #Russia
(Harrisburg) -- A Pennsylvania National Guard unit is deploying to eastern Europe as part of a years-long international effort to prevent Russian aggression. The 3rd Squadron, 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment will lead Battle Group Poland, one of four such groups...
Crisis at our Southern Borders #VetsForTrump #ImmigrationCrisis
Congress, especially the Democrats are deliberately overlooking the crisis at our southern borders. They talk a lot and do nothing. All common sense is beyond logic because without borders we are losing our country. There has to be a turning point, a compromise to fix our dumb immigration laws. Is Legal immigration becoming a thing of […]
Get Back to the Business of Governing
Sick of hearing about the mystical animal that haunts the backgrounds of all the president and all his chosen conservative candidates for government. Uncorroborated accusations and whatever it takes to destroy a non-Democratic Party candidate. That is the way of egotism and leads to a distorted sense of values that prevents harmonious cooperation and weakness to […]
Cultural Identity #VetsForTrump
When I grew up a country was a particular culture you identified with. Meaning you lived in that country geographically, you accepted their values, traditions, and justice system. I guess now we have some politicians who are preaching the song and dance of global society similar to the popular series of Star Trek society. They […]
McCain Trump Issues
Earlier today I received a request from CNN. I am on vacation and did not see the email until it was too late. The email stated: “I’m looking for a Veteran to join us this morning at 10am ET to comment on President Trump’s recent attacks on Sen. John McCain.” I could nitpick about their […]
Gracious #VetsForTrump
Fellow vet for Trump Joe Episcopo and I have been traveling around Florida the past week or more trying to drum up support for the website. It has been a great time as we meet fellow veterans and Trump supporters along the way. Watching news has been spotty at best. Today we did catch […]