Veterans for Trump Blog Posts
Vets for TrumpHere you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.
The Jig Is Up #VetsForTrump #Kavanaugh
Thanks to Navy Man Norm for sharing the latest details on the anti-Kavanaugh attorney Debra Katz who is representing Christine Blasey Ford. All you need to know is here at the Washington Times. The bottom line is it appears to be a George Soros funded hit job. I don’t feel the need to say anything […]
Christine Blasey Ford the Kavanaugh Accuser #VetsForTrump
After consulting with fellow veterans I was asked to post something in relation to the Kavanaugh accuser. I want to preface this post with the fact that it is too early to tell what the fallout will be. However, in short order, some verified facts have emerged. I do not believe you will find these […]
The Democrats have lost their minds #VetsForTrump #WalkAway
The Democrats have lost their minds and are so detached from their own voters that they will lose elections again and again. Which is really good for the Republicans. They have no accountability at all. They keep whining about Russian election interference however it was Hillary’s lying and cheating combined with her bad handling of […]
What if Obama had done the things Trump has done? #VetsForTrump
I received a recurring question from a veteran who no longer supports President Trump. He seems to continually ask the same question over and over. What if President Obama had done what president Trump has done? He then goes on to list things Talking Heads at CNN, MSNBC and elsewhere hype up and harp on. You […]
Timing Is Everything – Google – #VetsForTrump
We have all heard the saying timing is everything. Well, it might not be everything but it certainly has a greater impact than we sometimes recognize. With a hurricane closing in on the East Coast you might want to pay more attention to other news. I am personally thinking about how the hurricane will drown out […]
My Philosophy Of War #VetsForTrump
Fred Gruber made a comment on my Sunday Rant post. Click here to view it. With Nine Eleven being a primary focus this week I believe it is a good time to get feedback from my fellow vets on America’s philosophy of war. In recent conflicts, we lose most of our military lives in occupation. […]
My Sunday Rant #VetsForTrump
You all know I put up a Haters Corner to satisfy the folks that send me “I hate Trump” emails. This type of thing doesn’t get us anywhere. Few are sincere but I believe some questions are either sincere or worth answering. I’ve been going back and forth a bit with one guy, Jon B. […]
Vets for Trump Endorses Dan Meuser 9th Congressional District in PA
I was pleased to run into Dan Meuser at a veterans fundraiser today. We had previously endorsed Dan on our archived website when he was in the 11th District. Due to redistricting, he is now in the 9th District. Dan is going to make a great Congressman and wholeheartedly supports veterans. I have seen […]
Democrats Agree: Obama Trashed National Security
I found a great article on the web by Daniel Ashman with that title from back in March 2018. He spells it all out better than I can. It starts out: The Democrats’ disturbing decision to go into berserker mode against Russia warrants a re-evaluation of their foreign policy. Nowadays they talk tough on Russia. […]
Haters Corner
Comments are now closed but you can comment on the new MAGA site This area has become so popular we are moving it over to a Forum under our new MAGA website (Click Here). Why a new MAGA website? We are hoping the future belongs to such candidates! It has almost become its own […]
It’s the Economy Stupid #WalkAwayFromDemocrats2018 #VetsForTrump
Today we celebrate the American worker so Happy Labor Day! We have posted the biggest gains in 4 years and on we are on track for an average of 3% GDP! There are more jobs than people able to fill them. The only thing that can stop us is the Democrats winning in November. If you […]
Beliefs or Facts? #VetsForTrump
The other day a vet friend of mine who believes in a kind of conspiracy theory (in no way connected to politics) asked me why I felt it was so important to try and convince him of his error. It took some soul searching and thinking to figure out why I feel the need to […]
Fake News or Psychological Operations #VetsForTrump
For those of you who know me, you already heard my disclaimer. I spent just under 23 years in a Psychological Operations unit. I was not directly involved with the creation or dissemination of PsyOps. However, you can’t help but learn some things over time. I’m sure those more familiar with direct operations would verify […]
John McCain #VetsForTrump
Prior to the election, I answered the McCain versus Trump question many times. See one archived post from May 2016 by clicking here. My answer is still the same today. I would never have said that McCain was not a war hero. At the same time, I had a boss in the Air Force that […]
