Veterans for Trump Blog Posts

Vets for Trump

Here you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.

Trump Through My Eyes

Trump Through My Eyes

The other day I was on the phone with a very good friend. He is a Democrat buddy, civilian, and small business owner for about 10 years. We are both in our 60s. My friend John is not a far-left guy. If Ben Carson had won the 2016 Primary John would have voted for Ben....

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General Milley on White Rage

General Milley on White Rage

Vets for Trump, Mac and Mike discuss General Milley's remarks about "White Rage" and associated racial theories including CRT - Critical Race Theory. That means any theory that teaches white people are inherently racist. PS Mac does most of the talking. I prefer to...

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Batshit Crazy

Batshit Crazy

1st the definition: ...So, when somebody said that an individual had "bats in the belfry" it meant that there was "nothing going on upstairs" (as in that person's brain). To be BATSHIT CRAZY is to take this even a step further. A person who is batshit crazy is so nuts...

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Dental Care in the VA System

Dental Care in the VA System

More dental care in the VA system would be a Win-Win=Win. It would save our country money. It would help our Veterans who have done such great things for us. It would help make certain that our Veterans stay strong just in case their "special set of skills" are needed...

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Memorial Day 2021

Memorial Day 2021

On Saturday I spent several hours at a get-together in York PA hosted by FreePA. There were several speakers. One speaker, fellow veteran James Jones, mentioned how people say "Happy Memorial Day". He then went on to explain why there is nothing happy about it. Very...

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Mid Week Update

Mid Week Update

Penn State is one of the latest to fall into the pronoun cult. The LGBTQQIP2SAA  (otherwise known as Alphabet Soup) is eliminating words like freshmen and upperclassmen. The Gender Studies department is also being scrutinized for use of gender terms. Students can earn...

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2024 Cannot Come Fast Enough!

2024 Cannot Come Fast Enough!

Gas Prices, Unemployment, Illegal Immigration, Middle East Relations, Inflation, Public Schools, Out Of Control Pork Spending, Woke CIA, Attempts at Court Packing, Federalizing Our Elections, All Whites Are Racist, you name it. The policies and leadership of the Biden...

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Pointing Out The Obvious

Pointing Out The Obvious

All Republicans have to do to win back the House, Senate and eventually, the White House is to continue to point out the obvious. I'll try to keep my posts shorter and future videos will be shortened. If you are reading this you likely already know most of the items...

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Trump And Facebook Ban

Trump And Facebook Ban

Mac and Mike discuss the Trump Facebook ban and other issues surrounding the subject. If you would like to do a Zoom or any other type of video podcast with us please use the Contact page on this website. We look forward to engaging with those who agree and disagree...

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@NurseErin appears on OAN

(May 6, 2021) SUNSET BEACH, FL–          @NurseErin from ‘Global Front Line Nurses’ appears live on OANN national television network with Real America on OANN with host Dan Ball on Thursday, May 6, 2021. @NurseErin is a combat veteran as well as an Official...

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Supporting our Border Patrol

JOINT PRESS RELEASE: Latinos For America First and Veterans For America First Celebrate Successful ‘Week of Action’ Events, Feed Border Patrol in Rio Grande Valley _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Rio Grande...

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Coming Back Online

Coming Back Online

It looks like we will be coming back online with a new name or focus if you like. We have always been about helping veterans first. However, with our fellow law enforcement and first responders falling into the same front-line workers we have decided to add them in....

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First Few Weeks On Biden Admin

First Few Weeks On Biden Admin

This was recorded on 17 Feb 21. It has only been around 3 weeks and the Biden administration is making a mess of everything. Rather than typing it all up Allen aka Mac and I decided to do a video. We are not sure where all this is going. However, we have decided to...

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** PRESS RELEASE ** OPINION By: Kristie Tertel 23 January 2021 IN DEFENSE OF DECORATED VETERAN, HON. MR. ANTONIO ‘TONY’ LA MOTTA _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Prima facie, I first met Antonio ‘Tony’...

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Black History Month

Black History Month

I am the curious type. I never looked into the history of Black History Month :). I knew it came about in my lifetime but here are the details. It grew out of something called “Negro History Week”. I had never heard of that before. Likely because it was before my time...

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OP-ED _____________________________________________________________________________________ 03 January 2021 By: Kristie Tertel YOU DON’T NEED TO WEAR A UNIFORM TO CONTINUE SERVING YOUR COUNTRY! Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States...

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Federal Judge Rules Against Biden

Federal Judge Rules Against Biden

The Texas Tribune reported that a Federal judge has temporarily stopped Biden's deportation stoppage. “Within 6 days of Biden’s inauguration, Texas has HALTED his illegal deportation freeze,” Texas Attorney General Paxton tweeted after the order. “*This* was a...

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