Veterans for Trump Blog Posts
Vets for TrumpHere you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.
The Trolley Dilemma – Oh No, Don’t Ask Me To Decide!
Sometimes called the Trolley Problem, this thought experiment helps us understand the moral or ethical dilemma decision-makers can face. Reading this may help you make clearer decisions when you vote for a set of policies. As a veteran, maybe you have been confronted with dilemmas. When is it right to fight or fire? What are the consequences of taking action or not taking action? How do you understand a lawful order? Below is a quick 1:38 second video that explains the Trolley Problem. There are many variations but this keeps it simple for now.
ANTIFA Again? What Is Wrong With The Left?
As most of us who watch FOX or other actual news networks know, the ANTIFA thugs are at it again. While the Biden administration was focused on possible Trump supporters they completely missed the anti-American, anti-police, anti-everything ANTIFA riots. All this on...
Politics And Religion – Which Is Easier To Debate?
A number of people have asked me how I got involved in writing and debate. The short answer is defending the Christian faith. I became a believer at 29. That means I led a life outside of the Christian faith for much of my formative years. It also meant that I spent a...
I Want To Believe
OK, so the day has finally arrived. The one we who served dreaded. The new administration will begin its dismantling of all the great progress made in the past four years. While Joe Biden and company will start to tear down things through immediate executive orders it...
How to avoid Big Tech
In the coming months, we need to all thin about reducing our cyber footprint with Big Tech. This is what I do: I use Firefox for my browser (it's Linux-based, so has some quirks that are easily overcome). For my search engine, I use the unpolitical rather...
Isn’t It Ironic?
25,000 (or thereabouts) National Guard have been deployed to D.C. Those of us who follow right of center news understand the irony of it all. Therefore, this post is sent out to those who are left of center that have not thought about it. Over the summer the left was...
Don’t Be A Hypocrite
If I wasn't clear about this in the past I want to clarify things now. You cannot be both a Trump supporter and a criminal and maintain credibility. We cannot call out the hypocrisy of the left and then excuse the same thing on the right. It is just that simple. We...
Why $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage Is A Bad Idea
By now most have heard that Biden will raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour. Even Trump said he would consider it when asked at the debate. Trump said he did prefer to leave it to the states. I look at this from having been a minimum wage earner and as an employer....
Nothing Stings Like Comedic Truth
Enjoy this installment of JP Sears "The Capitol Was STORMED! - Everything You Need To Know.
Mostly Peaceful Protest
I'll try to make my point succinctly so those with short attention spans can digest this. This is the left-wing media on 2 Jun 20. It says peaceably in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. I...
**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** 07 January 2021 By: Kristie T., Press Lead JOINT STATEMENT CONDEMNING VIOLENCE IN NATION'S CAPITOL Washington, D.C. – The Heller Foundation, Latinos for Trump, Veterans for Trump, Blacks for Trump and Virginia Women for Trump...
We lost one of our own
We lost a Sister yesterday. A forteen year veteran of the Air Force was shot in the US Capitol Building yesterday and she lost her life from the injury. Why? There is no legitimate justification for civil VIOLENCE. Peaceful civil disobedience? Sure. Justified and...
Bus Trips to Washington D.C. & China Flu
A lot of people will be traveling to D.C. tomorrow and many are going by bus. With the recent death of Congressman-Elect Luke Letlow, a healthy 41-year-old man, China Flu is on the minds of many. China Flu is a real disease and spreads easily. It spreads so easily...
I thought the Supreme Court Determined Constitutionality
That was a comment/question from one of our leftist readers and commenters. This comment was made in reference to a link I provided to a Mark Levin J.D. discussion on Real Clear Politics. Yes, you can say Doctor Mark Levin if you prefer but he does not seem hung up on...
Vote Fraud And Inductive Reasoning – A message to the left
Lot's of liberals and never Trumpers wonder why we believe there was vote fraud & election interference. Most liberals don't watch or listen to conservative news so they are completely in the dark. If you search Google you can only find articles that support the...
What Can Be Done?
I have no "proof" for any of what I'm about to share, but I believe this to be true. I truly believe that the Democratic Party rigged the democratic primary election to make sure that "centrist", "moderate" Joe Biden would be the Democratic Candidate for President in...
