Veterans for Trump Blog Posts
Vets for TrumpHere you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.
No Surprise – Reminder, Biden Is Always Wrong
Of course, the latest news on the withdrawal debacle from Afghanistan is no surprise either. That is unless you are part of the Biden administration. What did we expect? You may recall that Robert Gates said in his book: Biden had been "wrong on nearly every major...
Gratitude for Hardship & Grace – A Sunday Message
I am thankful that I was born in Queens, NYC. That might seem silly but it taught me to be street smart. I am thankful that I later suffered hardship in a boy's home for kids from broken homes. It made me physically and academically strong as well as resilient. I am...
Unsubstantiated Claims of Fraud?
Below is an email from a fellow vet on the left. Jon has commented quite a bit but he decided to email in this statement/question. Mac is much better at speaking extemporaneously. I am more of a writer. This time I thought we would do a video response for Jon. For...
To Get The Shot or Not To Get The Shot – That is the question
I got my second Moderna shot on April Fools Day. So far, so good. I am older and I figured if it is good enough for Trump it is good enough for me. The man has uncannily good instincts. I've always said people should make up their own minds. Some on the fence should...
Trump Through My Eyes
The other day I was on the phone with a very good friend. He is a Democrat buddy, civilian, and small business owner for about 10 years. We are both in our 60s. My friend John is not a far-left guy. If Ben Carson had won the 2016 Primary John would have voted for Ben....
Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud – JP Sears
If you don't know by now I'm a BIG fan of JP Sears. Here is the latest video about the Biden Administration becoming "Big Brother" and violating the Constitution. JP Sears points out the 2nd Amendment is there just in case the 1st Amendment is "abridged". As JP says:...
Are We Really That Divided? Is There A War Coming?
I was talking to a buddy and asked if he thought we are really that divided. There is no doubt there is division but is it as great as the time surrounding the Civil War as Joe Biden would have you think? Below are a couple of Joe Biden quotes related to voter...
Snopes – Prime Example Of Idiocy
By now most of us heard about the mural of George Floyd being hit by lighting in Toledo Ohio. I was not shocked to find this Snopes post but it is a good example of why you should not take the website seriously. The Snopes post title is: Lightning Strike? Cause of...
Quick Fact Check On China Flu Deaths
I'm making this quick post for the record. Leftists & easily dupped people keep saying things like "The 600,000 plus deaths are the fault of Trump". Ridiculous! Facts are stubborn but keep lying to yourself if you must (delusion). If you are on the left, ask...
Afghan interpreter who served US military ‘disappointed’ to face deportation
OK, folks, I'm pissed as all get out. It is absolutely insane that we will allow illegal immigrants to flood our southern border and spend billions on them. At the same time, we will not allow Zalmay Niazy who has shown loyalty to the United States to be sent back to...
The American Revolutionary War Was Also A Civil War
We often think about the Revolutionary War as a war between the colonies of the Americas and Great Britain, and it was. However, it was also a civil war. It is estimated that at no time leading up to or during the Revolutionary War did independence have more than 40%...
Jodi Shaw – Tucker Carlson on Fox Nation
If you have Fox Nation you may be interested in watching Tucker Carlson's latest interview with Jodi Shaw. Tucker Carlson Today Episodes (25). Military and Veterans still get 1 year free. You just have to remember to cancel before they bill you. If you stay it will be...
General Milley on White Rage
Vets for Trump, Mac and Mike discuss General Milley's remarks about "White Rage" and associated racial theories including CRT - Critical Race Theory. That means any theory that teaches white people are inherently racist. PS Mac does most of the talking. I prefer to...
Batshit Crazy
1st the definition: ...So, when somebody said that an individual had "bats in the belfry" it meant that there was "nothing going on upstairs" (as in that person's brain). To be BATSHIT CRAZY is to take this even a step further. A person who is batshit crazy is so nuts...
Open Letter to America’s Veterans and Veterans Organizations
This letter is an urgent call for America’s 20 million military veterans and veterans organizations to actively speak out against the people and organizations, i. e. the “forces”, wanting to change America into a Marxist, communist-like state. As explained below, this...
Dental Care in the VA System
More dental care in the VA system would be a Win-Win=Win. It would save our country money. It would help our Veterans who have done such great things for us. It would help make certain that our Veterans stay strong just in case their "special set of skills" are needed...
Celebrate – Honor – Commemorate May – ‘Military Appreciation Month’ and the Ultimate Sacrifice
(May, 2021) — In accordance with the goals, objectives and mission of Veterans For America First, we invite you to join us in honoring the service and sacrifice of members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, Space Force and National Guard as well as...