U.S. Senate candidate Chele Farley – Endorsed #VetsForTrump
Let’s turn out for Chele in New York. Chele Farley is running for the United States Senate to provide every New York family with the opportunity to succeed. Specifically, Chele is focused on recapturing the $48 billion dollars more than New Yorkers pay in federal taxes each year than the state receives. By addressing the […]
I will believe Democrats are concerned about Russian interference when…
I will believe the Democrats are concerned about Russian interference in our elections when they vote in favor of voter ID laws. Let’s face the facts. You need an ID to buy alcohol, tobacco, get a welfare check, apply for unemployment, open a bank account, enter many government buildings or anything else that applies to […]
Russias plan to destroy America #VetsForTrump #WalkAway
Here is Russia’s grand plan to destroy America Get Donald Trump elected President so he could: Drive down unemployment to record lows Reduce the Trade Deficit Renegotiate Trade with unfair trading partners, even allies Set record GDP growth Recognize Jerusalem Cut U.S. taxes to record lows Double the standard tax deduction for middle and lower […]
An Honest President? #VetsForTrump
Today I was talking with a very good friend and veteran who supports Trump. I said, “Wouldn’t it be nice if American voters would allow their politicians to be honest?” In my opinion (and you know I am right) we the people do not allow our politicians to be honest. Imagine this. A candidate for […]
Brenan Treason and Security Clearance #VetsForTrump #WalkAway
Brenan accused President Trump of treason. He sounds just like all the other idiots on the web and in the media. When he was a young man he even voted for the Communist Party! How the hell did he end up in the CIA in the first place? It is also now clear that Brenan […]
Russia is Mexico with Nuclear Weapons #VetsForTrump #WalkAway
“Russia is Mexico with Nuclear Weapons.” I heard that one the other day on Tucker Carlson Tonight. The quote came from James Phillips – Chairman and CEO of Nanomech, Inc. I will add just his portion of the show to the bottom of this post. It is short and to the point in relation to […]
Do You Approve of Hypocritical Behavior? #VetsForTrump #WalkAway
We all act like hypocrites from time to time. However, I believe it is important to call it out when we see it. It happens on the left and the right but more on the left. That’s my anecdotal observation. Many on the left are having a meltdown over President Trump meeting with Putin. It’s been […]
Can An Evil Man Tell You The Truth? #VetsForTrump
Back in the 90’s, I was privileged to sit in the church and under the teaching of Dr. Robert Morey (aka Bob). Bob taught me more about the Bible, Logic, and Philosophy than any other human being. I was also privileged to teach Sunday School and give sermons in his church during his absences. Bob […]
President Trump Is Putin’s Puppet #VetsForTrump #WalkAway
President Trump is Putin’s puppet. At least that is the claim from the left. In addition, some on the right oppose President Trump’s failure to denounce Putin in public over meddling in our election. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so here is mine. Those who oppose President Trump’s strategy should consider that America has been meddling […]
More statements of no evidence #WalkAway #VetsForTrump
According to Deputy General Rod Rosenstein there is no evidence that any Americans were knowingly involved with Russian attempts to hack or interfere with the election. Last I knew President Trump and his campaign staff were all Americans. Additionally, there is no evidence that any votes were changed. The DNC, liberal-left and deep state are […]
Understanding the Supreme Court
Most think that the Supreme Court picks have something to do with political views. They do and they don’t. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party look at the interpretation of the Constitution and law in very different ways. The Republican Party believes in an exegetical view of the Constitution. The Democratic party believes in an […]
More on why Vets Hate Trump #WalkAway #VetsForTrump
Today I received another email asking a question, part of which, is not answered in previous posts as it is a new development. Here is the email: How do you respond to Trump mustering immigrants from the military that are serving to gain citizenship. How do you support an individual who took 5 deferments and would […]
For some of us old timers #VetsForTrump Thanks to my friend Michael Dutton for sharing this video. If you’re an older like me you might remember Red Skelton. I was young enough to think his name was really skeleton. This video represents values I grew up with. I’m sure many of you will agree after watching it. Let me know if […]
Remembering Who We Are #VetsForTrump #IndependenceDay
Happy Independence Day to all my fellow veterans. Here is a little video to inspire you so we remember who we are.