GOD Bless America
I stand with truth. I will not bow to China, big tech or Biden. Mr. Biden you have been hiding in your basement because you cannot handle truth. The light of the lord is on our nation... That quote above was all that was submitted using our Guest Post feature. While...
Buckle Up – We Are Hitting Turbulence
Many of you may have already heard the news. Texas is suing the swing states for violating the Constitution in relation to the election. This is the most promising thing I've seen since November 3rd. I won't try to explain it all but it makes sense to me. And you know...
My Letter to the Supreme Court
December 3, 2020 Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543 Dear Chief Justice Roberts and other Justices of the Supreme Court, I am a 71-year old United States citizen. The only other time in my life that I can remember our country in...
MeWe CEO says platform is ‘social done right’ | Fox Business Video
Worth knowing
Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow veterans!
Hi All, just wanted to send a personal greeting to all my fellow veterans for Trump. As vets, we spent a lot of holidays away from family. Thankfully, our President has been bringing troops home from endless wars for the past 4 years and not getting us engaged in...
What were Trump’s top accomplishments in his first term? Anonymous Survey
Anonymous Survey. We are not collecting emails etc. No catch. You can select up to 3 top items from the list below. If I forgot anything major let me know in the comments. Positive things only. Don't be a wise-ass 🙂 [poll id="2"]
Crushing Big Tech #VetsForTrump
Are you going to be guilty of Treason? You cannot provide the enemy with aid and comfort and expect to win the war. In a post on November 7th I mentioned that we need to crush Big Tech. Of all the things we have to do this is something that can be done soon and with...
JP Sears On Civil War #VetsForTrump
One of the most often asked questions is if I think we are headed towards civil war. My answer used to be, "no, I don't think so." Then as time went on I started feeling a little less confident. That was after all the looting and rioting that Democrat Mayors and...
Why Donald Trump Deserved to Lose #VetsForTrump
One of my Dem friends dislikes "talking points" from both sides. I have to admit, I do too. We are both deep thinkers. However, sometimes the points are not simply talking points but facts. The video below popped up on my list. I thought by the title it would piss me...
2020 Veterans Day #VetsForTrump
If you are like me you have been getting text messages, calls and etc. thanking us for our service. Great, but it looks like a slim majority of America really hates us & our country. Sorry if I'm bursting bubbles and coming across like a sourpuss. Even though we...
And Now For Some Comic Relief #VetsForTrump
I would like to thank Vlad for sending this over to me. The other day we were having a discussion about how this all works. Many people do not understand it. While this video is funny, it is true. PS make sure you are not eating, drinking, or holding anything precious...
Remember This? VetsForTrump
I thought it was appropriate to remind us of this on a Sunday. Enjoy. 6 Minutes to be reminded of why we love Trump.
Now What? #VetsForTrump
All our phones were likely blowing up this past week. I've heard from my kids and younger veterans who don't know what to make of it all. Emotions are high and you might recall how I've posted on how "emotions eradicate skills". Remain calm. The bottom line is each...
Vets For Trump – Bail Fund When it became clear on election night that the Democrats were trying to steal the election, Vets for Trump activated our nationwide grassroots network of volunteers. We deployed volunteers into all toss-up states who could provide...
Volunteers Needed As Recount Watchers #VetsForTrump
There is a form at the top of our Sister website for Veterans and First Responders to sign up to becoming watchers for the coming recounts. Please go to this link and at the top of the page fill out the form for dates and places you can volunteer.
Do Not Forget What Trump Did For Veterans #VetsForTrump
Here are the words from a fellow veteran, Doug Lengenfelder, and friend that inspired me to take Vets for Trump more seriously: Can anyone out there name a single benefit that American veterans have received that a politician has not voted on? I didn’t think so … and...
The Culture War
The Culture War By Karl C. Priest October 30, 2020 We are at war. It is the Culture War which was launched in the 1960s and the front line was established in 1974. ( Liberals and their allies understand where the battle...
Black Men For Trump #VetsForTrump
I'm on a lot of distribution lists and I apologize as I cannot get to all my emails and read through these lists. However, one that stood out recently in the news is Black Men For Trump. I spoke with the leader of this organization sometime back. They really put out...