Press Secretary Kristie Tertel Honors Military Heroes at 20+ Multiple Memorial Day Weekend Events Throughout Delaware
(Dover Air Force Base, Dover, DE) — Today, May 31, 2021, all across the state of Delaware, special events were held to honor those who have given their lives for our country and our freedom. Veterans For America First Press Secretary Kristie Tertel spent a 4-day...
Official Statement Honoring the Life of Alice Butler-Short
(May 01, 2021) — Respectfully, Co-Founder and President of Veterans For America First, Vlad Lemets, has issued the following statement on the death of Virginia Women For Trump’s Founder and President, Mrs. Alice Butler-Short. _________________________ “We are deeply...
Memorial Day 2021
On Saturday I spent several hours at a get-together in York PA hosted by FreePA. There were several speakers. One speaker, fellow veteran James Jones, mentioned how people say "Happy Memorial Day". He then went on to explain why there is nothing happy about it. Very...
Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military
By now you may all have seen Fox Nation is free for 1 year for veterans and active duty. I signed up for it just so I could watch Tucker Carlson interview Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier on his new book. As you know by now Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier has been removed as the...
Veterans For America First
Fellow Veteran for Trump, Vlad Lemets explains where Vets for Trump is heading if President Trump decides to not run. Vlad has started the website We are also working on other projects together using the various domain names under...
Was It Trump Or America First?
We want to hear your opinion right here on the Vets for Trump aka Veterans for Trump website and blog. We still distribute to social media but we don't trust them. You can comment here and have your voice heard without censorship as long as it is clean and doesn't...
Mid Week Update
Penn State is one of the latest to fall into the pronoun cult. The LGBTQQIP2SAA (otherwise known as Alphabet Soup) is eliminating words like freshmen and upperclassmen. The Gender Studies department is also being scrutinized for use of gender terms. Students can earn...
2024 Cannot Come Fast Enough!
Gas Prices, Unemployment, Illegal Immigration, Middle East Relations, Inflation, Public Schools, Out Of Control Pork Spending, Woke CIA, Attempts at Court Packing, Federalizing Our Elections, All Whites Are Racist, you name it. The policies and leadership of the Biden...
‘Veterans For America First’ Official Ambassador, Dick Heller, Keynote Speaker at DC Project Event on May 15, 2021
(Washington, D.C.)— First and foremost, ‘Veterans For America First’ is proud to announce that Official Ambassador, Hon. Mr. Richard ‘Dick’ Heller of the ground-breaking DC v Heller (2008) Supreme Court decision, will be headlining an exclusive fundraiser...
‘Veterans For America First’ Sends Delegation to ‘Faith ‘N Freedom Conference
(Dallas, TX)— First and foremost, ‘Veterans For America First’ is proud to announce that an entire delegation has been selected to attend a prestigious annual conference- in addition to having multiple Official Ambassadors the headlining, the special event as...
Pointing Out The Obvious
All Republicans have to do to win back the House, Senate and eventually, the White House is to continue to point out the obvious. I'll try to keep my posts shorter and future videos will be shortened. If you are reading this you likely already know most of the items...
Call to Action: Apply for Official ‘Veterans For America First’ Ambassadorship Today!
(May 11, 2021) — First and foremost, ‘Veterans For America First’ is proud to announce that online applications are now available to become Official Ambassadors (2021) and invites all like-minded U.S. Citizens age 18 or older to apply today at:...
Trump And Facebook Ban
Mac and Mike discuss the Trump Facebook ban and other issues surrounding the subject. If you would like to do a Zoom or any other type of video podcast with us please use the Contact page on this website. We look forward to engaging with those who agree and disagree...
Formal Notice: ‘Veterans For America First’ Official 2021 Re-Branding and Re-Organization Under Incoming President , Vlad Lemets
(May 1, 2021)— (Fort Lauderdale, FL)— First, please join us in congratulating and welcoming Veterans For America First Hon. Mr. Vlad Lemets as incoming 2021-2022 President of this distinguished national grassroots organization. On or after March 1, 2021, inter alia,...
Decorated Army Veteran Vlad Lemets Named President
(Fort Lauderdale, FL)— By unanimous decision, ‘Veterans For America First’ is proud to announce that the entire Executive Board of Veterans For America First has selected decorated Army Veteran, Hon. Mr. Vlad Lemets, as the organization’s 2021 National Chairman....
Dick Heller Headlines ‘DC Project-NJ’ Fundraiser on May 15, 2021
(May 10, 2021) – ‘Veterans For America First’ is excited to announce that Official Ambassador, Hon. Mr. Richard ‘Dick’ Heller of the ground-breaking DC v Heller (2008) Supreme Court decision, will be headlining an exclusive fundraiser for the ‘DC Project- NJ’ on...