Vets against Trump? #VetsForTrump
Every now and then I still get a hate-filled email through this website asking me how veterans can support President Trump? They don’t really want an answer they just want to vent. The standard line is how can you support President Trump when he was a draft Dodger and spoke ill of John McCain? I […]
He Fights For Us #VetsForTrump
I received an email from a new veteran friend. He sent me an article that was misattributed to Marshall Kamena. It was really written by Evan Sayet. Marshall was a Democratic Mayor as the email suggests but he did not write the article. Evan wrote a great and compelling argument for President Trump’s way of doing […]
First annual Warren Pa’s Bikes, Blues & BBQ Running from August 16-18 2018
My name is Jeff Frailey and I’m chairman of a first-time rally called Rally In The Valley Warren Pa Bikes Blues and BBQ. All of the proceeds from this event go to our Warren County Home Town Heroes Fund! Our FB page is Rally In The Valley Warren Pa and our website is We […]
The Beatles Had It Right – Revolution #VetsForTrump
Around 1968 the Beatles had a hit song called Revolution. I was only 10 years old but it recently played on the radio and brought back a wave of memories. Growing up in Queens NY in the 1960’s I was right in the center of the Revolution they were talking about. Here is the video […]
But What About The Baby? #VetsForTrump
All the noise about kids being separated at the border when their parents cross illegally reminded me of a real life thing my girlfriend did when I was young. OK, I was around 21 and dating a girl that had an odd sense of humor. One day we were in the grocery store and she […]
Walking Talking Contradictions #VetsForTrump
I think of myself as a philosopher. That means I observe and ask questions about everything. Some people tell me I am a skeptic. That may be true but I consider myself a “healthy” skeptic. I’m not sullen at all. Quite the opposite. If we do not observe and then ask questions we never learn. […]
I.G. Report – No Political Bias? #VetsForTrump
After reviewing things a bit and asking myself the question about the much reported “no political bias” I have reached a conclusion. There is bias all over the place. However, to better understand this there is no better article than this one by the National Review. If you watch or read the news you will […]
Military Exercises On Hold? #VetsForTrump
I retired in 2002 and often went to the Korean exercises Team Spirit and Foal Eagle. Maybe you did as well. I know Team Spirit no longer takes place and Foal Eagle just finished up after a Winter Olympics delay. I am unaware of any other routine scheduled exercises. Therefore, putting a hold on military exercises […]
Free Trade? I must have misunderstood #VetsForTrump
I don’t know about you but I’m learning an awful lot under the presidency of Donald Trump. For example, I always thought NAFTA and Free Trade meant there were no trade barriers or tariffs between Canada and Mexico and the United States etc. So I decided to get into Wikipedia to educate myself a little bit […]
What You Need To Know About Separating Illegal Immigrant Children From Their Parents #VetsForTrump #MAGA
Separating illegal immigrant children from their parents is and has been the subject of much debate. The media would have you think President Trump is at the root of this practice. What you need to know is the following: Incarcerated parents are always separated from their children. This includes American citizens and illegal immigrants. President […]
June 6th President Trump Signs V.A. Mission Act #VetsForTrump #MAGA
Thank you, Mr. President, for signing the V.A. Mission Act! Another promise made and another promise kept. Does anyone out there not understand why Veterans support President Trump? He puts America First too!
Underwear in a bunch over trade with Canada? #VetsForTrump
Obviously, I’m on Twitter following the President. It is hard to describe the thoughts I have after reading comments from the Trump haters. It seems like these people have nothing better to do all day than to complain about things unrelated to the President’s Tweets. Lack of ideas is the main reason the Democrats will […]
Vets for Trump Relaunches #VetsForTrump
Vets for Trump has now revamped the website. We have installed a new Membership Plugin that is better than the old one. The bad news is you will have to Register again. The only real reason to Register is if you want to contribute articles to the Blog which is then shared with our Social […]
Vets for Trump is remodeling
Veterans supporting President Trump is preparing for the 2018 mid-terms. Therefore, we are remodeling the website to make it simpler and hopefully faster and more useful. Thanks for standing by. Estimated date of completion is 15 Jun 18. We are going to use fewer images which was really slowing us down. We are also under […]
Trump Protesters Stiffen Trump Supporters Resolve
Protesters only stiffen our resolve. Dr Keith Ablow pointed out something very interesting. Donald Trump is very plainspoken. And, he does intend to change things. And if we thought that change would come without any disruption that’s not going to happen. Because...
Is Donald Trump a Misogynist?
During a political season there is a lot of propaganda to go around. Articles written by one side or the other abound to try to convince you of one thing or another. Both sides do it. I learned a long time ago to dig deeper when I see things that appear to be over the...
Transcript of Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech
Here is a link to the text of Trump's speech on Foreign Policy. For those critics that say it was short on details consider this. Foreign policy does not have to be detailed. You only need to outline general principles which is what Trump did. Everything else after...
Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech
To see Trump's speech jump to 34 minutes and 32 seconds into the video. Sorry, this was the only YouTube video I could find at the time of this posting.
Trump Wins all 5 States!
Trump declared the winner in all 5 states. Connecticut · 58% Delaware · 61% Maryland · 54% Pennsylvania · 57% Rhode Island · 64%
Cruz and Kasich Team Up?
These two heads are NOT better than one. By now we've all heard that Cruz and Kasich are teaming up to try and hold Trump below the needed 1237 delegates. This just shows how weak those two candidates are. It is also going to be highly embarrassing for these two...
The Wall Will Save Lives & More
On the subject of the Wall, Trump is not the first person to bring it up. It was even passed by the House and Senate and signed by the President but was never completed. At that time both Democrats and Republicans passed it. It passed by 80 to 19 in the Senate and 238...
Is Trump a Racist or Bigot?
Despite what your liberal friends and media have said about Mr. Trump he is not a racist or bigot. What are the reasons the media and your friends say or think this? The chief reasons I have heard are because he wants legal immigration and to protect America from...