Veterans for Trump Blog Posts

Vets for Trump

Here you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.

Last Word On Socialism #VetsForTrump

The previous post on Atlas Shrugged and Socialism caused a stir with at least one leftist veteran in the comments section. Fred G makes the erroneous point about Europe and then goes on to criticize rich Congressmen like Paul Ryan as a way to promote Socialism. Here is his comment: Ayn Rand is pure Bull […]

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Atlas Shrugged #WhoIsJohnGalt

If you have never read the book or seen the movie trilogy Atlas Shrugged now is a good time to do so. The book was written by Ayn Rand in 1957. The movies were released in 3 parts, Part I (2011) Free on YouTube, Part II (2012), and Part III (2014). If you have an […]

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Thomas Sowell on Propaganda

As elders, one of our jobs is to educate younger people. Fellow Marine veteran Thomas Sowell is now 88 years old. When he is gone he will be missed.  For the younger crowd, it is interesting to note Thomas Sowell is on Twitter! Here is a link to his Twitter. The first quote below is from a […]

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Confusing Courts #VetsForTrump #FinishTheWall

President Trump did a good job outlining how this is going to play out in the courts. You may be surprised to discover there are two courts with higher reversal rates by the Supreme Court than the 9th Circuit Cort of Appeals. Here is an excerpt: The 9th Circuit’s reversal rate is higher than average, […]

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Idiot Brushfire #IdiotBrushfire

I laughed long and hard at Jesse Watters rant on The Five using the term “Idiot brushfire”.  Jesse explained a common predicament clear thinking Americans encounter when battling idiotic ideas. I had to listen to this a few times since I laughed so hard during the first part of his rant I couldn’t hear the […]

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State of the Union – Predictable Response #VetsForTrump

First, in other breaking news The third in line for Governor of Virginia admits to wearing blackface. This is out of control! The current Governor of Virginia has been accused of being in favor of killing newborn babies and being a racist in the 1980’s while in Medical School. The second in line, Lieutenant Governor Justin […]

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Learning how to think and argue #VetsForTrump

This post is in response to the last post titled “How many must die before Democrats act?” Most posts are shared on my Facebook page and the Vets for Trump FB page that I started as an afterthought. All I can say is WOW! This one really got some people thinking. I do not believe […]

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How many must die before Democrats act? #VetsForTrump

Do Far Left Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and others hate their fellow Americans? A question that was pointedly asked is “how many Americans must die before Democrats act?” That is a rhetorical question, meaning a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an […]

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How to create a racist #VetsForTrump

Let me preface this post by saying Vets For Trump supports all veterans. We do not care what race, religion, sex, or hat type you wear. If you are a veteran you are a brother or sister first! Family can get really pissed at each other from time to time but we are still family. […]

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Who is Nathan Phillips? #VetsForTrump

A friend shared this video and a link to Red State that shows Nathan Phillips DD 214. The guy in this video is a bit whacky but I guess that is his thing. It is worth watching. Most of us already know this information about his military service, but in case you missed it here […]

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Ancient Alien Theorists Say Yes! #VetsForTrump

This post relates to the false viral video relating to the MAGA hat wearing boys from the Kentucky Catholic school. You may have seen it on the news like CNN and many other major networks, Hollywood celebs and leftists had to delete their tweets calling the kids racists etc. See this update in 2020. There […]

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I went to the Women’s March in DC #VetsForTrump

I’m not writing about President Trump’s remarks today because Nancy and Chuck said it would not matter before he spoke. A fellow veteran, Brent, called me just to say it was anticlimactic. I agree. We were both hoping he would say he was going to have the military build the wall. Here is what really got […]

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Word of the Day: in·tran·si·gence #VetsForTrump #GovernmentShutdown

Definition of intransigence noun refusal to change one’s views or to agree about something. intransigent adjective Examples of intransigent in a Sentence. She has remained intransigent in her opposition to the proposal. President Trump grounding the Air Force flight to take Democrats overseas is a response to their intransigence. This episode may remind us of our […]

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President Trump is Insane? #VetsForTrump

We’ve all heard it. The President is: Insane, Incompetent, Racist, Sexist, Xenophobic and the list goes on and on. Let’s address insane for the purposes of this post. What is the old cliche definition? “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!” In fact, President Trump is acting the opposite of insane. […]

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A Fellow Veteran Reflects #VetsForTrump

This was originally posted by a veteran friend Al McCormack. I find myself in a somewhat reflective mood today. The Holidays have a way of reminding us of those who are no longer with us, so perhaps that explains it. But more than that… I watched Fox News Sunday (FNS) this morning with Chris Wallace. […]

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Merry Christmas #VetsForTrump

First, to all my fellow veterans, Merry Christmas to you and yours! I wish all our fellow vets were home for Christmas but that is not our mission. As you know, Mission First is one of our basic principles. Here is a little fun to lighten your spirits on Christmas Day. Politically Correct Santa from […]