‘Veterans For America First’ Honors First Responders, Celebrates ‘National Police Week’ May 9-15, 2021
(May 9, 2021)) –Respectfully, ‘Veterans For America First’ is excited to celebrate and honor First Responders during the official ‘National Police Week’ as between May 9-15, 2021 throughout the United States. Established by in 1962, a Congressional...
@NurseErin appears on OAN
(May 6, 2021) SUNSET BEACH, FL– @NurseErin from ‘Global Front Line Nurses’ appears live on OANN national television network with Real America on OANN with host Dan Ball on Thursday, May 6, 2021. @NurseErin is a combat veteran as well as an Official...
Our Children’s Future – By Congressman Dan Meuser
Earlier this week, Joe Biden delivered his first speech to a joint session of Congress. Participation was limited due to Covid-19 restrictions, and I was not in attendance. Biden strongly advocated for an extreme progressive policy wish list to raise taxes, crush the...
‘Veterans For America First’ Celebrates Asian-American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
(May 1, 2021)) – ‘Veterans For America First’ is excited to celebrate Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month from May 1-31, 2021. In the United States, the month of May each year is celebrated as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. This annual...
‘Veterans For America First’ Rebranding: Updated Press/Media Contact Information
(May 1, 2021)— Current Veterans For America First National President Vlad Lemets explains to mission and purpose of this organization since re-branding it entirely in late January 2021. Lemets explains [that], “Our organization was established by U.S. Military combat...
VFAF endorses Mayra Gutierrez for McAllen City Commissioner, District #6
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: ‘Veterans For America First’ Endorses Mayra Gutierrez for McAllen City Commissioner, District #6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (April 26, 2021)– First and foremost, the Executive...
Supporting our Border Patrol
JOINT PRESS RELEASE: Latinos For America First and Veterans For America First Celebrate Successful ‘Week of Action’ Events, Feed Border Patrol in Rio Grande Valley _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Rio Grande...
Coming Back Online
It looks like we will be coming back online with a new name or focus if you like. We have always been about helping veterans first. However, with our fellow law enforcement and first responders falling into the same front-line workers we have decided to add them in....
First Few Weeks On Biden Admin
This was recorded on 17 Feb 21. It has only been around 3 weeks and the Biden administration is making a mess of everything. Rather than typing it all up Allen aka Mac and I decided to do a video. We are not sure where all this is going. However, we have decided to...
** PRESS RELEASE ** OPINION By: Kristie Tertel 23 January 2021 IN DEFENSE OF DECORATED VETERAN, HON. MR. ANTONIO ‘TONY’ LA MOTTA _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Prima facie, I first met Antonio ‘Tony’...
In Defense of Joshua Macias and Antonio LaMotta: OPINION
** PRESS RELEASE ** OPINION Author: Kristie Tertel 01 February 2021 IN DEFENSE OF VETERANS JOSHUA MACIAS AND ANOTNIO LAMOTTA [Opinion] _____________________________________________________________________________________ Prima facie, In my capacity as a private,...
OP-ED ___________________________________________________________________ 18 January 2021 Authors: The Patriot, KT Why is no one talking about preventing suicide? In light of two suicides making recent headlines, specifically of US Capitol Police Officer Howard...
Black History Month
I am the curious type. I never looked into the history of Black History Month :). I knew it came about in my lifetime but here are the details. It grew out of something called “Negro History Week”. I had never heard of that before. Likely because it was before my time...
12 January 2021 Filming Full-Length Music Video for #1 Billboard Album-- ‘The Patriot’ By: Topher (featuring The Marine Rapper) After building overwhelming anticipation and delivering a number one hit-single since its initial album release date on December 19, 2020,...
OP-ED _____________________________________________________________________________________ 03 January 2021 By: Kristie Tertel YOU DON’T NEED TO WEAR A UNIFORM TO CONTINUE SERVING YOUR COUNTRY! Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States...
Federal Judge Rules Against Biden
The Texas Tribune reported that a Federal judge has temporarily stopped Biden's deportation stoppage. “Within 6 days of Biden’s inauguration, Texas has HALTED his illegal deportation freeze,” Texas Attorney General Paxton tweeted after the order. “*This* was a...
Amazon Hypocrisy – You Can’t Make This Stuff Up
For our friends on the left. Did you notice that Amazon now agrees with Trump? Mail-in voting is so prone to issues they will not accept it as a means for voting a union in or out. "We believe that the best approach to a valid, fair and successful election is one that...