Veterans for Trump Blog Posts
Vets for TrumpHere you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.
Bloomberg’s Bribe – What Does It Really Say? #VetsForTrump
By now most of you know about the potential Felony former Democrat Presidential Candidate Mike Bloomberg. Spending 16 million in Florida to get Felons to vote is obscene. That is on top of the 100 million he is putting into the state to help Biden. I'm not going to...
Activist Judge vs Originalist Judge #VetsForTrump
Blue Collar Logic is now one of my favorite YouTube Channels. I love these two guys because they take complex things and make them simple for guys like me. The 5 minute video in this post explains the difference between how Republicans and Democrats view the court. I...
Chris Coons – Senate Democrat Agrees With Supreme Court Nomination By Trump
If you did not catch it Chris Coons appeared on The Story with Martha MacCallum tonight. Martha asked him a hypothetical question. "If the shoe were on the other foot and Hillary Clinton was President and Trump was running against her as the Republican nominee, would...
You Just Might Be A Democrat #VetsForTrump
I'm constantly asked why I vote for Trump. Sometimes it is easier to answer why I cannot vote for a Democrat. This election is not about Trump vs Biden. This election is about you! Thanks to the inspiration of Jeff Foxworthy here is my list reasons for voting for...
Should Trump Nominate A New Supreme Court Justice? #VetsForTrump
OK, so the "outrage machine" is at work once again. It does not really matter which side of the issue you are on. Both sides are ginned up over the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and how we should proceed. This is not an overly interesting topic. However, I'm posting...
American Flag – U.S. Flag ‘Primes’ Voters Toward Republican Viewpoints #VetsForTrump
The most important thing we might do between now and November 3rd is to fly the American Flag. I stumbled onto this article from 2011 which was updated in 2015 on Fox News. You can read the article and details for yourself. I simply encourage everyone to put the US...
Ancient Aliens And Politics? You’re Kidding, Right? #VetsForTrump
A friend posted this on Facebook: How can it be, that in a city run by minority political elected officials and a police department headed up by minority officers, that the violence in the city is President Trump’s fault? My reply was: As you know brother everything's...
History repeat
A friend of mine asked a very insightful question last week, “Why do career military folks focus on history so much?” The answer is as simple as it is complex. Georges de Santayana said it best: “Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat...
Is It Worth Your Effort? #VetsForTrump
Time is our most precious commodity. It is good to ask ourselves if it is worth our effort to engage with certain people. Consider the following: Over 60 million people voted for Trump in 2016 and over 60 million voted for Clinton. That leaves around half of each...
How To Take Action
Spend your time on the opponent's social media pages in the comments section. Don't stick around and argue. This is the way the left operates. Unlike the Democrats be as respectful as you can. Just drop in truth bombs. Feel free to use the Share feature on this...
9/11 Post Attack #VetsForTrump
Please submit your memories on our Guest Post page if you would like to do so. We allow anonymous posts or you can add your name. Your choice. Most of us have our own 9/11 stories to tell. Where we were, what we were doing, and how we reacted. As veterans, countless...
It was a horn honking hour.
8 September 2020 It was a horn honking hour. Since we cannot hold all of the signs we want, we set up two signs in front of our usual “Wave Old Glory with Us” sign. (See below.) The first one was “Honk for Trump”. There was more honking today. I would love to hear...
Digital Warriors: we are taking the fight to the Democrats on social media
We are attacking them where they live in the comments sections of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. We are changing the narrative from what they are being spoon-fed and giving them doses of truth. As our numbers are growing in the digital world, we are preparing to...
The truth is President Trump is making sure the government fulfills its commitment to our country’s Veterans.
In 2019, President Trump signed a memorandum that eliminated 100% of student loan debt for permanently disabled veterans. President Trump signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans...
PAVE America with Proud Patriots
I am a Cold War Veteran and I call upon veterans of all eras (and all American patriots) to stand against this attack on America from within. See Thank you for taking a look.
Why Vets for Trump endorses Gen Don Bolduc for US Senate in New Hampshire #VetsForTrump
Learn about General Don Bulduc and why Vets for Trump endorses him for Senate in New Hampshire. Even if you do not live in New Hampshire it is worth watching the first few minutes about his life.
Insulting Veteran Intelligence #VetsForTrump
Am I supposed to take the word of Trump haters about something the Trump hating John Bolton says is not true? If you are that gullible I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I’d like to sell you. Don’t insult my intelligence.