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Broken #VetsForTrump

People say our system is broken. I do not agree. It works the way it is supposed to work. Congress passes legislation to the Executive branch for signing. If the Executive does not sign it is called a Veto. If the Congress can come up with a 2/3 majority it does not matter if the […]

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Blue Water Navy veterans

Vets for Trump adds our voice to encourage President Trump to speak to Mike Enzi and Mike Lee about fast-tracking HR 299. Get more details here from Stars & Stripes. The two major concerns are the budget and a potential new report coming out in 2019. There is concern that veteran health issues related to Blue […]

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One Thing I Learned in the Military

Someone posted to our “Haters Corner” today. I’m glad I put that up on this website. In a reply, I said I am starting to see a correlation between length of service and Conservative values. I know that would be anecdotal. I do wish someone would do a real study on this subject. On to the […]

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Suicide Among Veterans #VetsForTrump

Most of us know the suicide rate among veterans is about 22 per day. What you might not know is the average of all Americans is 123 per day. Veterans account for a disproportionally higher percentage than the average, 19% of all suicides but only 7% of the total population. That means veterans are almost 3 […]

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Four Thanksgiving Agreements – #VetsForTrump

You know you are going to be discussing politics with your relatives this Thanksgiving. It is unavoidable in most cases. Here is my sage advice 🙂 Follow the Four Agreements Be Impeccable with your word. – Have your facts straight and say what you mean and mean what you say. Do not make assumptions. – […]

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Hate Mail #VetsForTrump #WalkAway

This past week or so I received a bit more hate email than usual. I’m supposing it is because of Veterans Day and all the hubbub about where President Trump was and wasn’t. Let me answer a common objection about where President Trump was on Veterans Day weekend while in France or missing Arlington. First, neither […]

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Mission Accomplishment #VetsForTrump

As veterans, our success is judged by our ability to accomplish the mission. Our mission is to turn out the vote tomorrow for all Republican candidates. Drag your Republican friends and family if you have to. Crappy weather is forecasted for many locations which just might give Republicans a chance at holding the House. Pray for […]

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Turning Off The News

Every time there is a big news story, shooting, bombing, hurricane etc I turn off the news for a few days to a week. I might check in for 5 minutes later in a typical show because you know the first story up is going to be all about the “big news story.” Right now […]

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Hillary Clinton – So Sad #VetsForTrump #WalkAway

In a CNN interview, Hillary shows how she lost again. She knows Democrats are lemmings but the rest of us are not! Let’s look at what she said: “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” ~ Hillary Clinton I wonder if Hillary […]

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Just Stop It! #VetsForTrump #WalkAway

I’m an old fart but for you younger guys this might be just as entertaining. Back in the day, there was a guy named Bob Newhart.  Bob was a stand-up comic and actor. One of the funniest I can recall. Then again, I’m easy to make laugh. As of this writing, he is still with […]

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Perception is NOT reality #VetsForTrump #WalkAway

My devotion to epistemic responsibility (often called intellectual responsibility) does not allow me to accept terms like “your truth” or “his or her truth“. The saying “perception is reality” and “your truth” is being taken literally by a lot of Americans. Intentionally or not these two sayings are being used by the left. Let me […]

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Brett Kavanaugh’s opening remarks

In case you missed the most powerful opening remarks recorded in the last 100 years, here it is. He spoke for 40 minutes straight and set the Senate Committee straight! Glad to see he will be confirmed.

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Mid Day Kavanaugh Hearing Impression #VetsForTrump

This is painful to watch but I did my best to muddle through the constant 5-minute interruptions by Senators. If you have been watching you know what I’m talking about. If not, you may see it on the nightly news. I want to disclose, after watching the first two Democratic Senators speak I DVR’d the rest […]

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Trump is the Best President Ever! #VetsForTrump

I just finished watching President Trump’s press conference. He is clearly the most transparent President ever. If you did not catch it you should try to get it on a rerun. I am inserting the YouTube video below. Of course, the Kavanaugh issue was brought up over and over. However, he handled it very well […]

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Maybe that’s why they want our guns?

Our national debt is almost 21.5 trillion dollars. Our unfunded social security is 15 trillion dollars. Our unfunded Medicare is 79 trillion dollars. Our unfunded prescription drugs is almost 20 trillion dollars. Our unfunded National Healthcare is 9 trillion dollars. For a whopper of a total of 144.5 trillion dollars. $144,500,000,000,000.00 Yet we are watching […]

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Remembering Why I Joined #VetsForTrump #WalkAway

I stumbled upon a video yesterday that reminded me of why I joined the military in 1980. Maybe you can relate. From 1979 until 1981 we were going through the Iran Hostage Crisis. Every night on the news (before 24-hour cable news) they would have a segment called America Held Hostage Day (xxx) with Frank […]

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