Veterans for Trump Blog Posts

Vets for Trump

Here you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.

History repeat

History repeat

A friend of mine asked a very insightful question last week, “Why do career military folks focus on history so much?” The answer is as simple as it is complex.   Georges de Santayana said it best: “Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat...

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How To Take Action

Spend your time on the opponent's social media pages in the comments section. Don't stick around and argue. This is the way the left operates. Unlike the Democrats be as respectful as you can. Just drop in truth bombs. Feel free to use the Share feature on this...

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9/11 Post Attack #VetsForTrump

9/11 Post Attack #VetsForTrump

Please submit your memories on our Guest Post page if you would like to do so. We allow anonymous posts or you can add your name. Your choice. Most of us have our own 9/11 stories to tell. Where we were, what we were doing, and how we reacted. As veterans, countless...

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How To Fix The Violence #VetsForTrump

Here is a suggestion on how to quickly stop the rioting, looting, and burning. 
Set a curfew and stick to it. That is the key. Sticking to it.
Anyone caught out after curfew that does not have a legitimate reason is zip tied and made to sit on the curb until morning waiting to be processed.
Process them by taking their fingerprints and then give them a fine and let them go on day one. Love to hear your suggestions!

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Yeah Sure Queen Nancy #VetsForTrump

Hypocrisy reigns. In case you missed it here is another example of "Queen Nancy" flouting her status as a politician. Remember, this nut job is 3rd in line to the Presidency. It wasn't bad enough that she showed off her chocolate and ice cream supply during the early...

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Comment Policy

Sincere questions and comments are welcome. Here are a few rules of the road. Most of these rules are set forth for the anti-Trump crowd. Comments or questions should be sincere. We know some hate Trump and that will never change. If you fall into that category you...

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Media jumps the gun again

Jacob Blake had a knife inside his vehicle when he was shot seven times by a Wisconsin police officer as he opened the SUV’s door, authorities revealed Wednesday. The discovery of the weapon, found on the driver’s side floorboard of Blake’s SUV, was announced by the...

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Daily Rant #VetsForTrump

Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Used 8 Words To Utterly Destroy Rioters Ruining America: “I cannot believe I fought to defend you.” Am I the only one to think if Harris is elected President then Nancy Pelosi will be the Vice President? OMG Even if Joe makes it there...

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