Fact Check – Trump Told Voters In NC To Vote Twice #VetsForTrump
Claim: Trump told voters in North Carolina to vote twice. Veterans for Trump rates this accusation as False Vets for Trump Facts: There are two videos where this accusation can be cleared up. First is the initial talk Trump was giving and the second was a...
Conspiracy News Network – CNN for short #VetsForTrump
It is glaringly obvious to those of us with clear eyes how the news media props up Demoncrats and accuses Trump of things for which they are more or equally guilty. You can't make this crap up! Russian conspiracy: Looks like the only ones that paid for Russian...
BLM – ANTIFA – Anarchy #VetsForTrump
Simpletons need our help. Vets for Trump is aware of the need to educate our fellow Americans. It is easy to take our intellect for granted. It became very clear to us when the media had to have mail-in voting explained dozens of times. That one subject consumed many... redirects to – Here is when it changed #VetsForTrump
Most of you know I've been running a web business since I retired from the Air Force in 2002. There are some tools that geeks like me know about. I'm going to turn you on to one of them now. The internet archives snapshots of websites as they are crawled and changed....
How To Fix The Violence #VetsForTrump
Here is a suggestion on how to quickly stop the rioting, looting, and burning.
Set a curfew and stick to it. That is the key. Sticking to it.
Anyone caught out after curfew that does not have a legitimate reason is zip tied and made to sit on the curb until morning waiting to be processed.
Process them by taking their fingerprints and then give them a fine and let them go on day one. Love to hear your suggestions!
Yeah Sure Queen Nancy #VetsForTrump
Hypocrisy reigns. In case you missed it here is another example of "Queen Nancy" flouting her status as a politician. Remember, this nut job is 3rd in line to the Presidency. It wasn't bad enough that she showed off her chocolate and ice cream supply during the early...
As The Cities Burn #VetsForTrump
Nope, it is not simply FOX News reporting these things. According to some veteran friends on Facebook, portions of some of our major cities remind them of war zones. One, a female attorney, was huddled in the corner of her living room with rioters outside. She was...
Am I Seeing This Right? #VetsForTrump
A Facebook friend recently sent a link to the CDC website. The thing he was pointing out was that only 6% of China Flu deaths were actually from the China Flu. We keep hearing about "comorbidity" in relation to China Flu deaths. It finally gelled in my head what the...
Sunday Message Colonel Deirdre “Dede” Byrne #VetsForTrump
Veteran for Trump, Colonel Byrne served as a doctor and surgeon in the US Army. She started her service in 1978. After retirement she became a nun to serve the poor. In case you missed it here is what she had to say last week about the most marginalized group in the...
Dan Meuser – House Veterans Affairs #VetsForTrump
As our convention comes to a close, I, like you was very happy and impressed with all of our speakers. They were inspiring and told relatable stories. From the Cuban-American businessman Maximo Alvarez to Ann Marie Dorn, the widow of retired St. Louis police...
Fact Check – Senator Paul Author of the Breonna Taylor Act Attacked #VetsForTrump
Claim: Senator Rand Paul was attacked by leftists after leaving the White House. Rand Paul is the author of the Breonna Taylor Act to stop no-knock warrants. What does the record show? Veterans for Trump rates this True: Video evidence is readily available of the...
Kyle Rittenhouse Shootings: Open-and-Shut Case of Self-Defense #VetsForTrump
The Facts: According to Revolver News quoting the New York Times (of all places), the shooting of 3 (2 dead) criminals by Kyle Rittenhouse will be ruled self-defense. We shall see but all the evidence at this time appears to be in Kyle's favor. With the exception of...
What Is Our Goal? – Share – Persuade – Register – Vote #VetsForTrump
The goal of these posts is mainly to win the middle. The time is now! The veteran community is powerful. There are over 20 million vets in America. Many live in states that count. Add to the veteran their spouses, children, parents, and friends. The numbers soon climb...
Comment Policy
Sincere questions and comments are welcome. Here are a few rules of the road. Most of these rules are set forth for the anti-Trump crowd. Comments or questions should be sincere. We know some hate Trump and that will never change. If you fall into that category you...
DOJ Requesting Data From Governors of States that Issued COVID-19 Orders #VetsForTrump
The story below comes directly from the DOJ website. For all those who blame Trump for the number of China Flu deaths, you may want to rethink your position. Department of Justice Requesting Data From Governors of States that Issued COVID-19 Orders that May Have...