Do You Remember When? #VetsForTrump
If your memory is near average you might remember 2015 and 2016. The so-called news media were all talking incessantly about the violence from the Trump supporters. If you watched news outside the left-wing media you understood the real violence was coming from the...
Joe Biden’s COVID Response – Fact Check #VetsForTrump
Besides the Joe Biden scandal, the thing that bothers me most recently is Biden commercials on COVID response. I'll bullet point some facts. Neither Joe Biden nor anyone else can prove their response would have been better. If he had a better plan he certainly never...
A Tale Of Two Veterans #VetsForTrump
Back in 2016 and since I was approached by a number of media outlets that wanted to do interviews. One particular group, People's TV, followed me and fellow veteran for Trump Joe Episcopo around for 3 days, primarily at the Inauguration of President Trump in D.C. They...
Joe Biden Committed Political Suicide #VetsForTrump
Tucker Carlson's interview with fellow veteran Tony Bobulinski last night should be on every media website but it is not. At least not as of this morning. I checked all of them. Now you know why FOX News is the "Only Trusted Name In News" and the audience is larger...
Understanding Each Other #VetsForTrump
How much of who and what we are is really in our control? Answering this question might help us to better understand each other. What don't we choose?: Our race, sex, and other genetics Our parents Our country, region, and culture we are born into The basic...
Be afraid, be very afraid of the press
The current situation regarding the NY Post articles on Hunter Biden’s business ventures, gratis of his father should scare the begebbers out of every American, regardless of party affiliation. This is what every dictator does when grabbing power: Mussolini...
How Will Biden Answer #VetsForTrump
I just saw Stephanie Rawlings-Blake - former Baltimore Mayor and Biden surrogate on Americas Newsroom. She was asked how she thought Joe Biden would respond when Trump calls him out on his corruption at tonight's debate. Her answer stunned me. She simply claimed...
Protect and Defend
I took an Oath. Presumably, if you are reading this, you took an oath also. There were some serious words in that Oath. Honor. Promise. Support. Defend. Enemies. Foreign/Domestic. I don't remember anyone telling me that I was “relieved” of that Oath. No one told me...
Hunter Biden article
Holy crap folks, I just read the New York Post ( articles on Hunter Biden's emails, and talk about capitalizing on his dad's notoriety! Obvious from the text, Hunter presumed these would never be read by anyone but the addressee. I urge you to read and...
25th amendment pending?
Has anyone else noticed the increasing frailty of Joe Biden? Having seen my father go through the early stages of dementia, it sure looks like Joe is headed down that path. So one must ask, why is Kamala Harris and the rest of the progressive elite keeping up this...
We Two Percenters
My brothers and sisters in arms, to quote William Shakespeare's Henry V: "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition; And gentlemen in England now...
Saved Lives Or Caused Over 200,000 Deaths? #VetsForTrump
I will be damned if I’m going to sit here and be lectured by a political party that supports the death of over 600,000 babies each year when it comes to COVID deaths!
PAVE America with Proud Patriots 6 October AAR
6 October 2020 On the day after President Trump was released from the hospital for his case of Covid, this breezy and very pleasant afternoon brought a pleasant surprise. I made a right turn on to Big Tyler Road just as the light changed. The guy I got in front of...
Deep In Your Heart #VetsForTrump
I've been spending a lot of time talking to both veterans and non-veterans, moderates, and conservatives. I think the most profound yet simplistic thing I've heard anyone say so far is: Deep in your heart, you know Trump is the right choice. This was someone on the...
Smart Virus – Dumb Virus #VetsForTrump
Early on in the COVID outbreak, they said a "smart virus" is one that does not tend to kill the host. A dumb virus often kills the host leaving nobody else to infect. The whole purpose of any virus is to spread. If it kills the host it is called a "dumb virus" because...
Why the lack of police support
Mike suggested in a previous post dropping “truth bombs” on Facebook and Twitter; I would add Pinterest. My favorite is to go to anti-police postings and remind them that the endpoint for all the Democratic politicians may well be a national police force. Remember in...