Media jumps the gun again
Jacob Blake had a knife inside his vehicle when he was shot seven times by a Wisconsin police officer as he opened the SUV’s door, authorities revealed Wednesday. The discovery of the weapon, found on the driver’s side floorboard of Blake’s SUV, was announced by the...
Fact Check – Trump Is A Racist? #VetsForTrump
Claim: Trump is a racist. Most, if not all, on the left and the never Trumpers call Trump a racist. The most often cited example is Charlottesville back in 2017. What does the record show? Veterans for Trump rates this accusation as False Vets for Trump Facts: This...
Vets for Trump announces new National Spokesman – Army Warrant Officer Thomas Speciale
Vets for Trump, a coalition of over 400,000 Veterans & family member’s who supported President Donald Trump's candidacy in 2016, Monday identified Afghanistan Veteran Thomas Speciale of Woodbridge, Virginia as a new National Spokesman. The National grassroots Vets for...
Pathway To Marxism
Be aware that leftist hordes financed by liberal billionaires and their so-called moderate Democrat antics are crushing the American Dream. The Democrats are planning a resurrection of leftist/socialist politicians. These leftist politicians are propelled by radical...
Less than three months #VetsForTrump
I found this on a fellow Veterans page. Don't bother to post negatively on my feed. It will be deleted. I stand with this, so I'm sharing. It's okay if you do not agree, you share that on YOUR social media page! In just three months, it will be over. The U.S....
Daily Rant #VetsForTrump
Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Used 8 Words To Utterly Destroy Rioters Ruining America: “I cannot believe I fought to defend you.” Am I the only one to think if Harris is elected President then Nancy Pelosi will be the Vice President? OMG Even if Joe makes it there...
Dems Pick Kamala Harris After Losing The Primary
By now you all know the news that Kamala Harris was picked by the DNC to be the de facto top of the ticket for the Party against Trump. It is interesting that in November 2019 the NY Times wrote this headline and intro. How Kamala Harris’s Campaign Unraveled Ms....
White Supremacy? #VetsForTrump #DefundDemocrats
Anybody besides me getting tired of hearing about race and White Supremacy? I hope so. Nobody likes to be alone and I'm betting I am not. No doubt some people hold to that ideology but I'm betting it is far less than anyone thinks. For those who are a little slow here...
Dumb As A Democrat #VetsForTrump #DefundDemocrats
Did you ever wonder about the level of intelligence of the average Democrat? Before you get your snowflake panties in a bunch it is worth acknowledging there are dumb Republicans. However, the first thing that comes to mind when many of my friends hear the word...
What Trump has accomplished in the last two weeks
Steve Scalise Crushes Clyburn In Opening Statement #VetsForTrump
The Socialist controlled House of Representatives held a hearing today titled: "The urgent need for a national plan to create a plan to contain the coronavirus." James Clyburn opened with a politically charged statement that had less to do with coronavirus and more to...
Twilight Zone #VetsForTrump #DefundDemocrats
I never dreamed that I would have to face the prospect of not living in the United States of America, at least not the one I have known all my life. I have never wished to live anywhere else. This is my home and I was privileged to be born here. But today I woke up...
Let The Cities Burn? Recall Requirements #VetsForTrump #DefundDemocrats
Many say let the cities burn and the people die. They argue it is the only way normal people will see they must stop voting for Democrats.
EVENT: August 1st – Coffee and War Stories w/ a Trump Nominee!
Patriots! Join us for inspiring words from COL (R) Doug Lengenfelder who President Trump has nominated to be on the Board of Visitors of the Air Force Academy. Her why President Trump is great for veterans and the nation. Topic: ACTION vs. TALK Day: This Saturday...
Is Civil War Coming? #VetsForTrump #DefundDemocrats
Reasonable people are starting to think and ask questions about the potential of a civil war. Until recently many thought the very idea was ridiculous. Make no mistake the build-up to civil war has been brewing since the late 1920s in America.
Veritas: Truth is Freedom – Dr. Rick Saccone #VetsForTrump
Veteran and Dr. Rick Saccone is fighting back against the far left with a series of YouTube videos. We are posting Rick’s video on framing General Michael Flynn. Please consider sharing and catching up with Rick’s other videos on his YouTube Channel, Veritas – Truth is Freedom.